North Korea threatens the US with a Nuclear War.


New member
Mar 27, 2009
Superhyperactiveman said:
Littlee300 said:
Superhyperactiveman said:
I doubt it would ever evolve into Nuclear War. If the U.S. Govt. ever thought there was actually any danger of that, the CIA would assassinate that little freak in a heart beat. Then the military would charge in to "do damage control" (Place a puppet ruler in govt.)
I hate to say it, but this seems like a good plan if needed...
That's because governments have been doing it for thousands of years. Read between the lines and you can see it happening B.C. Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if we didn't need to do it and still did just for the Hell of it. Wouldn't be the first time.
All too often people overestimate the CIA. As much as I would love to hear on the news that men in dark suits infiltrated and assassinated North Korean officials I find it highly more likely we will enact naval blockades while negotiating with (read: bribing, begging, and appeasing) China to not interfere while sending those fancy stealth fighters we like bragging about to all the areas Kim might be and -and this is a technical phrase- bombing the ever loving shit out of it. I can't really argue with this plan.

EDIT: That's IF it reaches right before the tipping point, which I find unlikely itself. And if it spills over... They'll probably launch first. And living in a Maryland suburb I'm not too keen on Washington being bombed. And even then there will be huge retaliation. As in burn and bomb and shoot NK to the ground. I'm talking turn it into Mordor retaliation.


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Jul 25, 2008
Ultratwinkie said:
you do realize "send the brits in first" has been the most used US military tactic ever since WWII right? you also forget that war was never you vs. them. there is always an intelligence war behind the scenes. sabotage, assassinations, "accidents" happening to important installations, etc. zerg rushes only lead to failures. you need to "prep" an area to invasion. rushing in like a blind bull can lead to big losses and it doesn't matter how powerful a military is. germany rushed in at WWII, and they lost their most experienced pilots because of it. so lets say we find a nuke stockpile, we can send someone in to set a charge then POOF, no more nukes. since north korea isn't known for their "quality" nukes, it looks like an accident. granted civilians will get caught in the blast, but wouldn't it just prove to kim-jon-midget that nukes are not to be played with? no invasion, no need to launch our nukes. they have a nuke stockpile, why not pull a megaton and give it some "motivation"?
Ugg, might want to read up on your history, USA couldn't send us in first in WWII considering they were neutral and not even allies till December 1941 (so they couldn't "send the Brits in first" as they had no say in the matter). I don't know what you mean, there was no "send the Brits frst" in the Korean war 1950-53, Brits stayed out of Vietnam, were pushed to support role in the First Gulf War, and so on. I think you're talking a little bit of bollocks there with just some weasel words about WWII drawing far more on prejudiced impressions than actual facts.

Also, don't expect special forces and sabotage/assassinations to make much difference here. you seem to be misunderstanding the real-world application of special forces and how they are depicted in movies and video games where they are more like unstoppable killing machines, one man armies. Unfortunately it is not like that.

Really, people like Sam Fisher don't exist. Or at least if they do, they don't sneak into heavily guarded facilities without raising the alarm. If they did then the 2003 invasion of Iraq would never have happened. Yes, special forces are good for raiding small, low profile targets but NOT highly defended facilities where nuclear weapons are held.

Special forces are mainly for assassinating guerilla leaders, rescuing hostages, coordinating with local forces. They only way they are going to help find and destroy nuclear bombs is working ALONG SIDE an invading force that ties up the larger NK army-groups that would easily hunt down and destroy any special-forces consignment that is poking around. And even then the best special forces could likely do is direct a precision guided munition. Why in the hell would they actually set a nuclear bomb to undergo full detonation!??! They could so easily be caught, how could they justify the fallout and civilian casualties with "oooooh, it'll teach Kim Jong ill a lesson".

Well what if Kim figures out that American Special Forces are responsible rather than an accident? Nukes don't just accidentally explode, at least not full detonation, there is a long chain of events that must come together for that which makes an accident even for sloppy North Korean forces HUGELY unlikely and that would be obvious to all sides. If a nuclear bomb goes off, then likely it was set off.

Nukes won't be in a stockpile anyway, likely they will be deployed and their exact location an extremely well kept secret inside one of the most secretive states in the world. I.e. if they can't find Bin Laden they won't find where NK would hide any nukes. One will be on a submarine, another buried near the border, another at a missile site, another in a plane on an airfield ready to be launched. They aren't going to go to all this expense making these nukes and just put them all in a warehouse with only a few guards milling around! That's Hollywood bullshit.

Look, the White House couldn't even cover up a blowjob, they are not going to be able to keep secret they they deliberately sabotaged NK nuclear bombs to detonated on North Korean soil! Hell, what President would even sign off on it?


New member
Nov 17, 2008
I'm all for a great big war with lots of guns and death ...In game, I wish thats how this stuff would be settled honestly.

Seriously they're want nuke us? What'd I ever do to N.Korea? I never ever understood nukes, you're nuking innocent people that just makes you into a giant asshole.


New member
Jul 25, 2008
dathwampeer said:

Dunno how to imbed vids.

But Korea is batshit crazy. They probably would star a nuclear war over a kitkat bar. The US either needs to nip them in the but with a show of real force by neutralising the Nukes they are talking about, or simply be the bigger country and back down for now. I don't fancy WWIII being started over a pissing match.

