Old Games you remember playing but can't remember the name of.


New member
Jun 1, 2014
I don't know if this has been posted and I don't know if anyone will be able to get what I'm trying to describe but if someone does I am truly grateful. All I remember is that the game is either on PS1 or PS2 and the main character is a girl in skimpy clothing like a Amazonian and it has mythology in it because one of the levels you fight a Minotaur in a labyrinth. That's all I remember sorry if it wasn't enough but if someone knows please tell me.


New member
Jun 1, 2014
I have been trying to remember the names of these two games for years. Was just talking my brother and renewed my search for them.

The first game I'm trying to recall was a racing game with an assortment of wacky characters. My brother remembers a biker pig being one of them, and I definitely remember a woman with a European accent that would say "Nice try, but no cigar", when she overtook another racer. I believe she was supposed to be an actress. There was a little bio for each racer. I think there was also a scientist/inventor, and maybe an alien. I think they placed obstacles on the track as well. Must have been the mid-nineties. Maybe a floppy disk game - don't remember.

The other was a game from the early nineties, I think. An older scientist was on the hunt for some sort of strange creature. The game had printables, which were really freaking annoying to get to work half the time, but I think the creature ended up looking like a dragon. I think it was a snaggle-tooth something or other. Your job was to work through and help him identify the creature.

The Dahaka

New member
May 21, 2013
EDIT: After hours of searching found it http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/4869

I know this is a bit unusual, but it's killing me:
- this is an ONLINE FLASH GAME I'm looking for.
- Top down view.
- You are a triangle, and walk around collecting powers, which help you advance.
- I can remember you could shoot, pick up a bomb, and there was a snake boss (colored dots). The whole thing was made out of geometrical shapes, but played like Zelda. It looked very similar to this: http://ryanpridgeon.net/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/08.jpg (but this is from another game).


Eder Rios

New member
Jun 1, 2014
Hi! I'm looking for 2 games:

The first: i played on windows 95-98, and i think that have "arcade" name on it, you play with a fat guy in an arcade game kinda Donkey kong jr. The fat guy can attack with his belly, the chars are cartoon, in the demo are cartoon cutscenes with some levels and i remember tha he say that "Las vegas" as a level,i don't remember anything else.

The second game is an point and click with subjetive view, you're a guy in a strange planet inhabited by tigers with strange suits and laser guns, i think you have to escape from this planet, please help!


New member
Apr 2, 2009
rmv said:
Hello and thanks for the help I've spent hours trying to remember the name of the game:

A 90's-early 2000's PC adventure/point and click? game, it was from an isometric viewpoint and had some cutscenes in 3D graphics
The setting was a city and you selected 2 characters in order to solve different "puzzles" - one of the characters was a vampire that could turn into mist, another one a thief that could pick locks, there was also woman that could wear a sort of mech suit. I know it is not much to work with but hope someone remembers

Thanks again!
Sounds like Bureau 13

Katie Adams

New member
Jun 1, 2014
This is driving me absolutely crazy so i'll try to describe as best I can!
There was a game for either playstation or xbox 360 and it was like a Japanese game show with really strange games. I think there was one game where everyone was in giant zorbing balls and you had to knock each other into lava and some racing games too?


New member
Jun 1, 2014
Hey guys, I've got a game that's been on my nostalgia radar for a good number of years. I only remember playing the demo and I believe it came out for the Macintosh in the mid to late 90s (possibly even early 2000's). The only things I remember about it are:

1. The main character is a man in a museum trying to get past the security system
2. The graphics are reasonably simplistic 3d (but still cool for the time period)
3. At some point you pick up a sword from one of the exhibits

Aside from that, I'm not much use, but I would surely appreciate some help in tracking this mystery down!


New member
Jan 27, 2014
I need help with a game that i played on win 98 game had tactical based combat, and it was an rpg, you would choose hero at the start of a game (i remember one hero was somekind of lizardman), you would explore the world go to caves, villages and so on. And the game had night/day cycle and you could make the campsite to make the night go quicker, you could level your hero and get him atributes, also i remember one enemy was some kind of slime.It is similiar to heroes of might and magic but in it you could only visit towns and villages not build them.It is alo similiar to heroes of steel.
That's everything i know i hope you reply ^^


New member
Jan 12, 2014
I've posted here before but no one was able to help me. Trying my luck again...

PC game: Third person , game was 3D, but old, about 10 years old by its graphics (I played it 7-8 years ago). You had to control a hero, which was fighting like a samurai, with a sword, I think. You had to go through levels, kill enemies (they were with swords too as far as I remember). Later strange gorillas with yellow and red eyes (I perfectly remember I weren't able to kill those without using a special combo). There were boss monsters too. It was possible to do fighting combinations in that game. What I remember else, there probably were 8 levels. When you complete them, you have to go from level 8 and back all the levels you completed before till you get to the first one (you just had to go back where you came from). Enemies, which you killed before, revived and they were like zombies and skeletons, which you had to kill too. There was a statue in first level, which requied a special weapon to destroy. Then you get to dungeons, where the final boss is (I think it was a dragon with 3 heads, each got different color and abilities (fire, poison and ice as far as I remember). There you complete the game. I remember that I had a fighting challenge after completion of every level. When you complete challenge, you get a scarf increasing your maximum HP. And the last thing I remember is that you could collect tokens with dragon markings on them but I don't remember what they were used for..

P.S. I'm not 100% sure if those tokens or bosses were exactly dragons. They could be snakes or something else

Please help me to remember that game!

