If this gene stops aging, I'd we'd age at slower rate, and not at the same rate, just getting older and more fragile.
I'm conflicted about this, to be honset. On one hand, I don't think this drug would be a good thing. Life is sacred, and all that jazz, but there comes a point where we can't hold our shit together. If you look at whats going on in the world, thats already happening now.
If you extend everyones lives, even by 10 years, your throwing a lot of things out of balance. The strain humanity has on the ecosystem, and its own internal systems, is already taxing enough. Death is the great equilizer - its not a good thing, but its neccisary to maintain balance. If we have individuals living longer, there will be more people on the planet at any given time. Which leads to ground to bacterial and viral mutations at a much faster rate (making us more seseptible to getting sick/a lethal pandemic), it strains our natural resource supply (including food and drinking water), and adds more strain to our already delicate systems of government, society, religion, etc.
On the other hand, living longer is great. No one really wants to accept their own mortality, and will fight tooth and nail to stay young. Not to mention, atleast to the athiests, we only live once. If you are an atheist, you belive this is your one life, and when its gone, you are too. I don't follow the athiests creed, I'm a Christian, but hey. Big world, lots of opinions.
So yeah. If it works, cool. If it doesnt, also cool. I just wonder what this will lead to.