Opinion's on sexuality


New member
Jun 11, 2011
What I love is that all the people saying that people are free to choose who they want to be with are actually discriminating the people with religions and beliefs. (Yes, I'm looking at you Grafin Drachen) Personally, any relationship besides a man and a woman is immoral and shouldn't be pursued, but this is MY view, just as its whoever's lifestyle of being with someone with the same sex, so slamming me about my beliefs is no different than slamming homosexuals. But honestly, why is the person talking about hypocrisy is actually a hypocrite himself? Oh the irony. ^_^


May contain a lot of Irn Bru
Apr 11, 2011
Inhibitor-Alpha said:
What I love is that all the people saying that people are free to choose who they want to be with are actually discriminating the people with religions and beliefs. (Yes, I'm looking at you Grafin Drachen) Personally, any relationship besides a man and a woman is immoral and shouldn't be pursued, but this is MY view, just as its whoever's lifestyle of being with someone with the same sex, so slamming me about my beliefs is no different than slamming homosexuals. But honestly, why is the person talking about hypocrisy is actually a hypocrite himself? Oh the irony. ^_^
Lol, I see you made a new account to prevent getting hated for that, but honestly I kinda agree about people hating on religions. I can agree with them to a degree, I hate that so many religions are about love and peace and things, but then discriminate certain groups to the point of hate, it just seems stupid to me. But I'm not going to hate people for thinking like that.... hell, if you look at my earlier post, I used to be like that to a point. I think everyone can believe whatever they want, I'd just rather they didn't try to push their beliefs in people faces, just like I wont go crazy at them for thinking being gay is wrong.

omega 616

Elite Member
May 1, 2009
Lionsfan said:
omega 616 said:
I am yet to meet a straight women, they all seem to either say there bisexual or have kissed a girl (and I liked it, the taste of her cherry chapstick).
.....I see what you did there

I think a lot of "bisexuals" are actually attention junkies. Girls/women need to realize straight = doing stuff with guys, that includes kissing. It doesn't mean "I will have sex with men but I can make out with other females".

I kind of had to come up with a radical point of view to sort of prevent a massive circle agreement of "no matter who you like your cool". It doesn't really lead to discussion.
I think what you're thinking of is the Stereotypical (and often times stereotyped well) College Co-Ed; the girl who "just wants to explore everything" and thinks just because she'll make out with a girl she's Bisexual, therefore more desirable to guys.
Nope, I know a girl who has only told me and a few other close friends that she has kissed a girl just 'cos.

Girls seem to have this thing were "yeah, I am straight but I will kiss a girl" you wouldn't get that with guys "yeah, I like big boobies but I have no problem making out with guy friends" it would never happen.


I miss my old avatar
Jan 29, 2010
omega 616 said:
Nope, I know a girl who has only told me and a few other close friends that she has kissed a girl just 'cos.

Girls seem to have this thing were "yeah, I am straight but I will kiss a girl" you wouldn't get that with guys "yeah, I like big boobies but I have no problem making out with guy friends" it would never happen.
True, it does seem like girls would be more likely to do that on average, it's just all most of the "bisexual" girls I know only say that to tease some guys into thinking a threesome is a legit possibility


New member
Sep 19, 2010
febel said:
What's everyone's opinion on Asexuality? 'Cause I'm feeling a bit left out of the opening post.
Asexuals are fine in my book. if I see religion seeing that asexuals are wrong, I'm going to kill the morons who manage that religion.


Nov 1, 2009
I'm a straight male, and I don't care what other consenting adults do behind closed doors. Bi-sexual relationships, transgendered relationships, homosexual relationships.. whatever. None of it has anything to do with my life and my personal goals, so I have no reason to consider it worth anything less than passive acceptance (although I will crack down on the random "penis designed for vagina, so homosexuality r wrong hurr hurr! idiot when I get the chance).


New member
Jul 28, 2010
I'm straight and I find two men fondling each other disgusting. That's not to say I hate gay people or anything, and frankly I get upset when people who think like me get flamed. I don't have to like homosexuality. People are allowed to think it's weird. I will never judge a person based on their sexuality, regardless of my opinion of it.

