Old Games you remember playing but can't remember the name of.


Don't panic
Apr 6, 2010
Looking for an old ps1 game I used to play. I remember very little about it. It was a space style (or at least you had a ship) and you would shoot geometric shaped enemies. Or just shapes maybe. It was top down, and I seem to remember a green and gray sort of colour scheme. I also remember the transition between levels would zoom in and leave alot of afterimages behind the last frame. The cover had just a picture of the ship on it.

I understand this is very little to go. I've searched high and low with every description I can think of with no luck. I remember my mother buying it in a retail shop along with Battle Hunter.

EDIT: Well I managed to find it before even getting a reply. For anyone curious it was Shooter Starfighter Sanvein


New member
Jul 6, 2017
Solved from reddit, its magi nation

Platform(s): Gameboy I am almost positive, believe it was one of the purple see through cartridges as well
Genre: rpg
Estimated year of release: early 2000's
Graphics/art style: I believe it was color, so must've been gameboy color, kinda a neutral not dark or super happy bright theme, just neutral old school final fantasy feel
Notable characters: Nothing defining about a single character, but main character was a young kid in school, starts with his group of 4 kids
Notable gameplay mechanics: I am almost positive there was some kind of feature where as you beat monsters you would collect like soul pieces or shards or something that would either let you use that monster, or evolve yours, battled kinda like pokemon
Other details: The game starts with you either already in school, or going to school in a small coastal town, the school had a secret passage on the left with like a potion, then you meet your friends in a cave on the beach after school for a club, i think you maybe get sucked into a portal in the cave? either that or you leave town on your own, one of the kids or your sister or something gets taken?


New member
Jan 25, 2017

Bit of a long shot, but here it goes:

I'm looking for a game for Windows 98 (I think!). It was basically a 3D top-down god game. The player controls this flying dinosaur-like creature with the mouse, and you start the game with a big brown rotating cylindrical structure with a hole in the middle, which is your base. Using this flying creature, you pick up stuff across the map and drop it in the center of your base, where it gets ground up and allows you to build tanks. One of the tanks I remember was a rock shooter - Built by dropping treads on bottom, a turret in the middle, and a radar on top. You could only control tanks once you dropped a radar on top. You could even stack the turrets.

I remember there were sheep that spawned in the map, and you could pick up the sheep and drop them in your base too.

I've been looking for this game for YEARS, and google images just doesn't do me justice. I will forever love ANYONE who knows the name of this game. Thanks!!

The game's name is Tanktics:


New member
Jun 28, 2016
hushus46 said:
Looking for a game with the following descriptions by two people:

"OK guys here is another i think more difficult one

There was this game a third person rpg.
The game consisted of floating islands and you play a little blond boy dressed in blue, you have a mana and health bar. When you jump of one of the islands you land on a giant eagle which you can use to fly to other islands.I think the objective of the game was to go to specific islands with gates on them and these gates were portals to other levels. In this levels you run around collecting orbs and fighting of monsters. When you are running through a level there is only one way to follow and that was fairly simple, just running and shooting. The games was inspired by the asian culture because the houses, plants, orbs and people were very china/japan looking like. I also think your weapon was shooting energy balls of some kind, hence the manabar...

Can anyone help me i have absolutely no clue left of what it was called but i like to finish it once and for all!"

"Guys, i dont know what to say really

I have this game in mind, finding it again will bring tears to my eyes!
I played this game everyday when i was 8 or 9 (I'm 16 now)

Its a PC game
Windows 98 or most likely xp
I dont think it was famous or really that known, my uncle gave it to me on like a burned (not literally) disk
So basically from what I remember
it had a japanese theme to it i think, i might be wrong
I think you started in some dojo
It was a 3d first person btw
you had blonde her i think?
i feel like the game starts with an s
i think you shot fireballs or something
you would ride this huge pink thing or some really weird creature to different islands where there were different types of monsters
im pretty sure there were like potions, and a shop
also im pretty sure u had to buy the game to save, i probably had a demo
It's not a point and click though, its like a shooter in a way
Please help me, i knw it is a vague memory but pleaseee!"

