Old Games you remember playing but can't remember the name of.


New member
May 28, 2014
Olysea said:
Hello, I found this thread about two years ago, and I'm so happy it's still alive! I'd really appreciate help finding a couple of really old and I think not so well known games. Actually I wish to ask about many many games, but for now i'll only describe 3. Since i'm not very good with explaining things, I have drawn small doodles to help visualize what i'm talking about

1. http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2014/148/3/d/1_by_thalassa_star-d7k25xw.png
It was a strange arcade game I had on a very very very old Laptop with Windows 98 installed to it. You played as a little blue and white striped ball who would have to "ride" through a maze of sorts, that was checkered dark red and black. I think once you made it go in one direction it could not stop until it hit a wall, so it was sort of a think before you act kind of game, and I'm sure there had to be walls scattered about the field and other obstacles which would be your inevitable demise if you ran into them. I'm not sure the electric generator-like things were around the edges, but I remember the game was pretty difficult for me (at least at the age I was in) and I was afraid to run into the walls at the very edges of the field, so they were probably dangerous.

2. http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2014/148/c/a/2_by_thalassa_star-d7k25xs.png
Another sort of Arcade game, I think I played it at the very same Laptop with Win98. It was a cartoon-y game that was like a puzzle. You had to flip the squares (within each was drawn a fragment of a rope), and it had to make at least one rope path that lead from the left top corner to the right bottom corner. It was a sort of Firework-y Game and I'm sure the point was to make sure the fire at the rope's one end reached something that would make more firefworks, aaand there was a Chinese dragon sitting at the top left corner, most certainly blue, but I don't remember very well how exactly it looked, so I drew it a little improvised...

3. http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2014/148/1/c/3_by_thalassa_star-d7k25xl.png
This one was probably for a console, maybe a Sega or even something like Nintendo 64. It was very crudely drawn, I mean the game itself. Almost exactly how I drew it in the image above.
The game was a platformer where you played as a Penguin and had to rescue little Chicks scattered across the screen. There were throwable objects in each level too (the "T"s in my image) which you could use to defend against... cats? I think that was the enemy in the first levels or maybe even all of them, I'm not sure. As soon as you approached a chick it would start to follow you and you had to pass the blue portal to make the chicks go home, probably, and you earned score for that. I know very well that there were chicks with sunglasses in levels very often ´w` I love that detail. The game resembles a lot a more modern game called Granny in Paradise, which sadly is kind of hard to find a full version of, but it pretty much has this little penguin game as it's main predecessor in terms of gameplay.
;v; still no luck on these.


New member
Jul 15, 2013
Oroc said:
killazko said:
Oroc said:
Hello, I remember playing a game where you were a boy with some sort of glove, I want to say the glove had a blue gem thing on the top, that held different things that you would collect and bring back to the village that you lived in. The glove could hold a lot of different things, the thing I remember the most were building. I'm pretty sure it was for the N64 but I could be wrong. Sorry if that's not much to go off of but that's all I can remember.
God hand maybe?
Well I looked at a list of all the N64 games and neither god hand or the game that I was looking for were on there so I'm guessing it was on a different console. The only other console that I had was an original xbox so maybe it's from the xbox?
Probably way off, but Final Fantasy: The Crystal Bearers? (Wii) ( http://www.giantbomb.com/images/1300-1227638 )


New member
Nov 28, 2013
There is a game where you use your cursor to kill enemies i would really like it and would love it if someone helped me remember what the game was called... If any one knows please tell me!!!THX!!!!


New member
Oct 17, 2012
Olysea said:
2. http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2014/148/c/a/2_by_thalassa_star-d7k25xs.png
This one is definitely Rocket Mania.


3. http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2014/148/1/c/3_by_thalassa_star-d7k25xl.png
This one was probably for a console, maybe a Sega or even something like Nintendo 64. It was very crudely drawn, I mean the game itself. Almost exactly how I drew it in the image above.
The game was a platformer where you played as a Penguin and had to rescue little Chicks scattered across the screen. There were throwable objects in each level too (the "T"s in my image) which you could use to defend against... cats? I think that was the enemy in the first levels or maybe even all of them, I'm not sure. As soon as you approached a chick it would start to follow you and you had to pass the blue portal to make the chicks go home, probably, and you earned score for that. I know very well that there were chicks with sunglasses in levels very often ´w` I love that detail. The game resembles a lot a more modern game called Granny in Paradise, which sadly is kind of hard to find a full version of, but it pretty much has this little penguin game as it's main predecessor in terms of gameplay.
What you're describing sounds and looks very much like the game Flicky, except Flicky is dark blue. Also, he flies, so definitely not a penguin :)

Flicky is included on the disc Sonic's Ultimate Genesis Collection (PS3 and 360). Incidentally that collection is on disc only, there's no digital download of it, but I think you can find it by other means.

