New Indiana Jones Will Be an "Old Fashioned" Film


New member
Jun 8, 2010
A. Kicking Commie ass is just as cool as kicking Nazi ass. Heck, they killed more people, it should be even cooler.

B. Indiana Jones 4 sucked because it was a crappily put together movie. Shia was kinda lame, the fridge was freaking retarded (and no, the Ark wasn't retarded. There's rules in them thar fictional universes, and the rules say - if it's something that's real in the real world, it should follow real world rules. If its supernatural, all bets are off. Thems the ROOLZ), the freakin greaser monkeys were stupid as all heck...and the aliens? The less said, the better.

C. WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED TO SHORT ROUND!??? Shouldn't HE be Indiana's "son" character?


New member
Apr 25, 2009
I still wont see it, it could be the best movie ever made and I still would refuse to spend a second watching it, why, because I HATE them for what they did with the 4th movie.


New member
Nov 4, 2009
More Fun To Compute said:
Being an odd numbered film and not using too much CGI might not be enough. They need Nazis to fight.
My thoughts exactly. We don't want Russians and CG, we want Indy in the jungle fighting freaking Nazis on motorbikes. Sure, the fourth one wasn't Micheal Bay childhood rape bad, but it was no Last Crusade. But who knows, maybe they'll get it together, give Indy a girl you could call a "Broad" none-sarcastically, give Indy his balls back (then take them away if there's a snake in a one mile radius) and have him taking an MP-40 from Nazis with his whip. I wouldn't just buy a ticket, I would buy five, and the special edition blue-ray DVD with bonus features. I would also go and see it at the local theater styled to look like it's from the thirties, just for the hell of it.


New member
Jul 31, 2008
For some reason that last quote made me want to call him Shia Le Douche less than normal...

I don't really think Indy needs another sequel... But you never know it could be good. Kingdom of the Crystal skull wasn't terrible or painful or awkward or mind-numbingly boring, it just wasn't fun. Maybe they really have learnt a lesson from it. Or maybe they're just trying to trick me.


New member
Nov 23, 2007
SomeBritishDude said:
Aliens are dumb but melting faces, voodoo dolls and 2000 year old knights are just fine and dandy. Yeah...
From my viewpoint its less that there were aliens themselves but rather how they were presented.

With things like the Grail, voodoo dolls and the Arc of the Covenant you get the feeling that you are dealing with something very old. The items and plots were based on myths and legends, the audience would feel that the items were powered by some mystic and intangible force. However, even if the items themselves were fantastically powerful, they still had a large degree of human agency with how they were used. Essentially, humans could decide whether or not to use these items, and that goes with the whole idea of dealing with ancient human cultures (a common theme in the series).

However, the way the aliens are used removes human agency while making the aliens (the mystery aspect of the movie) very tangible. They don't show up until the end of the movie, and when they do they just fly off. We humans have no way of controlling them, and seemingly no input on what they do. Since we don't see much of their exploits nor their impact on ancient cultures beyond a few bits of artwork/architecture the aliens end up not being presented as mysterious, but rather just unknowable. This is good for a science fiction story, but feels weirdly out of place in the series that is more known for dealing with ancient myths and their rebirth, rather than how we deal with 'the other' and uncontrollable variables in life (which is how these aliens are presented).

Basically, aliens could have worked, but the movie would have had to focus more on what they did and how the ancients viewed them rather than the actual aliens themselves.


New member
Mar 3, 2008
Elesar said:
Can we just leave old franchises alone? Seriously, why do need a new Indy? Is it THAT hard to come up with some new ideas?
Coming up with new ideas isn't the problem. Getting studios to back them up is hard.


New member
Sep 22, 2009
More Fun To Compute said:
Being an odd numbered film and not using too much CGI might not be enough. They need Nazis to fight.
Theoretically they could be fighting Nazis that got stuck in the Bermuda Triangle during WWII and due to the nature of the triangle the nazis didn't age or were frozen in time and think the war is still going on OR nazi zombies though that would be odd.


New member
Jan 1, 2010
Call me a heretic, but I liked the 4th movie (minus the excessive CGI, the gophers, the fridge, and the Tarzan moments, of course!).

I think a 5th movie could be quite good.

I'm not sure what the actual likelihood of it being good really is, but it's worth a shot, in my opinion! Most of the "mistakes" in the 4th movie are fairly easy to fix and hopefully seem like no-brainers to Lucas, Spielberg, & co. in hindsight.

But hopefully we won't have a scenario like in Spielberg's JURASSIC PARK 2: THE LOST WORLD:
"I'm not going to make the same mistakes again!"
"No, this time you're making all new ones."

Kojiro ftt

New member
Apr 1, 2009
I say bring it. The original trilogy is still unmolested, regardless of what happens. Well, as long as George doesn't do some bullshit special edition like he did with Star Wars. Solo shot first, goddamn it!

Ulixes Dimon

New member
Jul 25, 2010
Anonamose said:
will be filmed "the old-fashioned way," without all the crazy CGI effects.

praise jesus
thank you moses

I hate CGI overuse. I loved the way the 5th element was filmed, and wish more modern movies would go back to their roots. It is more work and takes longer, but the product is superior, and timeless. I can watch 20000 leagues under the sea in color from 1954 and it looks great, better than many new flashy CGI movies. As a lifelong PC user and gamer, the CGI just looks too fake. It's too easy for me to recognise and it spoils the atmosphere/immersion.
...But that was the most hilariously bad movie ever...

Beautiful End

New member
Feb 15, 2011
*Puts on shades*
Please, guys, stop skullfucking with me.

...Why am I suddenly reminded of that one South Park episode?
I'm not going into details...

But seriously, if you still love Indy, let him die in peace! The first three movies are awesome, hands down. The last one was...okay. But it was kinda sad to see an age worn Indy running around with his dumbass son looking for aliens. I have nothing against Shia or his character; I think it's a nice addition to Indy's story...if it hadn't been turned into a movie.

I liked the 4th movie anyway, just not as much as the original three. The first Indy movies featured a lively, young and dashingly good looking guy getting into all sorts of incredible adventures, a guy who obtained his name thanks to his childhood dog. Yeah, it was never meant to be a serious action movie or some shit like that, but it was something else. This last was still Indy but not the Indy I remember from back then.

Not only that but...aliens? Come on! Aliens are creatures of legend, no hard proof of them exist (Shut up, there isn't!) and therefore, it was a major mindfuck at the end. And not the good one.
Grails, voodoo dolls and ancient knights are based off real legends that we more or less have proof of their existence. That's why the other ones worked.
What's next? Indy fighting Yetis? Or dragons?

They're messing with my memories, man! Just let them be!