I'm looking for this as well, been many years. Cringing like a ***** to find it.


New member
Sep 20, 2014
jibclimmer said:
So there's this old web-based shockwave flash game from the 90s that I remember that I thought was called Space Pirate or Space Pirates that I remember. I don't remember too much about the mechanics, other than that it was very hard. There was fuel and you could travel to destinations but sometimes you would be intercepted by pirates or the space police or something. I think you had crew, and maybe the ship was customizable? I know a big part of the game was buying and selling merchandise to make a profit.
Anyone else remember this game, or know what it was actually called?
5-year bump.

Cosme Felinito

Regular Member
May 22, 2019
Cosme Felinito said:
Hello! I just want to try this. I've been searching this game for years. I played it when I was like 7yo. I think it was a demo from a CD with a lot of games, like Galaxy of Games. I played this in windows 95 but around 1998-2000.

You start in like a desert zone, with a hole (like a little crater) and you are a thin guy (or gal, but i remember them as a guy) with black clothes (like leather). You have to fight a dinosaur or lizzard (I'm not sure about this really) which walks on two feet. You can throw punches and kicks and I think that the enemy too. It was 3D but very poligon-ish, this game might be from 1993-1996, can't really tell but the graphics were worse than Heretic 2, better than Alone in the dark (1992) and look a bit alike MDK.

Thanks for your time, and english isn't my native tongue, sorry for any mistake, regards!
bump, anyone? this is a tough one. I'm sad that I lost that old CD with tons of old games for win 95.


Elite Member
Apr 5, 2014
United States
Cosme Felinito said:
Cosme Felinito said:
Hello! I just want to try this. I've been searching this game for years. I played it when I was like 7yo. I think it was a demo from a CD with a lot of games, like Galaxy of Games. I played this in windows 95 but around 1998-2000.

You start in like a desert zone, with a hole (like a little crater) and you are a thin guy (or gal, but i remember them as a guy) with black clothes (like leather). You have to fight a dinosaur or lizzard (I'm not sure about this really) which walks on two feet. You can throw punches and kicks and I think that the enemy too. It was 3D but very poligon-ish, this game might be from 1993-1996, can't really tell but the graphics were worse than Heretic 2, better than Alone in the dark (1992) and look a bit alike MDK.

Thanks for your time, and english isn't my native tongue, sorry for any mistake, regards!
bump, anyone? this is a tough one. I'm sad that I lost that old CD with tons of old games for win 95.
Could that have been Perfect Weapon by Gray Matter Inc.?

Here's a video on YouTube of the desert level in particular.

Cosme Felinito

Regular Member
May 22, 2019
RelativityMan said:
Cosme Felinito said:
Cosme Felinito said:
Hello! I just want to try this. I've been searching this game for years. I played it when I was like 7yo. I think it was a demo from a CD with a lot of games, like Galaxy of Games. I played this in windows 95 but around 1998-2000.

You start in like a desert zone, with a hole (like a little crater) and you are a thin guy (or gal, but i remember them as a guy) with black clothes (like leather). You have to fight a dinosaur or lizzard (I'm not sure about this really) which walks on two feet. You can throw punches and kicks and I think that the enemy too. It was 3D but very poligon-ish, this game might be from 1993-1996, can't really tell but the graphics were worse than Heretic 2, better than Alone in the dark (1992) and look a bit alike MDK.

Thanks for your time, and english isn't my native tongue, sorry for any mistake, regards!
bump, anyone? this is a tough one. I'm sad that I lost that old CD with tons of old games for win 95.
Could that have been Perfect Weapon by Gray Matter Inc.?