Kassie Cre

New member
Jun 1, 2014
Ok I really need help with this one. First, my brother says it was for ps2 but I think it was earlier than that, like ps1 or dreamcast or something. All I remember is that it had a dark creepy setting with spooky music. You healed with herbs. And there was a scene where you had to fight a ghost of a baseball player in a small room. It threw things at you? Maybe?. Might have been just the bat. This was so many years ago so I'm sorry about how vague I am. Please help!


New member
May 31, 2014
Doomgriever said:
helenr2376 said:
Thanks so much if you guys could help me remember this game
The game is a robot war fight like Age of Empire

I could only remember the following details:
- the game starts with a chief robot that can build many things
- can build airport, robot factory, etc
- there're planes and another robot that can recycle the broken robots
- we can manufacture transport helicopter
- play with multiple computerized enemy of different colors
- player has to build something to mine the resource from the ground
- every robot has a little bar near it indicating their life. When it's healthy, the bar is green. Otherwise, it's orange or red.
Supreme Commander? ( http://www.giantbomb.com/supreme-commander/3030-1901/images/ )
It's like Supreme Commander but not exactly that one.
I played this game in 2002 or 2003.
The name of the game is one word starts with "A" but I'm not very sure about it.

Thanks anyways!


New member
Jun 1, 2014
Hello, I've been trying to find this game ever sense i lost it around 2002. Old Old game apparently and I mainly want to know the name to put my mind at ease. So please help.

-PC game
-descent graphics for its time
-played in third person (birds eye view)
-I don't remember the music but it played like WarCraft 3 so probably up beat/aggressive
-the races that where playable were Humans, Orcs, High Elves, Wood Elves, Dark Elves, Unread, Minitars, and many more those are just the ones I remember
-I don't know what kind or if this game had a story line

I be leave that is all, I do hope i gave enough info, please help, I would really appreciate it.


New member
Jun 1, 2014
Hello everyone!
I'm looking for an old Windows vehicular car combat game. First person view. You need to defeat all the blue two-wheeled robot cars on each level using your gun for the level key (in the bright yellow box) to show up. After that you can proceed to the next level.
Not Microsoft Hover! definitely!

Camila Rizzotto

New member
Jun 1, 2014
SO maybe someone could help me out. Ive been looking for a game i used to play when i was a kid. around de 1995-1999. it was a pc game, win 95 or 98 i guess, and i cant recall its name. it was a pacman style kind of game only it was with a miner or a diver, a diver i guess, and the point of the game was collecting all the golden bars and escape the monsters in a maze. i cant remember its name and this is driving me crazy lol.
if someone can recall the name or have a screnshot pleeease let me know, id really like to play it again just to remmeber old times!


New member
Jun 1, 2014
I remember playing an arcade game at the dentist office in which missiles are fire on four sides at in-coming spaceships, I believe or something. Thanks in advance for the name of the arcade game.

Eder Rios

New member
Jun 1, 2014
Katie Adams said:
This is driving me absolutely crazy so i'll try to describe as best I can!
There was a game for either playstation or xbox 360 and it was like a Japanese game show with really strange games. I think there was one game where everyone was in giant zorbing balls and you had to knock each other into lava and some racing games too?
Sounds like Fusion Frenzy 1/2

Dan Guzman

New member
Jun 1, 2014
So I'm looking for an old CGA game around 1990. Could be earlier. I played it on an old DOS computer with a real floppy disk. It was like Double Dragon except the fights took place all in one screen/area and bad guys just kept coming out til you beat them all. Then you choose which direction and went to the next screen. You could play 2 players like double dragon. Also you could pick up basic weapons. Any ideas???


New member
Jun 1, 2014
There is this game I used to play as a kid on a Windows '95 computer. The fact that I can't remember hardly anything is driving me nuts and I just can't find it. All I remember was it was a sidescroll (maybe shooting?) game about some kind of alien.... In my memory it was some kind of black/dark alien-like being in a (space?) suit/armor and it was on Windows 95...


New member
Jun 1, 2014
Hey, I really need your help. It's been bugging me for some time now, and I just can't remember!!
So ok, it's a french video game, for windows 95-98 (not sure which one), it's with magic and monsters... Sort of point and click type. It was really cute, had funny looking animation (if you click at a piece of paper that was under a windshield wiper it will turn into an airplane and fly away, the stop sign at the street turned into a rocket, etc.) It looked like it was all drawn by hand, like doodles. There was something with the stairs, and you had to find a candle and a key.. and funny lookin' eyes would appear in the dark. I got to the part where there was a lot/parcel, and (maybe?) a hunted house but couldn't figure out what I was supposed to do, because it was in French! :D


New member
Jul 15, 2013
helenr2376 said:
Doomgriever said:
helenr2376 said:
Thanks so much if you guys could help me remember this game
The game is a robot war fight like Age of Empire

I could only remember the following details:
- the game starts with a chief robot that can build many things
- can build airport, robot factory, etc
- there're planes and another robot that can recycle the broken robots
- we can manufacture transport helicopter
- play with multiple computerized enemy of different colors
- player has to build something to mine the resource from the ground
- every robot has a little bar near it indicating their life. When it's healthy, the bar is green. Otherwise, it's orange or red.
Supreme Commander? ( http://www.giantbomb.com/supreme-commander/3030-1901/images/ )
It's like Supreme Commander but not exactly that one.
I played this game in 2002 or 2003.
The name of the game is one word starts with "A" but I'm not very sure about it.

Thanks anyways!
Could be the predecessor to Supreme Commander maybe? Total Annihilation ( http://www.giantbomb.com/total-annihilation/3030-3594/images/ )