Xprimentyl said:
MrCalavera said:
Xprimentyl said:
hanselthecaretaker said:
I have a very obtuse, incomplete and fractured experience with the series. The first time I can recall playing any Hitman was Contracts on Xbox way back when it was fairly new. Then I played through Absolution 3-4 years ago, and thought it played brilliantly well. However, even considering its excellent execution I completely understand the complaints about it being too linear and streamlined, because I actually played through Codename 47 shortly after that for the first time and even that often felt more open-ended. While I really enjoyed it and thought it aged better than say, the original Deus Ex (which I also played for the first time about 4 years ago), it was certainly a caveated experience. For its time I could sense how the movement, physics and mission design were probably groundbreaking, but yeah it?s a defining example of the gaming term for ?clunky?.
Started playing Silent Assassin shortly after, and while its gameplay seemed to be improved I had to take a break from it. The general consensus on it being the toughest game of the series didn?t help matters for my personal barely-beyond-rookie-assassin status with the series. Currently at Hidden Valley which apparently is a problematic level [https://amp.reddit.com/r/HiTMAN/comments/8e4734/is_there_no_way_to_complete_this_level_with/].
Fast forward to this week after opening this thread and watching No Clip?s recent Hitman features, then noticing that H2016 GotY was only $15 on Humble Bundle, I figured it?s a good time revisit the series. After playing through the well done tutorial and being introduced to the Paris level, I get the impression of huge strides being made. I keep reading that Blood Money (which I also have from an old Steam bundle, just never played) was the gold standard in terms of free form mission design, and that must be the bar they set to break here. Just looking through the mission select sparks my imagination with all the various ways to off targets. It also plays as smoothly as Absolution, basically bringing the best of both worlds.
I?ve shuffled this to the top of my gaming stack along with finishing Detroit: Become Human. Sorry MK11, Witcher 3, Dark Souls 3, Sekiro, Kingdom Come: Deliverance RDR2 and God of War (for Platinum). If initial impressions hold enough weight, I can easily see it holding my interest throughout. Then I?ll have to will myself to go back and finish Silent Assassin and probably Blood Money before even thinking about the latest.