Orphan Black: Season 2, Episode 7 Recap


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Aug 15, 2013
Orphan Black: Season 2, Episode 7 Recap

Loose ends are tied up as we head towards the Orphan Black Season 2 finale.

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Baron Tanks

New member
Mar 3, 2013
I came in expecting some takedowns of the absurdness of Leekie's demise, or the Deus Ex. Machina appearance of Marian. I mean, if it doesn't bother, all well by my account but to praise Marian already competing for most intriguing villain? It felt a bit too much as a convenient Rabbit and high hat situation to me. I hope we'll discover some layers to Marian in the future, because now we traded a charismatic figure in Leaky, who could be both ruthless and sympathetic on a whim, for an ice-cold in control 'villain' with Marian, who might as well be called Rachel 2.0 Although one could argue that's the point, that Rachel is being molded after herself, to create the perfect heir to Dyad, something that's been hinted before. I just hope she doesn't turn out to also be the related piece of the genomic puzzle, that would make everything a bit too contrived, even for Orphan Black.

P.S. anyone else get the feeling that Helena is just going to get impregnated and then tear the place down, perhaps prompted by the arrival of Sarah? I see her desire for family, but I don't buy the happily living with the Proletheans angle for one second, she is just playing them because she needs them right now, as she has been played in the past.


Reprogrammed Spambot
Nov 24, 2012
My favorite part of this episode, "I qui-BLAM! Poor Leeky, ducking into alleys looking over his shoulder for Paul or some other random hitter, instead finds a perturbed Donnie. What's worse than a smart person with a gun? An idiot with a gun.

I too think that Helena's going to walk in, expecting to be impregnated and walk away, only to get tied down and kept in a box like so many cattle. She'll get free of course, probably permanently fix that mouth problem that Gracie has, then proceed to burn the entire cult compound to the ground. She's good at revenge. It's too bad she's also a glutton for punishment.

Sack of Cheese

New member
Sep 12, 2011
Baron Tanks said:
P.S. anyone else get the feeling that Helena is just going to get impregnated and then tear the place down, perhaps prompted by the arrival of Sarah? I see her desire for family, but I don't buy the happily living with the Proletheans angle for one second, she is just playing them because she needs them right now, as she has been played in the past.
Without a doubt. Ever since she found Sarah, she never cared that much for her cult.
Unless I'm wrong, I'm a lot certain that Helena won't be "killed" again because they already did that in Season 1.

Tono Makt

New member
Mar 24, 2012
I'm also amused how they so obviously dropped any pretense to this show taking place outside of the Toronto area when they said that Ethan was 2.5 hours away... in Brockville. Which is about 3.5 hours from Toronto and given that much of this season with Sarah and Mrs. S has taken place outside of the main city, it's quite reasonable to think that she was an hour outside of the city when she got the information she needed.

Overall I'm not quite as enthused about this year. It's still good but my I think that this series is going to need quite a bit of extra material (BluRay extras, comic books, webisodes, something like that) to fill in the blanks. Paul and Mark both catching up with Sarah and Helena at the same time, in the same place? Mrs. S knowing about Paul's history in Afghanistan? (did Sarah tell her? I don't remember off the top of my head, and it felt like she had independent sources.) Mrs. S thinking she should be known to Leeky? (Assuming that was because it was common knowledge that she was Sarah Manning's foster mother, but the scene was a bit off putting - I got the impression that there was more there that Leeky was expected to know.)

And... yeah. Marian. That was jarring. And it seems to be so wasteful, getting rid of Leeky. He's brilliant, he's charismatic, he has a devoted public following, he's been with the group since forever, it just seems like a waste to kill him off so quickly and so offhandedly. Marian coming in and replacing him (that's my assumption) as one of the Dryad villain characters was just too quick and isn't sitting well with me.

We'll see how the rest of the season (and series) plays out, but I can see this episode being the one which becomes the turning point - that this is the episode where the series started to really go off the rails and spins out of control.