Old Games you remember playing but can't remember the name of.


New member
May 29, 2014
Hey everyone!

I've been trying to find an educational game I played as a kid in the 90's. It had to do with Isaac Newton. It started out with an apple falling on Newton's head. I remember the game had a lot of physics-based learning (rollercoasters, etc). The most memorable part was learning about bee communication and the dances they do.

If anyone can help it would be greatly appreciated!



New member
May 30, 2014
Can't remember the name of this game.
It's for PC, its a POV point-and-click adventure game, and it starts out with you greeted by a talking bat that leads you to some gypsy's wagon-house-thing. and throughout the rest of the game is simple puzzles and stuff (one of which involves a giant spiderweb, which is the most i remember)


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Apr 20, 2014
It's totally awesome when you've attempted to help a person in this thread, and then they never post again afterwards so you never know if you helped them or not ;)


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Apr 20, 2014
Aelvir said:
Can't remember the name of this game.
It's for PC, its a POV point-and-click adventure game, and it starts out with you greeted by a talking bat that leads you to some gypsy's wagon-house-thing. and throughout the rest of the game is simple puzzles and stuff (one of which involves a giant spiderweb, which is the most i remember)
Do you happen to know if it had educational elements? Simple puzzles seem to indicate the possibility, but it doesn't necessarily mean it was education-centric. But if you remember, it might help in narrowing down. Year you played it around as well can help.


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Oct 30, 2007
xxphenix said:

I'm looking for an old RTS type game that i used to play as a child. Basicly there are two races human alien with 2 different gameplay. Human have a limited amout of credit at the begining of the mission. ALiens can refine ressources but slowly. One specificity was that the cloud of war was poisonned and human had to "clean" (via a mortar type unit) it before progressing in the map, but alien could walk freely in the fog of war. thx
This is a long shot, but...Ground Control 1 or 2?


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Oct 30, 2007
jackd4n13ls said:
looking for the old school strategy game with fantasy world setting (humans, dwarves, demons). The oddest thing about this game is you can't control your units they're just like walking and fighting themselves you just gotta put some kinda flag or banner or smth on the ground and they comin this way. Any suggestions?


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Oct 30, 2007
Chriiss6 said:
So hopefully someone can help me with this one.

Some time ago, I played a game, I cannot for the life of me remember what console it was for, or what it was called, but here is what I remember, if you think you know what it is, please contact me via pm and tell me.

So the game starts with you as a young lad, in your little village, there's a huge flood destroying the village and someone (I think it's your brother or something) and then you go on a crazy badass adventure to do something, you can venture from town to town and enter dungeons, you can have 2 companions with you at all times and you get an Axe from some dude that lives in a tree or something and you can use it to cut down trees and shit like that, combat is turn based and if you die, it has serious consequences.

Please help me find this game!
Everything besides the axe part fits the description of Golden Sun.


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Oct 30, 2007
DaVinci31 said:
DaVinci31 said:
I played this one game around my early childhood (definitely on a disk/CD), it could have been ps1 or dreamcast and even pc ( leaning towards ps1, though, it had solid graphics for its time, which also could have been pc I guess . . . )

Anyways . . .

-it was definitely an adventure/puzzle type of game
-it was 1st Person POV
-I believe it was a point and click type of game

-there was one situation I vaguely remember in which I believe you are shopping or collecting some items around some type of circular room (which might or might not have been outdoors near water)

-it had a very fun yet creepy vibe (thinking back to it now anyway)
-I'm pretty sure I played it at school . . . I remember it being educational, or at least it felt like it (as I remember it)
-I think it involved following some other character (who may not have been human), this character maybe also being the "mascot" of sorts for the poster/CD image of this game

Any help is appreciated, I really want to get my hands on this game again.

EDIT: The situation I remembered involved some type of cart I believe, if that helps.

EDIT #2: Also, the colors were pretty bright and positive in nature. I believe the characters and settings in the game were animated in a 3D format as well. The game could have also been one of those types of games in which you do everything with your mouse, and when its time to move or continue, there is a sequence animation that moves the character, in 1st Person POV as I stated above, to the next setting. Thanks again!
Posting again because I'm desperate :l
I'd like to help, but that description doesn't give a lot to work with.

I mean, "creepy Myst-like adventure game with a circular room" could describe any of the Myst games, the later Zork games, 7th Guest, 11th Hour, the Dark Fall series, etc etc.

