martyrdrebel27 said:
again, you're proving your thickheadedness and revealing your need to be contradictory rather than an actual participant in this discussion. You're telling the person who has personally lost people to drug addiction that they aren't considering the impact it has on the survivors... Just stop dude, you are obviously out of your wheelhouse and in over your head. When I have a question about Red XIII I'll be sure to turn to you, but this here, just isn't your fight, and you have no interest in learning about it, so your presence is useless at best and irresponsibly socially backward at worst. You have no idea how much damage you could be doing to an addict who sees your lack of compassion and understanding.
Hahaha... Did you seriously just judge my knowledge based on the profile avatar I have on a forum? (You realize this is a gaming/techy/comic/tv community and most people here have avatar pictures of video game / comic / tv characters right?) You are going to sit there and criticize me for my opinion on a subject and claim I'm not participating in a conversation because I don't agree with you, and point out the hypocrisy in your posts?
Listen, I don't care who you are... I don't care about whatever past you've gone through that makes you think that your opinion on the subject is the only view point that is valid in this situation. You have no idea of my past, of my loss in relation to drugs. Just because I don't share your "Woes is them the helpless addict" doesn't make me wrong.
You don't want a discussion... you want to have your pity party on a forum and expect everyone to follow suit. Well you know what... SCREW THAT. As I said, you are more than welcome to feel sympathy for him, and mourn his loss, and say he was a tragic victim of addiction, that is your opinion.
I am going to continue to feel sympathy for those he left behind, those he didn't care enough about when he selfishly lost himself in drugs again. For those who have to continue living their lives without him, because he couldn't be bothered to live his life WITH them.
Pot, meet Kettle... Stop being such a hypocrite and realize that there is more than just your opinion in the world.