Here's a video on YouTube of the desert level in particular.
OMFG I searched this one for like 10 years, not kidding.
Thank you so much and thank you for providing a video! As I watched it the map seemed familiar but I wasn't sure if it was the game until I saw the death animation for the enemies
ty ty ty I'll try to download that game you're a blessing

Cosme Felinito

Regular Member
May 22, 2019
Ok last one so my life makes sense after I found the big one

It was a 3d car game from the 90's for PC (between 1994-1997 i guess)
There were a little bunch of cars (i think there was a jeep, not sure) to choose and one of those was like this

I recall green landscapes with sheeps and you could hit those sheeps and they would go "baaa!" as you roll over them (they ended like a paper on the floor after you killed them) I don't remember if there was blood

minor info: holding "delete" key would switch to front view from the car to see what was behind


New member
Apr 29, 2018
Hi all.

I was looking for a game i played 12 years ago on my pc, i dont remember if it was released then or if it was older.
-Car combat
-Looked kinda cartoonish
-You could pick wich car and customize their weapons
-They kinda looked like toy cars
-it was 3d
-it had local multiplayer
-something that i always remember it was the ability to leave oil on the tracks to make cars crash
-the maps where a little tiny
-the cars didn't had much complex desing or anithing, just different shapes and only one color



New member
Jun 28, 2016
90 said:
I remember a game about you have a control on a little character ( something like a little goblin ) against rats . Your mission is to knock them down by hitting the floor they are walking on ( like super mario ) and then u have to face the boss which is a giant rat walking on his legs like a man , when it's pissed of it starts to spin around the whole arena to hit you . There's a multiplayer option when you and your friend play on the same screen with 2 goblins each one has a different color ( green and cyan as i remember ) . I've been searching for this game but i couldn't find it , Can anyone help me with it ??


New member
Feb 21, 2016

I used to play this game on my pc in the early 2000's, but the game is probably from the 90's

It was a 3rd person game about a spaceship which seemed to be inside a bigger ship, where you would open gates and shoot other spaceships.

That's all i can remember, I was very little then.

Please help! Thanks in advance.


May 16, 2016
Hi! I already posted here so I will try again. So, there was this game, a platformer if i remember correctly:
you look from the sideview, like Mario and Sonic,
you play as a knight (i think? it looked like a little boy in a knight costume),
and i just remember some random parts from it like an underwater level where you go through tunnels and on top you have mermaids that you can save (i know it's weird) and the boss of that level is a skeleton that wears boxers and when you beat him the boxers fly around and can land on your head, and after that i think the water like throws you out of there like a waterfall, and that's all i remember.
That game is really engraved in my mind from my childhood (2005 i think) and i don't know why but I really want to find it. Thanks!


New member
May 4, 2011
Please Help Me!

Help me show my husband how I created one of the usernames that I use for almost every game I play, LoL. It's actually the name I'm using here, LoL, Lulakita.


> PC game
> Played: very early 2000s, but before 2003, game probably much, much older
> Medieval Fanstasy RPG
(classes, like wizard, knight, etc)
> 2D pixelated Graphics
> Character Creation - INCLUDED a random name generator
> Avatars were cartoonistic; head larger than normal
(imagine Terraria's chars)
> Menu/char creation/etc screens, I think: background resembled yellowed parchment/papyrus
> LOW Resolution: About 640x480 or 600x800

Unfortunately, I'm really struggling to remember much more than these details. I don't remember playing this game for long (don't remember why). The avatar that you play as, I remember it looking super similar to how the avatars look in Terraria, just looked much bigger due to the lower res of this game.

If I could see a list of screenshots of the character creation screen from all these old games, I'd be able to point out which one I'm trying to find, LoL.

>>> About the In-Game Random Name Generator (RNG) <<<

The connection between my username and this old game came from the RNG. It created a single first name, but after clicking a few times, you quickly see the pattern. RNG looked like it was generating the name in two halves. For example, Alinan, Lulaflona, Densin, Haskita, etc, meaning that Ali, Lula, Den, and Has are all the first part, which gets randomly paired with nan, flona, sin, and kita. It was several clicks, but I ended up finding a name that started with Lula and later saw a name end with Kita. I liked how it sounded when putting those two together, so that was what I ended up manually typing in for my name.