Have you got a theme? Do you remember anything about the story or setting? Do you remember any puzzles? Anything more could help narrow it down. :)


New member
Apr 20, 2014
Aelvir said:
Can't remember the name of this game.
It's for PC, its a POV point-and-click adventure game, and it starts out with you greeted by a talking bat that leads you to some gypsy's wagon-house-thing. and throughout the rest of the game is simple puzzles and stuff (one of which involves a giant spiderweb, which is the most i remember)
I'm going to repeat what I did for another user that posted (and it ended up working, so who knows?) and give you this list of point and click games.


Beware though, there are 19 pages to sift through and there doesn't seem to be a way to filter out the games that weren't on PC. You might recognize it if you happen upon it in the list, and hopefully this helps.


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Oct 13, 2009
Abhi Gupta said:
I made an account just for this game; I remember playing it in school when I was in first grade, which was around 2005. You controlled a guy and you had to go around a platform based level and collect vehicle parts. You had to solve puzzles to get the pieces; there were puzzles like kinetics and magnets and stuff. When you collected enough parts, you could make a vehicle and race it against the CPU. I remember you could make a blimp, a racecar, and an airplane. I've been looking for this forever, hopefully someone out there remembers it.
Sounds very much like Gizmos & Gadgets!.


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May 26, 2014
Planeforger said:
DaVinci31 said:
DaVinci31 said:
I played this one game around my early childhood (definitely on a disk/CD), it could have been ps1 or dreamcast and even pc ( leaning towards ps1, though, it had solid graphics for its time, which also could have been pc I guess . . . )

Anyways . . .

-it was definitely an adventure/puzzle type of game
-it was 1st Person POV
-I believe it was a point and click type of game

-there was one situation I vaguely remember in which I believe you are shopping or collecting some items around some type of circular room (which might or might not have been outdoors near water)

-it had a very fun yet creepy vibe (thinking back to it now anyway)
-I'm pretty sure I played it at school . . . I remember it being educational, or at least it felt like it (as I remember it)
-I think it involved following some other character (who may not have been human), this character maybe also being the "mascot" of sorts for the poster/CD image of this game

Any help is appreciated, I really want to get my hands on this game again.

EDIT: The situation I remembered involved some type of cart I believe, if that helps.

EDIT #2: Also, the colors were pretty bright and positive in nature. I believe the characters and settings in the game were animated in a 3D format as well. The game could have also been one of those types of games in which you do everything with your mouse, and when its time to move or continue, there is a sequence animation that moves the character, in 1st Person POV as I stated above, to the next setting. Thanks again!
Posting again because I'm desperate :l
I'd like to help, but that description doesn't give a lot to work with.

I mean, "creepy Myst-like adventure game with a circular room" could describe any of the Myst games, the later Zork games, 7th Guest, 11th Hour, the Dark Fall series, etc etc.

Have you got a theme? Do you remember anything about the story or setting? Do you remember any puzzles? Anything more could help narrow it down. :)
I appreciate the help, but that is literally all I can remember. However, the Myst Games you mentioned most closely resemble what I remember. The time period is off though, and the color scheme is a little too dull. The game I remember is much more cartoony.


New member
Mar 26, 2011
Ok! I played a demo of this thing when I was a kid, not even sure when... still, I think it was a popular game and that this might be an easy one.

1. It was a third person perspective game, 3D.
2. You were running around as an... Asian guy? Dunno, he had black hair and possibly a pony tail.
3. You were in some sort of castle, I remember the demo had a training arena where you could practice, it was upstairs.
4. It obviously had combat in it, but the demo felt more like an adventure game - finding items, dialogue. Theme was medieval-ish.
5. After the demo, there was the intro, basically it shows up the game is post-apo, intro shows a city being destroyed and an exodus of people... also, I remember that the guy you played as was supposed to turn into some sort of a beast later on.

Ok, solved, the name magically came back to me, it's Dark Earth. Surprisingly I even remembered the ponytail. The second game remains.

The second game I need to know is a platformer where you run as a babe that can transform into a white wolf. Not a werewolf, a white wolf.


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May 30, 2014
I dont know, if this has been asked for before, but the game is probably from the 80's and it involves cutting pieces out of a picture, but within the picture are moving enemies and you must not touch them while you're cutting the piece out. The goal of this game is to remain with as small of a piece at the end as you can. You can also trap the moving things in the picture and later cut them out for more points. The game I'm talking about has space theme or something and is black and white colored. I'm not actually looking for the exact game, but anything even similar you can maybe tell me about, because I've been looking for a long time and can't seem to find anything like this. Quite sad. I also remember from my childhood a very similar game, which involved cutting out the blank picture and then it revealed pictures of half-naked ladies, haha. I hope some of you remember that kind of games and is able to help me.