1. http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2014/148/3/d/1_by_thalassa_star-d7k25xw.png
I'm sorry I can't help you with this one. You might want to start by Googling Marble Madness and work from there.


Thank you for the drawings, they were very helpful. I think one huge obstacle to new users getting help here is that they don't even bother to mention which platform they remembered playing on or what the game generally looked like, so your efforts paid off. As you can see your memory of both Rocket Mania and Flicky were pretty accurate!


New member
May 29, 2014
Doomgriever said:
Oroc said:
killazko said:
Oroc said:
Hello, I remember playing a game where you were a boy with some sort of glove, I want to say the glove had a blue gem thing on the top, that held different things that you would collect and bring back to the village that you lived in. The glove could hold a lot of different things, the thing I remember the most were building. I'm pretty sure it was for the N64 but I could be wrong. Sorry if that's not much to go off of but that's all I can remember.
God hand maybe?
Well I looked at a list of all the N64 games and neither god hand or the game that I was looking for were on there so I'm guessing it was on a different console. The only other console that I had was an original xbox so maybe it's from the xbox?
Probably way off, but Final Fantasy: The Crystal Bearers? (Wii) ( http://www.giantbomb.com/images/1300-1227638 )
I know it wasn't that because the Wii wasn't out at that time by a few years but thanks for the try.


New member
May 30, 2014
Hello and thanks for the help I've spent hours trying to remember the name of the game:

A 90's-early 2000's PC adventure/point and click? game, it was from an isometric viewpoint and had some cutscenes in 3D graphics
The setting was a city and you selected 2 characters in order to solve different "puzzles" - one of the characters was a vampire that could turn into mist, another one a thief that could pick locks, there was also woman that could wear a sort of mech suit. I know it is not much to work with but hope someone remembers

Thanks again!


New member
Oct 17, 2012
Olysea said:
1. http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2014/148/3/d/1_by_thalassa_star-d7k25xw.png
It was a strange arcade game I had on a very very very old Laptop with Windows 98 installed to it. You played as a little blue and white striped ball who would have to "ride" through a maze of sorts, that was checkered dark red and black. I think once you made it go in one direction it could not stop until it hit a wall, so it was sort of a think before you act kind of game, and I'm sure there had to be walls scattered about the field and other obstacles which would be your inevitable demise if you ran into them. I'm not sure the electric generator-like things were around the edges, but I remember the game was pretty difficult for me (at least at the age I was in) and I was afraid to run into the walls at the very edges of the field, so they were probably dangerous.
Someone had suggested the game Rock and Roll to you earlier, but at the bottom of the Wikipedia page there was a reference to another game called Rollin, made by Ticsoft in 1995. Looking at footage on YouTube, the background of the game is black and red. Maybe this is your game?


New member
May 31, 2014
Thanks so much if you guys could help me remember this game
The game is a robot war fight like Age of Empire

I could only remember the following details:
- the game starts with a chief robot that can build many things
- can build airport, robot factory, etc
- there're planes and another robot that can recycle the broken robots
- we can manufacture transport helicopter
- play with multiple computerized enemy of different colors
- player has to build something to mine the resource from the ground
- every robot has a little bar near it indicating their life. When it's healthy, the bar is green. Otherwise, it's orange or red.

Patrick Raoul

New member
May 31, 2014
There is this old arcade game that i remember playing. its somewhat like 5 D game or something. I play as a single soldier character and carry out a rescue mission on the ship. at the beginning of the game, they will give 3 ways to get on the ship, by swimming, by motor boat, of by parachute. And I would get to fight the bad guys. at some point of the game where it is crucial, it would autoplay in a slowmotion, like in movie and ask me to tap a button as fast as I can and as many times as I can.(cool feature of the game where, if i pull it off, I get to beat the boss in one shot without having to face him and fight a tough battle).
And thats not the only cool thing. there was one point where i get to fight the rampaging octopus that was knocked into the ship. I really want to know the name and so If anyone knows, and replys, thanks in advance!!!


