Scarim Coral said:
So is this suppose to add cool points to North Korea.
Either way, next thing on the list of mystical creature to rediscover is the Pegasus!
Timedraven 117 said:
Everyone point and laugh at the retarded kid (North Korea) who no one on the bloc likes.
OT: This sounds like NK all right. What i don't get is why China is still friends with the fuckers. I mean all they have to do is punch them and they control the damn place. Everyone hates NK and China barely is at a alliance with them. They don't even need them anymore to be there, no one would care if the Chinese took it over.
China keep NK as cannon fodder.
They're fanatic and loyal, perfect cannon fodder.
They can armed "all" of their citizen(old, women, children) if need be, and those are willing to fight to the death too.
This is what made NK so dangerous. True, their technology is so out of date but their zerg rush tactic would be devastating.
And with China back them up, they're even more formidable.
Imagine you manage to fend of million of troops and realized that they didn't even send in their main force(which is even more massive and better armed)