It's actually disappointing in the face of every other Nintendo console ever made. It's their worst-selling console of all time.Zontar said:While the WiiU underperformed to say it wasn't a moderate success that's only disappointing in the face of how well the Wii and the other two current gen consoles have sold would be a lie.
Which is still pretty good when one considers that all of Nintendo's previous major consoles have basically been licenses to print money.Johnny Novgorod said:It's actually disappointing in the face of every other Nintendo console ever made. It's their worst-selling console of all time.Zontar said:While the WiiU underperformed to say it wasn't a moderate success that's only disappointing in the face of how well the Wii and the other two current gen consoles have sold would be a lie.
The Virtual Boy and the 64DD actually hold that record.Johnny Novgorod said:It's actually disappointing in the face of every other Nintendo console ever made. It's their worst-selling console of all time.Zontar said:While the WiiU underperformed to say it wasn't a moderate success that's only disappointing in the face of how well the Wii and the other two current gen consoles have sold would be a lie.
NES - Money MachineKotaro said:Which is still pretty good when one considers that all of Nintendo's previous major consoles have basically been licenses to print money.Johnny Novgorod said:It's actually disappointing in the face of every other Nintendo console ever made. It's their worst-selling console of all time.Zontar said:While the WiiU underperformed to say it wasn't a moderate success that's only disappointing in the face of how well the Wii and the other two current gen consoles have sold would be a lie.
Nintendo is here to stay.
They're probably at least considering it now. Whether it's likely is another story. I think this post has a good point, though.MysticSlayer said:They'll probably start considering it if their next 3-4 consoles fail even worse than the WiiU.
Even the 3DS was only a failure in the sense that it didn't meet their projected figures, their handhelds are still popular despite going up against smartphones, and if it was the only place for Nintendo material, they might even do better. Or worse, but still. Either way, I'd definitely see them trying the handheld market first.HybridChangeling said:If it all comes tumbling down they would probably go handheld only first.
And nobody said otherwise, no need to get eerily defensive.Kotaro said:Which is still pretty good when one considers that all of Nintendo's previous major consoles have basically been licenses to print money.Johnny Novgorod said:It's actually disappointing in the face of every other Nintendo console ever made. It's their worst-selling console of all time.Zontar said:While the WiiU underperformed to say it wasn't a moderate success that's only disappointing in the face of how well the Wii and the other two current gen consoles have sold would be a lie.
Nintendo is here to stay.
That's true though the 64DD was a peripheral, not a console, and I would find no pride in comparing my console favorably to the Virtual Boy.Imperioratorex Caprae said:The Virtual Boy and the 64DD actually hold that record.Johnny Novgorod said:It's actually disappointing in the face of every other Nintendo console ever made. It's their worst-selling console of all time.Zontar said:While the WiiU underperformed to say it wasn't a moderate success that's only disappointing in the face of how well the Wii and the other two current gen consoles have sold would be a lie.
I could see this as well. Nintendo is starting a few mobile titles and the NX development site does mention tablets so it's possible.Something Amyss said:They're probably at least considering it now. Whether it's likely is another story. I think this post has a good point, though.MysticSlayer said:They'll probably start considering it if their next 3-4 consoles fail even worse than the WiiU.
Even the 3DS was only a failure in the sense that it didn't meet their projected figures, their handhelds are still popular despite going up against smartphones, and if it was the only place for Nintendo material, they might even do better. Or worse, but still. Either way, I'd definitely see them trying the handheld market first.HybridChangeling said:If it all comes tumbling down they would probably go handheld only first.
I could also see Nintendo trying to release their own tablet to try and capture that market. Or if not literally a tablet, something that falls between the Game Boy/DS and a true tablet.
I'm not sure it works that way, though. Like it or not, Nintendo still has to impress investors. And investors don't want to hear "we have enough money in the bank to avoid bankruptcy for ten years." They want to hear what Nintendo is doing to make them money right now. If Nintendo continues to fall behind, then you better believe there are going to be some shakeups. Maybe not after one failed console, or even two, but if this becomes a pattern then they'll have no choice but to consider alternatives.xaszatm said:Unlikely. Nintnedo still has money in the bank. They could survive a multitude of failures before forcing into a situation like Sega. In addition, I could see Nintnedo focusing more on expanding its side stuff (movies, tv anime, theme parks, etc) for a console generation then come back with a vengeance the next using the previous stuff as momentum.
Ya, I just tossed the 64DD in because in a technical sense it was a console, even if it was an addon part. But even so the VB was the worst disaster, whereas the WiiU has sold poorly but isn't a total failure. I'm of the mind that Nintendo's longevity is an anomaly in the market, whether its trading on nostalgia and somehow beating the odds or the company is willing to take chances and innovate even if those innovations end up nowhere I've not a clue.Johnny Novgorod said:That's true though the 64DD was a peripheral, not a console, and I would find no pride in comparing my console favorably to the Virtual Boy.
To clarify: They've probably discussed it, but I doubt they'll even come close to making plans until they're convinced they just can't survive in the console and handheld markets anymore. Considering the WiiU was an anomaly for them and their handheld systems are still going strong, I'd imagine we'll be seeing a few more consoles from Nintendo even beyond the NX regardless of how well it does.Something Amyss said:They're probably at least considering it now. Whether it's likely is another story.MysticSlayer said:They'll probably start considering it if their next 3-4 consoles fail even worse than the WiiU.
I'd say the "Nintendo is here to stay" comment is warranted simply for the fact that this general topic is bought up every other month. Even should the NX failing be enough to for Nintendo to change to developing software only, how long do you think it would be before Nintendo games on other platforms are realised? Here to stay for a damn while yet.Johnny Novgorod said:And nobody said otherwise, no need to get eerily defensive.
This is every Nintendo thread ever. You mention one negative thing about the company in light of historical retrospection and fans go WELL IT'S HERE TO STAY SO WHATEVER.
Fans: pretending it's all ups and no downs is no good.
Development costs for a single platform that they own is significantly less expensive than the alternatives. MS and Sony make more from software licences than selling the consoles. I think it would be fair to say that there is a potential to make more money while producing their own consoles.VG_Addict said:Would it be better for Nintendo to go software only? Would they make more money, do you think?
That's more or less what I meant.Bellvedere said:OT: Nintendo have not given indication they are anything but still adamant they'll continue producing consoles. It would be pretty crazy for them to give it up too. There'd just be way too much value tied up years of brand recognition to simply walk away from consoles even if the NX is a failure (though the degree of failure would be still be significant).