New member
Jul 15, 2013
helenr2376 said:
Thanks so much if you guys could help me remember this game
The game is a robot war fight like Age of Empire

I could only remember the following details:
- the game starts with a chief robot that can build many things
- can build airport, robot factory, etc
- there're planes and another robot that can recycle the broken robots
- we can manufacture transport helicopter
- play with multiple computerized enemy of different colors
- player has to build something to mine the resource from the ground
- every robot has a little bar near it indicating their life. When it's healthy, the bar is green. Otherwise, it's orange or red.
Supreme Commander? ( http://www.giantbomb.com/supreme-commander/3030-1901/images/ )


New member
Oct 13, 2009
Reyzei said:

I've been searching for years, literally. I bought my first pc 9 years ago and I played the game, roughly at that time, (6 to 9 years ago, in that span). I THINK the game was a demo, even if it was quite long for a demo, but I remember a lot from it. You start off as a short haired middle aged blonde guy, your only weapon being a knife (I think you use the knife a lot), atop a cliff, I'm thinking. You either talk to yourself, or to some spirit, I don't really know. The first enemy that comes in mind are the ogres. Fat human-like entities with clubs that are too hard to 1v1 at that level, so you need to avoid them. However, in the earliest parts of the game, it teaches you to pickpocket and you do it on one of these ogres (gaining gold). You then proceed to enter a village where you do quite some quests (clearing a bridge of goblins, killing a white wolf near the village which is really hard to kill, in my opinion, you get his head as a trophy and I'm pretty sure her wolf cubs are with her and they'll attack you too, killing some orcs(?) and I found a giant green troll at the end of a canyon which I'm pretty sure that's a quest too). I don't remember if you have companions, although I guess you do. The graphics feel a lot like Titan Quest and I actually confused it for Sacred many times. I'm still not really sure if it IS Sacred, my head hurts.

One last thing I remember is that the main menu had one of those ogres on it. That's about it, thanks in advance.
Try Evil Islands: Curse of the Lost Soul.


New member
May 18, 2014
inSxnity said:
Hey guys, I've been looking for this game that I used to play back in my primary (elementary) school days before the school upgraded to Windows XP. The only sort of description (or what I remember of it) is the following:

In the beginning, you are in some sort of cave system or underground sort of maze and you controlled a little character by inputting the number of steps for him to walk and when to jump. I don't remember if there is only one of these or if there is more than one screen of a similar thing but afterwards you end up in a town. Now, you navigate around the town in a grid like fashion (i.e. four directional square movement) and your position is identified by a blue arrow/triangle. Now from what I can remember, there is a sort of shop, but you can't go in initially because there is a snake in there and you have to find lollies (candy) for him to eat or something. I also vaguely remember there being a church or chapel and I think you may witness a spider kill someone (I know there is a spider but am unsure of its murderous activity). I also remember there being some sort of puzzle where you want to cross a bridge in a jungle but the bridge is broken and I think you have to fix it or move boxed around or something. I also think you needed some sort of knife to access the jungle area.

Sorry if my description is a bit all over the place. I really want to find this game because I was never able to finish it due to being unable to save. :p Thanks in advance for any assistance! :D

I now remember that at the beginning of the game, the king is shot with a poison dart, but I'm not sure if he dies or not. I think you may have to look for a cure for the poison.


New member
May 31, 2014
I have the vaguest memories of playing a game that I would like to play again, but can't for the life of me seem to be able to find it.
It's an RPG/JRPG type game. I think I only ever played a demo of it. The story elements I can remember are: You're a young guy in a village (I want to say a desert village but not sure). The Village gets attacked by monsters and a girl gets taken. You try to fight back against the monsters but get beaten. You wake up in the village, there are a couple of strangers that have shown up, they are planning to go to the cave where the monsters are to look for something. You collect weapons and such from the village and convince the stranger to take you along to the cave. You save the girl (obviously) but find something else in the cave. Demo/memories end.
Not sure about this bit, but I think the camera angle whilst exploring town/dungeons was isometric, but the camera angle could be rotated to fixed positions to give different views.
Thanks for taking the time to read this and give it some thought


New member
May 31, 2014
Alright here goes nothing...

This was a game I played 10-12 years ago while in primary school. It was a top-down game on a mac and you controlled a car that I believe was trying to escape from the police. You had to dodge traffic and basically last as long as you can without getting caught. The only other thing I can remember is you could get a power up that gave you wheel spikes that allowed you to destroy other vehicles. Its not Burning Rubber but I can't remember the name.


