New Star Wars: Battlefront Preview Coming Next Month


Geekdad News Writer
Jan 5, 2013
New Star Wars: Battlefront Preview Coming Next Month

Star Wars: Battlefront will be featured next month as a part of the Star Wars Celebration event in Anaheim, California.

You can go a long way with <a href=>a teaser. You can go even further <a href=>with two. The thing is, at the end of the day, you still actually need to show off what you're selling. Star Wars fans, for instance, have been dying for a deeper look into DICE's <a href=>new Star Wars: Battlefront. Thankfully, eager gamers won't have to wait much longer to see more.

In <a href=>an announcement this morning, Electronic Arts has confirmed that Star Wars: Battlefront "will be taking part" in next month's Star Wars Celebration event in Anaheim, California. "We could not think of a better or more appropriate place to debut the game officially for the first time than the premier event that celebrates the Star Wars universe and the legions of fans who have fallen in love with it," said EA. The publisher also encouraged gamers to follow EA's official Star Wars social channels "to stay on top of all of the latest" Battlefront news.

While this is still obviously very vague in terms of what exactly will be shown off from the game, it's still good news if you're one of the many Battlefront fans who have been patiently waiting to see how DICE will apply its multiplayer expertise to the task of reviving the franchise. The Star Wars Celebration will begin on April 16th and run until April 19th. Star Wars: Battlefront itself is slated to release for this <a href=>year's holiday season.

Source: <a href=>Electronic Arts



Alleged Feather-Rustler
Jun 5, 2013
I really hope this game is good. Its been so long since the last one, which was great. But I'm worried the gaming industry has changed so much over the years that whatever committee is designing this game will just make like horrible mix of Halo multiplayer and Call of Duty multiplayer, but with storm troopers modded in.
I'm worried its just gonna be a spunkgarggleweewee in space.


New member
May 13, 2010
I have hope. I'm ready to see that hope dashed but I hope. It can work, Dice can make this amazing. They can.

Battlefront/2 were so similar to battlefield...just give me that old school domination with vehicles and many people and madness and all the fun things in life. I just want fun.

What's the betting they try and make it gritty?

Xan Krieger

Completely insane
Feb 11, 2009
Star Wars Battlefront? Already have it on my original xbox, this isn't news.

Battlefront 3 you mean? Please let it be good, please please.


New member
Feb 27, 2012
I want to be excited for this, really I do, but I just can't help but think that this is going to be nothing more than a Battlefield 4 re-skin.

Granted, some would say that Battlefront has always just been a battlefield re-skin, but I have found that some of the main differences (heroes, simplistic gunplay, and that little thing called FREAKING SPACE BATTLES) really go a long way to make it fun and unique. There is also the fact that I have found the recent Battlefield games to be complete and utter crap, but I suppose that could just be me being stuck in the past.


New member
Sep 6, 2009
What we need is a gameplay trailer. These previews of preview trailers are so 2013. Get with the times devs.

I'm hoping this game will be good, of course we won't know until 2 or 3 weeks after launch when the servers are playable.


New member
Mar 29, 2008
I'm still not quite ready to forget that EA used Battlefront to kill Free Radical. We'd have Battlefront 3 now if it wasn't for EA, so don't they dare drizzle on their sleazy half-baked enthusiasm, and expect me to be grateful.

Having said that, I hope for DICE's sake they've been let develop this with minimal hand holding, and that their passion and talent for game development is evident in abundance.


New member
Nov 4, 2008
Deathfish15 said:
A preview of a preview, how original....
To be fair, at least this one wasn't the company itself making one of those bullshit teaser of a teaser attempt. This is just them confirming they'll be talking about something at an event in a month, and someone made an article about it.


New member
Nov 5, 2012
Wary of DICE making this due to the fact that I've never particularly enjoyed the battlefield series, but I'm still tentatively excited. If they make this online multiplayer only though I'm gonna go fucking crazy. One of my favorite gaming memories was putting together map playlists and marathoning them with my brothers on weekends.


