MrNickster said:
There's still a ton of good games coming out for the Wii-Metroid: Other M, GoldenEye, Epic Mickey, Conduit 2, Kirby: Epic Yarn, Donkey Kong Country Returns etc. I think the DS will definitely go down in sales and stay down with the upcoming 3DS, but the Wii may still have good sales-Nintendo's E3 games could convinve a lot of gamers to pick up a Wii.
MrNickster, your optimisim is inspiring, however, from this corner of the webz:
Other M is being looked forward to, not on the virtues of the Wii's success, persay, as much as the franchise's success. Other M could be a retro SNES cartridge, and people would still look forward to it.
Goldeneye: See above.
Epic Mickey, from what I understand, just got a large sum of his epicness kicked out of his classic two-button pants. No dark Mickey? No quasi- American McGee take on the character? No risk on the part of the studio? Meh. Pass.
Conduit 2: Lets be honest for a moment. Pretend Im Malcolm McDowell, with a warm, friendly voice everyone likes. Conduit was ok... it was a good game, and none of that nonsense about how it was good "in spite" of the technological shortcomings of its platform.
But was it -really- that good? Id say not, good neighbor. Id submit to you that while Conduit was good enough to follow up with a sequel... Halo 2, this is not. Metroid Prime 2... this is not. A decent sequel to a decent game. Hell... even Mortal Kombat 2, back in its hey-day, was more popular than Conduit 2 is likely to be.
As for the 3DS... I admit. The shiny golden hook of OoT, FF6, and other such wickedly badass titles in a portable setting is hard to resist... but I also have to say that frankly, I dont -like- the control scheme that the recent portable Zelda titles have taken. It may be awesome, and easy for some, but Id say touch/motion screen controls would need to get a hell of alot more precise in order for me to enjoy a game where the primary combat consists of directed sword swings. And I bite my lip in apprehension of smearing my fond memories of OoT with having to curse when a manuever that could be pulled off gracefully with an N64 controller now amounts to a frantic scrabbling at a screen.
Whiskey Echo!!