New Study: Most Teenagers are Unaffected by Violent Gaming


New member
Jan 3, 2009
This is a 'no-durh' study that was LONG overdue. We all knew it already; thankfully, some scientists have corroborated our common-sense claims with evidence.


Citation Needed
Nov 28, 2007
If we're going to get into this discussion, we need to take it to the religion and politics board. However, I'm not going to let that comment about president Obama's "multi pronged" attack on videogames slide. What he said in the case of the speech you mentioned was that kids need to go out and play more, so they don't wind up obese before they even hit adulthood. In both cases, he was preaching moderation through personal responsibility, not removal through a governmental ban. He could have just as easily used the example of sitting in front of the T.V., but he didn't, because videogames are a more relevant example today. What, pray tell, is so bad about that?
It's not worth starting a whole new thread for, in the end we're going to have to agree to disagree anyway.

He chose video games specifically because that is the selected target, he could have picked anything at all, or even nothing specific, but used that. It's a "relevent" example because politicians are making it into one by the very technique he himself was using.

It's also not Obama's multi-pronged attack, but rather a multi-pronged attack by the left wing. Obama is not the ring leader, merely one of the prongs. The entire point of a multi-pronged attack is to make them look unrelated. On one hand you've got Obama just happening to single out video games here, at the same time you've got Hillary and the Clintonistas on another front attacking the same thing with a differant arguement, and then just by "the vaguest chance" you've got the media associating every crime and misfortune they can find with video games, no matter how much they have to stretch it.

Not every democrat or republican is a cookie cutter, they cross party lines all the time. However in this paticular case the left wing has more or less decided that attacking video games fits their agenda. It just so happens that the people who came into power on a left wing ticket, happen to agree with, or are willing to go along with that.. and the fact that they would do so doubtlessly has a lot to do with how they were backed enough to get into The White House, the people who argee with this agenda are the ones currently calling the shots/directing things.

This will be my last statement on the subject, as I said, it's not worthy of it's own thread. I'm mostly pointing out that I think this entire article fits within a general tread, and all the issues about video games right now come down to politics.

Feel free to have the last word if you need to, however keep in mind what I'm actually saying here. It's not some great, horrible conspiricy to try and frame Obama for something he's not involved in. While people can struggle to justify what he's said, the big picture is pretty clear. It's something to keep in mind every time you see a ridiculous accusations tying a video game into whatever the tradgedy of the moment is... there is a reason why that is happening.


New member
Oct 6, 2008
Well duh. I coulda told you that. It's taken neurologists a good number of years to figure this out and yet most of the gaming community already knew this. Congrats on wasting your time!


New member
Nov 18, 2009
Ren3004 said:
demoman_chaos said:
Ren3004 said:
So, who wants to bet that the anti-videogame media will claim this study is methodologically wrong?

Well, this is good news, I guess. Maybe we'll get some rest now.
I'd take that bet, the media won't even acknowledge this study at all. They'll ignore it since it doesn't suit their interests.
New Study: Most Anti-Videogame Media is Biased.

Still, it's good to have SCIENCE! on our side.
My avatar requires me to quote this.

OT: At, freaking, last. I still have a bad taste in my mouth left from that woman in the Alan Titchmarsh video games argument. Somebody needs to send this straight to her door.


New member
Jan 14, 2010
So pretty much, this study shows what we've been telling the world for many years now... Awesome!

I would like to point out to everyone how this article lists names of those who did the studies, and how anti-gaming groups tend to slip up in that area. It shows where the information is coming from instead of "Yeah well, there are studies... Take our word for it."

That's my little lesson on 'How to spot BS a mile away 101.' It's something I wish more people would do instead of accepting everything the news has to tell them.

What I'm curious about is, what are Charlotte and Patrick going to do now to help further disprove the flow of lies?

I love how the quotes from them pretty much slap every anti-gamer group in the face with common sense. Though what I love more is that they stay away from trying to speak to them upfront like others have tried and failed due to them not being allowed to speak. Instead they do their own study and post it saying "Screw you!"

JEBWrench said:
Hooray! A study that confirms that videogames will enhance the neurotic tendencies of some teenagers.

(Seriously, that's what I gathered from it. And we're praising this?)
Some is better than what used to be "ALL." What this study proves is that to go out and commit stupidity after playing a game, one must be equally stupid prior to getting their hands on the game in the first place.

Hence it addresses the simple fact that we've been saying all along that in order to commit such an act, the actor had to have been already messed in the head and video games only had a small part in it, if any at all, because to me, if it's not 'video games', it could be something else.

Which is curious because we have millions of news articles about people doing stupid things every day, but once a video game is introduced. LOOK OUT!! I'd like to see them do another study based on video game related violence vs regular violence within a certain year and age span. I'm pretty sure the average for regular violence that doesn't involve video games heavily outweighs those committed with the video game sticker slapped on it.

From there do a study on those actual video game related cases to get a closer look at those who committed the crimes, their lifestyle, what their parents are like and what their social life was like at school. IE were they bullied or something like that.

So while it says that some kids who may be mentally disturbed may get a spark from video games, it disproved the blasphemy of saying all kids are prone to turning into killing machines. It's a step closer in the right direction of finding proof behind to the root of the problem we've been saying all along instead of mild assumption from those sheep herders.


New member
Nov 12, 2009
Ren3004 said:
demoman_chaos said:
Ren3004 said:
So, who wants to bet that the anti-videogame media will claim this study is methodologically wrong?

Well, this is good news, I guess. Maybe we'll get some rest now.
I'd take that bet, the media won't even acknowledge this study at all. They'll ignore it since it doesn't suit their interests.
New Study: Most Anti-Videogame Media is Biased.

Still, it's good to have SCIENCE! on our side.
Yes it is but what is the point of having one study which get ZERO press on our side against the other side that has countless studies stating the complete opposite that gets a shit-ton of press... it's like bringing a rubber spoon to a gun fight.

Faulty Turmoil

New member
Nov 25, 2009
Finally some evidence to back up what we've been saying for years.
And like it says at the end, if violence was directly caused by violent video games, then there would be way more shootings and violence.