Nintendo Announces A Link to the Past 2


Elite Member
Aug 8, 2010
Sonic Doctor said:
Too all the people saying it looks bad, or that it's another rehashing no ideas left addition:

You people are really scraping the bottom of the barrel to find something to complain at Nintendo about.

Just face it that nothing they do will ever be good enough for you, because truthfully, you expectations are way too high.

Why totally remake the wheel, when the old one is just fine and can become better by just tweaking to still keep it interesting.

I guess I'm just a gamer with normal expectations and standards. I'm tired of the mentality that a game has to be practically and totally new and blow one's socks off to just merely make it purchasable and good to such people.
Methinks the lady doth protest, too much.

Why does it bother you so much that we think Nintendo have been creatively bankrupt for about ten years if you still enjoy the games?

I'd probably still enjoy Nintendo's games if I played them, because they were always well made and fun, but I'm tired of traipsing through the same dungeons with Link; I'm tired of saving Peach from Bowser; I'm tired of catching another hundred-odd increasingly unimaginative Pokemon.

The reason most of us hold Nintendo to such high expectations is because we know that they're better than just releasing a new Mario or a new Zelda or a new Pokemon every couple of years to line their pockets.

But there's absolutely nothing wrong with them resting on their laurels --God knows they've contributed more to gaming as a whole than most other developers, past and present-- but don't for a second try and defend anything they do nowadays as refreshing or imaginative.


New member
Aug 28, 2011
weirdguy said:
rob_simple said:
Also, slightly off-topic, but does anyone else really want Reggie to come and read them a bedtime story? He has the most relaxing voice in the world and he looks like a living Pixar character.
his mii scares the shit out of me though

Well, I'm not sleeping tonight D:

OT: I... actually am not that hot about this one so far? Maybe it's because I kinda set my hopes on Majora's Mask 3D but my boner's not particularly hard because of another LttP... :/
I sure hope it's still at the beginning of development because it doesn't look too exciting either... (that wall drawing mechanic looks very nifty tho)

more exciting is the VC release of the Oracle games on the 3DS. Oh BOI, now that's guaranteed gameplay fun.

Elementary - Dear Watson

RIP Eleuthera, I will miss you
Nov 9, 2010
Yay! That is good news! Already looking forward to it! I hope it will be like the 3D Ocarina of Time, because that worked really well!

Beautiful End

New member
Feb 15, 2011
I...don't know how I feel about it. Surely this sequel is gonna screw up the Zelda storyline even more (I didn't have any hopes to understand it in the first place). And melding into walls? Color me skeptical; that just sounds gimmicky to me because it seems they already used the time travel, mask, floating islands ideas. But whatever, I hope they prove me wrong...

We're still gonna buy the game and all. But again...really? After 20 years, a sequel NOW? I'm just confused.


Positively Neutral!
Feb 18, 2011
McMarbles said:
BiH-Kira said:
Sacman said:
And, Nintendo seems to be out of ideas completely now...<.<
Fans are crying for aLttP remake or sequel, Nintendo gives them a sequel with completely new dungeons while saying it's in the same world.
How the fuck does that imply they are out of ideas?
They simply gave fans what they asked for.
Kira, Kira, Kira... you simply must accept that EVERY MOVE NINTENDO MAKES IS ALWAYS WRONG.

I have seen people actually criticizing them for offering backwards compatibility. And for not doing paid on-disc DLC.
It's all good. Us that aren't jaded and bitter with the N can enjoy our new, quality games (with the occasional but rare steamer such as paper mario sticker star).

Meanwhile everyone else is free to reel and complain about them despite the fact they have a good chance of outselling most of their competition this year.


Sonic Doctor said:
That's the problem though for such people, because that kind of change isn't enough for them. These days, such people believe a game has to be totally changed around and improved 100% in order for the developer/publisher to not be called a money-grubbing re-hasher.

It is sad, because it usually seems that such people are also the type that get mad at developers/publishers, when they take the route of innovating for the sake of innovation, change for change's sake.
Isn't hypocrisy wonderful?


New member
Sep 7, 2012
Second best game nothing.

I know that Ocarina of Time was revolutionary. But I'll always hold A Link to the Past as my favourite Zelda game.

Eh, it can't live up to the original. And some mechanics I'm not too fond of hearing about. But I cannot fault Nintendo for trying to give us Link to the Past fans a piece of fanservice.


New member
Dec 24, 2008
Didn't A Link To The Past already have a direct sequel? It was called Link's Awakening.

Maybe it's like Spirit Tracks. A "sequel" to the previous game, in the same world, but taking place generations later.