Nintendo President: Strong Software Lineup Will Boost Wii Sales


New member
Feb 10, 2009
CoziestPigeon said:
I'm sorry to hear that you love the Wii so much, I truly am. I am also sorry to hear that you believe any futuristic shooter is a Metroid ripoff, and very, very sorry you are so cynical about what is, essentially, a beefed up version of your beloved console.
I'm cynical about Natal because MS has a proven track record of overhyping future technology and then failing to deliver on it. I'm also cynical because I haven't seen one game for it that I'd actually spend money on and the menu navigation seems more pointless than cool. Would you seriously pay 60$ for Milo or Ricochet?

Also if you can't see that Epic was liberally taking ideas from Super Metroid right down to the map system then I congratulate you to your ignorance and am sure you'll find plenty of innovation in ODST.


New member
Aug 5, 2008
Paragon Fury said:
Nude Zeda? Where?
I'm going to go with Deviantart

On Topic: Well the logic is sensible, so much so that a big duh feels the need to be said.
I'm remaining skeptical until the "strong software" comes out and I can see if people actually think it's worth it. I, like probably everyone here, want the old Nintendo back of good, fun, decently challenging games. I'm not ruling them out but I'm not getting my hopes up quite yet until I see more.


New member
Jun 6, 2009
New software is something but it wont solve anything if they aren't going to make any good bloody games on the sodding things.