Old-Time Rockers Don't Like Rock Band


New member
Apr 14, 2009
hansari said:
Man, I wish I was a celebrity...just so I could pull statistics out of my ass. I'd be making stuff up like Ron Burgundy...
Malygris said:
"It irritates me having watched my kids do it - if they spent as much time practicing the guitar as learning how to press the buttons they'd be damn good by now," he said.
Learning how to read notes requires the same effort it takes as pressing a color right when it comes on screen?
Now, you don't need notes to play guitar. Most people I know, that play guitar, including myself, just use tabs. Also, I started playing a real guitar because of Guitar Hero.


New member
Aug 15, 2008
Well, it depends on how you approach GH/RB.

I play GH as a substitute for listening to music. It's more fun to "be part of the song" like you do in Rock Band than just sitting back and listening to Santana do his thing.

However, if you're playing as a substitute for learning an instrument, ur doin it rong.


New member
Dec 26, 2008
Shows what Wyman knows. I picked up the bass partially because of Guitar Hero. And you know what, I am significantly better at Guitar Hero than I am at the bass with roughly the same amount of play time. I know a fair number of people who are more interested in playing instruments after playing these games.

The Bandit

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Feb 5, 2008
Ironic said:
I can attest to ACTUALLY STOPPING TO LEARN GUITAR because of guitar hero. I mustered up the willpower to really try at my guitar at the same time I was given the game for my birthday, I played my guitar for a week, then played GH.

I had way too much fun and i didn't callous my fingers.

:'( (crying for what could have been)
bawwwww im too lazy to lrn to play, so i blame it on other stuff.

Sh. That's bullshit and you know it. You didn't learn because you didn't find it fun. There's nothing wrong with that.

Why is it that the Wii is never attacked for keeping kids from becoming professional athletes?

Rooster Cogburn

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May 24, 2008
Please don't make Pink Floyd: Rock Band. I can't afford another raging lifetime obsession.

And make sure it has Childhood's End.

Nigh Invulnerable

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Jan 5, 2009
NeutralDrow said:
I almost wish I could say I empathize, but I don't. I disagree with both of them.

Besides, until they come out with Clarinet Hero, my position is secure.
"Rhapsody in Blue"? Here comes NeutralDrow! That'd seriously make me laugh so hard, I'd probably have an aneurysm.

I recall seeing a similar news item about Jimmy Page and Jack White expressing these exact thoughts. You know what, old rocker dudes? Shut the hell up. If someone wants to play a game and feel like a rockstar instead of trying to make it big playing the real thing (an insanely difficult thing to achieve), let 'em.


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Dec 8, 2008
curlycrouton said:
Wizzie said:
Games like Manhunt are the reason why people aren't interested in Mass murder.
Except that's a ridiculous analogy, because playing the guitar can't be compared to mass murder
No really!?


New member
Jun 28, 2009
that's ridiculous, the only reason i got into drumming is because of Rock Band.

Jurassic Rob

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Mar 27, 2009
SomeBritishDude said:
The fact is without Rock Band and Guitar Hero most kids today wouldn't be interested in Rock, at all.
I totally disagree! While Rock Band and Guitar Hero may increase their musical taste, to say kids don't like rock at all is obtuse!

OT: They're right. When I learned to play guitar, I was occasionally frustrated by the mistakes you have to make to learn, but with Guitar Hero and the like, it is instant gratification. Players will think why practice for 5 years to be able to play Welcome to the Jungle when you can play it flawlessly on Guitar Hero III in a week!

Kojiro ftt

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Apr 1, 2009

I think these games are great at demonstrating how fun and challenging it is to play music together.

I am musically inept, but these games make me want to learn an instrument. If I had a bit more time, I might try to learn one.


New member
Feb 23, 2008
FloodOne said:
Machines Are Us said:
I have nothing against these games myself, as long as nobody acts impressed by anybody who is good at them. When you get people who show more reverence for how good somebody is at pretending to be a musician than being a real one, then you have issues.
Nobody should be impressed with anyone's skill in any videogame. Like, ever.
I find those professional starcraft players in Korea to be impressive. I just could never do what they do, no matter how much I practiced.


New member
Jun 26, 2009
It is fun...it is a game.

What they are saying that people should actually go and do the thing the game is implying instead of playing the game.

I for one do not plan to go out and kill Sephiroth soon.

They are what I would call douchebags.