P.S. What is it with people on this site putting apostrophes where they don't belong!? It's a very simple concept.


New member
Jul 8, 2009
Grafin Drachen said:
You love who you love, and that's the end of it.

But as for the actual 'sex' bit, I'd go with something similar to the Kinsey scale (and give a big BLEH! to people who seem to insist that sexuality is some black and white thing. I mean, between your sexual orientation, your social upbringing and your emtoional biases, to say that there are only 'x' number of categories is a big assumption. Until science says otherwise I think the most rationmal stance to take is that outward sexuality is a combination of nature AND nurture.

Dan Steele

New member
Jul 30, 2010
I dont mind what people are into, thats great for them. If you parade it around in public however, you are asking to get made fun of.

tobi the good boy

New member
Dec 16, 2007
Sexuality is good, No sexuality is also good.
Everyone is allowed to be what they want to be as long as it falls within the confines of the law.
I like cheesecake.

Grafin Drachen

New member
Jun 20, 2010
Biosophilogical said:
Grafin Drachen said:
You love who you love, and that's the end of it.

But as for the actual 'sex' bit, I'd go with something similar to the Kinsey scale (and give a big BLEH! to people who seem to insist that sexuality is some black and white thing. I mean, between your sexual orientation, your social upbringing and your emtoional biases, to say that there are only 'x' number of categories is a big assumption. Until science says otherwise I think the most rationmal stance to take is that outward sexuality is a combination of nature AND nurture.
The sex bit, what you in privacy is your own business. As long as the act is consensual between the parties involved, who cares. Or actually, more practically, who should care. It's not like you MUST be involved in it. If it's not for you, don't do it.

However, one thing that really grinds my nerves is people who are that are anal (No pun intended!) about gay rights. Yeah, you where oppressed, but so was every other group on this planet at one time or another. You already have the same rights as any other citizen (In Canada anyway) so stop beating a dead horse and move on. Not everyone is going to agree with you, heck, there are still people that promote slavery, women in power and Nazism, and that's never going to change. Give up preaching, and get on with it.


New member
May 13, 2010
Each to their own.
I'm straight but if someone else wants to bum men or get some lesbian action going on there's nothing wrong with that, it's not like it's going to adversely affect me in any way.


New member
Apr 6, 2011
Dan Steele said:
I dont mind what people are into, thats great for them. If you parade it around in public however, you are asking to get made fun of.
Please define "parade it around in public" if you don't mind and please explain what exactly you feel gives you the right to attempt to publicly humiliate people who aren't like you? I doubt it is possible to do with out sounding like a complete jerk, but i'm willing to listen.

Dan Steele

New member
Jul 30, 2010
well intheweeds I dont like to publicly humiliate people based on sexuality, race, any of the matter. What I mean by my comment parade around in public is when you start going all open about it like gay parades and such rednecks, homophobes, and anti homosexual religions are going to pick you to pieces. The same thing happens with furrys. The best way to educate anyone about a subject like such is by teaching children in schools and TV shows. Remove all anti gay banter and religions and teach acceptance rather than fear because of outdated holy books


New member
Aug 20, 2009
Utrechet said:
My opinion is that everyone is free to choose what they want, as it is their opinion on the matter that... matters. Not ours.

Also, society isn't helping the topic by adding religion into the matter.
While I perfectly agree with your first point, you realize that religion inherently cannot believe any differently than it does unless you disprove the existence of their diety/ies? Also, as a Christian I believe all humanity to be equal and while homosexuality is a sin (one I am not exempt from) I also believe that there is not a human on the planet that has not sinned, and God measures all sins the same such as heterosexual lust. Before this turns into a debate about my beliefs, I was answering the OP and explaining that religion is anchored to whether or not the "supernatural" exists. If there is concrete proof found that God cannot exist, then religion will fade away and society will have every right to treat them like intolerant hicks.