I'm pretty sure this game is rather obscure/rare because I've been looking through a ton of lists like, Top 100 PC Games of the 90s, but none of those are even close.

Any help is much, much appreciated!! Thank you all in advance!



Elite Member
Apr 5, 2014
United States
Lulakita said:
Please Help Me!

Help me show my husband how I created one of the usernames that I use for almost every game I play, LoL. It's actually the name I'm using here, LoL, Lulakita.


> PC game
> Played: very early 2000s, but before 2003, game probably much, much older
> Medieval Fanstasy RPG
(classes, like wizard, knight, etc)
> 2D pixelated Graphics
> Character Creation - INCLUDED a random name generator
> Avatars were cartoonistic; head larger than normal
(imagine Terraria's chars)
> Menu/char creation/etc screens, I think: background resembled yellowed parchment/papyrus
> LOW Resolution: About 640x480 or 600x800

Unfortunately, I'm really struggling to remember much more than these details. I don't remember playing this game for long (don't remember why). The avatar that you play as, I remember it looking super similar to how the avatars look in Terraria, just looked much bigger due to the lower res of this game.

If I could see a list of screenshots of the character creation screen from all these old games, I'd be able to point out which one I'm trying to find, LoL.

>>> About the In-Game Random Name Generator (RNG) <<<

The connection between my username and this old game came from the RNG. It created a single first name, but after clicking a few times, you quickly see the pattern. RNG looked like it was generating the name in two halves. For example, Alinan, Lulaflona, Densin, Haskita, etc, meaning that Ali, Lula, Den, and Has are all the first part, which gets randomly paired with nan, flona, sin, and kita. It was several clicks, but I ended up finding a name that started with Lula and later saw a name end with Kita. I liked how it sounded when putting those two together, so that was what I ended up manually typing in for my name.

I'm pretty sure this game is rather obscure/rare because I've been looking through a ton of lists like, Top 100 PC Games of the 90s, but none of those are even close.

Any help is much, much appreciated!! Thank you all in advance!

Was it any of these?

Last Imperial Prince
Romancia: Another Legend
Sorcerian Forever
Sorcerian Original

Mid Boss

Senior Member
Aug 20, 2012
This is an arcade game from the 90s? It's a fantasy themed side scrolling fighting game. Kinda like Golden Axe. But in this one you start out with one character but can have up to 3 if you find and release them from the jail cells around each level. The extra character follow closely behind you and attack when you do.

Played it a few times as a child and it pops into my memory every once in a while but for the past 20+ years I cannot remember the flippin name of it or find it on the internet.

Mid Boss

Senior Member
Aug 20, 2012
Draner said:
Hi all.

I was looking for a game i played 12 years ago on my pc, i dont remember if it was released then or if it was older.
-Car combat
-Looked kinda cartoonish
-You could pick wich car and customize their weapons
-They kinda looked like toy cars
-it was 3d
-it had local multiplayer
-something that i always remember it was the ability to leave oil on the tracks to make cars crash
-the maps where a little tiny
-the cars didn't had much complex desing or anithing, just different shapes and only one color

Sounds like RC Racer?


New member
Aug 4, 2016
bnicolas99 said:

I used to play this game on my pc in the early 2000's, but the game is probably from the 90's

It was a 3rd person game about a spaceship which seemed to be inside a bigger ship, where you would open gates and shoot other spaceships.

That's all i can remember, I was very little then.

Please help! Thanks in advance.
It sounds like it could be Pyrotechnica from 1995

You're sure it was in 3rd person?


New member
Feb 21, 2016
gdmcgill said:
bnicolas99 said:

I used to play this game on my pc in the early 2000's, but the game is probably from the 90's

It was a 3rd person game about a spaceship which seemed to be inside a bigger ship, where you would open gates and shoot other spaceships.

That's all i can remember, I was very little then.

Please help! Thanks in advance.
It sounds like it could be Pyrotechnica from 1995

You're sure it was in 3rd person?
It isn't that one... the game wasn't that colorful.

I'm pretty sure it was In 3rd person