SOLVED: The game is called Volfied, thank you!


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May 28, 2014
Oroc said:
Hello, I remember playing a game where you were a boy with some sort of glove, I want to say the glove had a blue gem thing on the top, that held different things that you would collect and bring back to the village that you lived in. The glove could hold a lot of different things, the thing I remember the most were building. I'm pretty sure it was for the N64 but I could be wrong. Sorry if that's not much to go off of but that's all I can remember.
God hand maybe?


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May 26, 2014
FreakishThisper said:
jrod908 said:
there's a game where you fly the fighter jet or rocket ship and you get weapons, colors red yellow blue and green i believe and throughout the level you can also upgrade your weapons level....like the fire weapon would shoot out further and at the end of the level you would fight the boss, ive been trying to remember what this game was called for months now hopefully someone can help me out
Was it a 2d shooter like Tyrian or 3D shooter?
@FreakishThisper It was a 2D shooter, animated and the boss was like in a weaponized blimp


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May 30, 2014
There was a pc game demo from 2002 which was based on medieval horror RTS in which the player controlled large number of soldiers,knights,archers etc.It also had magical dwarfs with combat abilities like if they can be invisible to the enemy for a set time period.The demo mission objective was to clear village of orcs,skeleton soldiers and dark creatures and later on capture a castle and capture the castle's ruler(baron or some other word) as he tries to escapes.Can anyone find the name of this pc game demo?


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May 29, 2014
killazko said:
Oroc said:
Hello, I remember playing a game where you were a boy with some sort of glove, I want to say the glove had a blue gem thing on the top, that held different things that you would collect and bring back to the village that you lived in. The glove could hold a lot of different things, the thing I remember the most were building. I'm pretty sure it was for the N64 but I could be wrong. Sorry if that's not much to go off of but that's all I can remember.
God hand maybe?
Well I looked at a list of all the N64 games and neither god hand or the game that I was looking for were on there so I'm guessing it was on a different console. The only other console that I had was an original xbox so maybe it's from the xbox?


New member
May 30, 2014

I've been searching for years, literally. I bought my first pc 9 years ago and I played the game, roughly at that time, (6 to 9 years ago, in that span). I THINK the game was a demo, even if it was quite long for a demo, but I remember a lot from it. You start off as a short haired middle aged blonde guy, your only weapon being a knife (I think you use the knife a lot), atop a cliff, I'm thinking. You either talk to yourself, or to some spirit, I don't really know. The first enemy that comes in mind are the ogres. Fat human-like entities with clubs that are too hard to 1v1 at that level, so you need to avoid them. However, in the earliest parts of the game, it teaches you to pickpocket and you do it on one of these ogres (gaining gold). You then proceed to enter a village where you do quite some quests (clearing a bridge of goblins, killing a white wolf near the village which is really hard to kill, in my opinion, you get his head as a trophy and I'm pretty sure her wolf cubs are with her and they'll attack you too, killing some orcs(?) and I found a giant green troll at the end of a canyon which I'm pretty sure that's a quest too). I don't remember if you have companions, although I guess you do. The graphics feel a lot like Titan Quest and I actually confused it for Sacred many times. I'm still not really sure if it IS Sacred, my head hurts.

One last thing I remember is that the main menu had one of those ogres on it. That's about it, thanks in advance.

Dyllin Cantacessi

New member
May 23, 2014
Redrow said:
Dyllin Cantacessi said:
Dyllin Cantacessi said:
Hi I remember i was playing a game for Sega genesis I believe for satern. I was playing this game where you started off in an angel city with a big crystal of some sort. You were taken in by a angel so you didn't have any wings. Then some guy took the crystal and ran off with it. Next all i know is you go to a human town and find a girl. If i remember right she was from the circus or some sort. She takes you back to her house and she says "make yourself at home." The only way for you to continue on is to go into her room as shes changing. then she says " No! not that at home!!" or some sort, But i remeber it was a rpg and a turn based game.
Bump- Still no luck on my end :\
Well, is it Sega Genesis or Sega Saturn?

Since having bothered to quote you, I will guess Albert Odyssey: Legend of Eldean
( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nFlXPEbIWrI )