Premium Fraud
Nov 6, 2014
I'm not much of a Star Wars fan, but I'm cautiously optimistic about this. I spent no small amount of time on Battlefront II, and I do hope this one will be good.

They need to make sure not to skimp out on the space battles, because those were pretty awesome, and one of the few things that set it apart from battlefield. I also hope they bring back the galactic conquest mode.


Norwegian Llama Stylist
Jan 7, 2010
NezumiiroKitsune said:
I'm still not quite ready to forget that EA used Battlefront to kill Free Radical. We'd have Battlefront 3 now if it wasn't for EA, so don't they dare drizzle on their sleazy half-baked enthusiasm, and expect me to be grateful.

Having said that, I hope for DICE's sake they've been let develop this with minimal hand holding, and that their passion and talent for game development is evident in abundance.
LucasArts cut the deal with Free Radical in 2008. Both parties blame each other for the failure to deliver the product. This was 4 years before Disney bought LucasArts and later sold the video game rights to EA.

Either way I'm looking forward to this, hoping that they get the space battles done right.


New member
Apr 2, 2010
Ea will fuck this up. It's not a matter of if, it's a matter of how. At best it could be something like unnecessary DLCs for content that's supposed to be in the base game, but at worst it'll be bugs worse than Battlefield 4 before the patches, or the lack of a ton of features from the original Battlefront.

But Battlefront was dead by the time EA picked up the Star Wars properties, and it never had a chance till EA brought it back to life. I will continue to despise EA for being the gaming equivalent of the Galactic Empire, but I can't think of a better developer other than Lucasarts to develop a Star Wars game inspired by Battlefield than the developers of Battlefield themselves. DICE begged to work on this game, and it's clear that they're putting their all into it even despite the executive meddling. They're also promising to make this beyond just a Star Wars reskin of Battlefront, even though that's basically what Battlefront was (aside from the Heroes and space battles, which they better goddamn feature).

It will probably end up as something mediocre or worse, but trust in the DICE I shall.


New member
Nov 9, 2014
Ldude893 said:
Ea will fuck this up. It's not a matter of if, it's a matter of how. At best it could be something like unnecessary DLCs for content that's supposed to be in the base game, but at worst it'll be bugs worse than Battlefield 4 before the patches, or the lack of a ton of features from the original Battlefront.

But Battlefront was dead by the time EA picked up the Star Wars properties, and it never had a chance till EA brought it back to life. I will continue to despise EA for being the gaming equivalent of the Galactic Empire, but I can't think of a better developer other than Lucasarts to develop a Star Wars game inspired by Battlefield than the developers of Battlefield themselves. DICE begged to work on this game, and it's clear that they're putting their all into it even despite the executive meddling. They're also promising to make this beyond just a Star Wars reskin of Battlefront, even though that's basically what Battlefront was (aside from the Heroes and space battles, which they better goddamn feature).

It will probably end up as something mediocre or worse, but trust in the DICE I shall.
If the game is good I don't care how much they screw up the launch. Yes I will call them out on how stupid their buggy releases are but considering how long I have been waiting on this a few extra months won't kill me and my ps2 isn't dead yet so I can still couch co-op the last good battlefront.

I can't find the link now but I'm pretty sure they already announced (i realise that doesn't mean it will make the final product) that space battles and ground combat will happen side by side and you can jump between the both of them.


New member
Mar 31, 2010
If the games not third person, that's a deal breaker for me. Right now that's the biggest concern I have about this


New member
Aug 3, 2011
Lets hope its a proper well rounded game without bullshit paid "heros". You play as a normal storm trooper but have to pay to download Darth Vader as a character. Actually i really hope they dont have any of the main characters as DLC.

Elvis Starburst

Unprofessional Rant Artist
Aug 9, 2011
Hopes are high. I'm understandably nervous about it sucking or not. I want it to be great. I want to see a new Battlefront. I'm holding my breath though. There's too much crap from this generation to make me stay properly hyped. Will it have loads of DLC? Will it be too hyped? Will E3 show off stuff it will ultimately fail to uphold? We shall see... *Crosses fingers*