New member
May 31, 2014
People help! This pc game is about from year 2000 or lower. It is about a fat guy whit a line of his ass peeking from his shorts. I think that in first level you are driving a car, it is a 2d game. Icon on desktop was his head. I think that his combination of clothes are red and blue, but i am not sure. I think that he has friend that is a scientist, and you travel from planet to planet and fight, i think some ghost. Everything is confused in my head, because i played this game long long ago. Ill add some more descriptions if i remeber something new. Im hoping that somebody will tell me the name of this game. And yes, i think that the name of the game is the name of main character, that fat guy :)))) thanks!

i think he eats some hamburgers


New member
May 30, 2014
Coldie said:
Reyzei said:

I've been searching for years, literally. I bought my first pc 9 years ago and I played the game, roughly at that time, (6 to 9 years ago, in that span). I THINK the game was a demo, even if it was quite long for a demo, but I remember a lot from it. You start off as a short haired middle aged blonde guy, your only weapon being a knife (I think you use the knife a lot), atop a cliff, I'm thinking. You either talk to yourself, or to some spirit, I don't really know. The first enemy that comes in mind are the ogres. Fat human-like entities with clubs that are too hard to 1v1 at that level, so you need to avoid them. However, in the earliest parts of the game, it teaches you to pickpocket and you do it on one of these ogres (gaining gold). You then proceed to enter a village where you do quite some quests (clearing a bridge of goblins, killing a white wolf near the village which is really hard to kill, in my opinion, you get his head as a trophy and I'm pretty sure her wolf cubs are with her and they'll attack you too, killing some orcs(?) and I found a giant green troll at the end of a canyon which I'm pretty sure that's a quest too). I don't remember if you have companions, although I guess you do. The graphics feel a lot like Titan Quest and I actually confused it for Sacred many times. I'm still not really sure if it IS Sacred, my head hurts.

One last thing I remember is that the main menu had one of those ogres on it. That's about it, thanks in advance.
Try Evil Islands: Curse of the Lost Soul.
You have no idea how much I love you right now man. Thank you. :D

Paul Held

New member
May 31, 2014
Hey :)
I'm searching for a game. It was for windows 98 i think. The sense of the game was you have a spider or a grasshoper, i dont know anymore... And your enemie (played by the computer) has one too.
Then you have to jump. You can do a small jump or a big and when you jump anywhere all surronding enemies turn into yours. The game is over when there isnt any free place you can jump. The winner is who has the most grasshoppers in the end. And there many different levels.
Need Help pls


New member
May 31, 2014
I made an account JUST for this thread... I've been searching for this game for a little while now... Here goes! I Vaguely remember it. There was two versions of it [I think]. An African one and an Foresty one. There was a little frog/toad character that had an annoying ass voice... He was like your helper, and you were a park ranger or something? You would build a little park with Critters and you would create a camping area? It was a pretty old game. I'm sure I played it in early 2000-2002?


New member
Dec 2, 2009
I'm trying to remember the name of this game I used to play on (I think) SNES. I'm sure there was more to it than just this but the particular part of it I played all the time consisted of a Pilot Wings-style graphics engine where you traipsed across the surface of a scaled-down replica of the USA continent using various methods, such as a variety of planes and even a pair of special high-powered jumping boots in search of a berserk killer robot that you had to take down. Some defining characteristics were a mini version of Mt. Rushmore that you could jump all over and I think the Statue of Liberty was another landmark, but other than those various landmarks, the remaining groundspace was pretty featureless except for a bit of landscape, mostly like you were jumping or flying around on the surface of a map.

Any ideas?! And I'm going to feel like a moron if it actually *was Pilot Wings, because I looked at that game online and it didn't ring a bell for this particular content at all...

EDIT: Nevermind, it was Pilotwings 64!


New member
Jun 1, 2014
Hello every one... I have years trying to remember the name of an old Floppy Game from the 90's I believe, and I also believe it came within a Graphics Card box or within a science magazine.

It was about a blonde spaceship captain and his twin brother (if i remmeber well) whose spaceship crashes into an unkown planet. The main carachter ejected himself so he lost track of the ship and his brother, basically the main quest of the game is to find them. The character has a gun and his suit is white and he advanced through the world by clearing stages with enemies and kindda puzzles... a funny fact I do remember is that whenever the character died, his head would exploted.

I do not remember if there was a jetpack you could use... and I would define it as an Adventure/Platform game.

Thanks for your time! looking forward for the answer!

(pardon my English, kindda did this in a rush)