New Indiana Jones game annouced!

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
Oh I know what you said :p , I just doubt that anything will lessen their ire over people daring to rape their childhood and all that. Vitriolic hatred at remakes of old properties is a lucrative market. Nothing will quell their anger over these things that don't fit 100% how they think they should be. Which is basically everything.
I think this videogame has enough "filters" to keep the ire to a passable level though. First off, it's a videogame based on a movie franchise, which already puts expectations low. Secondly, the Indiana Jones franchise I don't think has the fan enthusiasm it used to have, probably thanks to Crystal Skull sucking. I can't really sense much eagerness for a new Indy film either; other action movie franchises have pretty much filled that gap entirely. And lastly, I don't think Harrison Ford is much of a draw anymore, certainly not if it's young looking videogame version of him. It would just feel trite and weird.

So yeah, I think going for a clean break/fresh start will give raise to far less hate than if they tried to replicate the old Indy in videogame form.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Oh....bless you (not really, blessing people is bullshit), but it's refreshing that you think people who grew up on 80s/90s pop culture, now in the nostalgia market, are less insane about those franchises. In fact it will probably be worse, as all those video making neckbeards on YT will invariably be all like "They've already DESTROYED Star Wars!! Now they are trying to KILL Indy!"
I said 'too much of a backlash'.

And Crystal Skull already made Indy a lot less "flawless" in the eyes of fans as it used to be.
Always felt Crystal Skull was a three out of five. I enjoyed it for what it was.


Elite Member
May 13, 2010
Always felt Crystal Skull was a three out of five. I enjoyed it for what it was.
I'd probably give Crystal Skull a 2, 2.5/5. Probably closer to 2. I really didn't enjoy much of anything going onscreen, but I also didn't like, go into a frothy rage over it. I was mostly laughing and just shaking my head at the utter lunacy of the stuff in front of me. Like when LaBeouf met "his people" in the form of greaser monkeys, who instantly accept him as their leader because....he had the highest hair style? *shrugs* And then he apparently channels their monkey spirit powers to instantly learn how to swing across vines faster than a fucking TRUCK, to catch up, I just, I just sort of threw up my hands and was like "ok, this is entirely silly, I ain't even mad. I'm not happy, but I'm not mad, just baffled."

I actually liked the general premise of the movie, in that it was the classic "hunt for a legendary object of myth/lore, that ultimately brings ruin to those who seek it" story, that is pretty much every Indy storyline ever. I was down for it, in theory. The execution of it however, failed to thrill.
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Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
I'd probably give Crystal Skull a 2, 2.5/5. Probably closer to 2. I really didn't enjoy much of anything going onscreen, but I also didn't like, go into a frothy rage over it. I was mostly laughing and just shaking my head at the utter lunacy of the stuff in front of me. Like when LaBeouf met "his people" in the form of greaser monkeys, who instantly accept him as their leader because....he had the highest hair style? *shrugs* And then he apparently channels their monkey spirit powers to instantly learn how to swing across vines faster than a fucking TRUCK, to catch up, I just, I just sort of threw up my hands and was like "ok, this is entirely silly, I ain't even mad. I'm not happy, but I'm not mad, just baffled."

I actually liked the general premise of the movie, in that it was the classic "hunt for a legendary object of myth/lore, that ultimately brings ruin to those who seek it" story, that is pretty much every Indy storyline ever. I was down for it, in theory. The execution of it however, failed to thrill.
Indiana Jones has always had absurd moments, the part with the monkeys and the nuking the fridge were just the most noticeable. I was 18 at the time when I saw Crystal skull, and I admit, my brother and I like that moment and had zero problems. We were laughing our asses off. but yeah, the overblown hatred and whining for this film was beyond absurd. So much a South Park did that thing and make fun of the fans for it. You know the clips, I'm not putting it up here out of not feeling right.
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Elite Member
May 13, 2010
Indiana Jones has always had absurd moments, the part with the monkeys and the nuking the fridge were just the most noticeable. I was 18 at the time when I saw Crystal skull, and I admit, my brother and I like that moment and had zero problems. We were laughing our asses off. but yeah, the overblown hatred and whining for this film was beyond absurd. So much a South Park did that thing and make fun of the fans for it. You know the clips, I'm not putting it up here out of not feeling right.
Actually no I don't know the clips, I don't watch South Park :) But don't put them up, it's fine, I believe you when you say "South Park did an episode mocking people"

I mean Crystal Skull was just forgettable for me. I saw it in the theaters, laughed my ass off at the various silly things, and then just sort of forgot about it. I dunno, I guess after decades of seeing films, I just don't bother remembering the flops and/or mediocre ones. Statistically speaking, most movies will, at best, be "meh, it was fine", or bad. So I don't really care for the most part if my final comment on them is "Well, that was definitely a thing." CS was like that. Didn't stir me, to either joy of a favorite character, or to anger for what it did to him. It just...happened.


Elite Member
Mar 4, 2014
So Machine Games have gone from B.J. fighting Nazis, to Jonsey fighting Nazis?

...makes sense. 0_0
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