What you need to do is type:


Without the *

and then look at the URL of the video, particularly the bit after like:

you just want the part after the "=" sign

so "=m_-PIpYpIfQ" is the code for the actual video.

so stick that, with the word youtube, in square brackets:


only without the *

(but remember, you always need the "=" sign between the code and the word "youtube")


[-Militaires Sans Frontieres-]
Aug 12, 2009
Hmm, seems something from the Cold War hasn't left just yet, atleast in my opinion. Seems actualy this conflict is slowly becoming one, cept the US is South Korea's deterrent, and Nukes are North Korea's. Each side's got there own threats, there flashing there weaponry, and all that good stuff. Just depends if the theory of deterrence works, or if man's greed and lust for power and control consume us all.


New member
Jul 25, 2008
Ultratwinkie said:
where did i say that it was all gonna be explosions and hollywood? with the kim jon midget flings his nukes around like toys, one of them is bound to go off. when it does, i hope there is video of inside his office at the time, because i want to be the first to add the WTF! to the video when it does. PS. the white house couldn't hide a blowjob because there wasn't enough room for the chick under the desk.
Never said you said there would be explosions, you seem to misunderstand me. It's just Hollywood has left the impression that special forces stand even a chance of even getting close to an NK nuke and getting away in good time as well. They aren't superhuman, they couldn't even find it anyway if they can't even find Bin Laden. Best they can do is call in co-ordinates for bombs to hit.

North Korea is not "throwing around nukes like toys" they are menacing mainly by their secrecy, but the thing about nukes is they are impossible to keep secret once you begin testing. How many do they have, where and in what form (missile, torpedo or air drop, what?) I doubt anyone other than the highest command in the North Korean military even know with any certainty. People don't worry that much about India obtaining nukes as generally they are quite well behaved but North Korea's conduct, historically and recently should alarm anyone.

Yeah, it's fun to laugh at Kim as a petty, yelling and childish dictator, it serves its purpose, we did the same to Hitler in his popular depictions. But I don't know about you but I am talking about the REAL world and North Korea it's quite clear has a lot of serious hard-nuts running the place... they are not fucking around. If they are intent on doing some damage and with the right impetus I doubt they will wait for much encouragement from the now very old Kim Jong Ill to use those nukes. Particularity if they feel they are under invasion or think they are about to be invaded.


New member
Aug 10, 2009
1)Ever since it's creation, North Korea threatened everyone single person it doesn't like with nuclear war, even when it didn't have nuclear weapons.

2) Their nuclear weapons just don't have the range to reach the US.

3)I know they can reach Seoul and pretty much turn everyone in South Korea in a blob of radioactive glass but that won't help them win the war.

4) If they really started a nuclear, they just jumped into a pig pool of sh** cause no superpower will back them up. Indeed, China and Russia won't back them up cause their economical and political relations with the US are way just too important.

5) The US has enough nukes to turn every square inch of North Korea into a Chernobyl 5 times.

Unless Kim Jong Il is really a retard with the IQ of a 5 yr old with down syndrome and a brain that has been change for that of an ourang-outan, he will not declare nuclear war on the US.


New member
Apr 29, 2009
Unless Kim Jong Il is really a retard with the IQ of a 5 yr old with down syndrome and a brain that has been change for that of an ourang-outan, he will not declare nuclear war on the US.
I read your other points, but ole Kimmy is basically a 5 year old. He has tantrums and fits if he doesn't get his way. Also, since his health is failing, there's no telling what his final act as god ruler will be.

I really hope he's not super nuts, I don't want my friends in S.Korea to be bombed. That would suck.


New member
Sep 4, 2008
Demon ID said:
We should start copyrighting this shit, sounds like the Korean war II: The Americans strike back with tactical nukes is going to be where gaming is at in 5 years.

Also, when looking at images online it turns out the war might be closer to Red Alert than I had previously thought:
Damn, if that game became a reality, I want the only way to beat those soldiers is to sex them up to convert them to our side.


New member
Mar 27, 2009
5) The US has enough nukes to turn every square inch of North Korea into a Chernobyl 5 times.
I like to believe the U.S. wouldn't be that reckless. I'd be all for a conventional attack, blow everything up, just don't drag out the nukes. They cause permanent wide spread chaos. I'd hate to sound like a bleeding heart tree hugging douche (though using the term "tree hugger" makes me one anyway, but shut up) but like you said it's Chernobyl times 5.


New member
Jul 13, 2009
its a yearly war game. north korea won't dare do anything everyone knows china won't enter a korean war if the U.S. gets involved they are making to much money to risk that.


New member
Apr 9, 2008
Unless Kim Jong Il is really a retard with the IQ of a 5 yr old with down syndrome and a brain that has been change for that of an ourang-outan, he will not declare nuclear war on the US.
He can declare it, but in the words of Andrew Jackson:

"They've made their decision, now let's see them enforce it."

You're right though, they won't. Even Kim knows the kind of shit storm that would fall on his head if he ever actually tried anything.


New member
Jan 31, 2009
So North Korea is threatening to attack with nuclear warheads... again...

I'm sorry, how many times has this happened? I'VE LOST COUNT!