Oslo Murders Lead to Calls For Game Bans in Australia


Sight, Sound, and Mind
Nov 24, 2008
Using a video game in a training regiment? worst idea ever. People don't act like AI controlled enemies and guns don't work like they do in games. What would you even get out of that?

Aside from that, wasn't the guy motivated by some insane manifesto to kill Muslims or something? Can't we definitively show he's a whack-job who was off his nut in a way that doesn't match up with any game? If he was really that close tot he edge that a game could set him off wasn't he already ready to blow and just needing a spark, any spark, to set him off?

I know people can demonize games but the Mr. Wallace is starting to sound like a crazy person with an obsession with seeing games banned. Replace "games" with "black people" or "liberals" and he'd be written off as insane but if he talks about games then people aren't worried?

Hamish Durie

New member
Apr 30, 2011
Detective Prince said:
*stares* Can I tell tell them a secret?

You can ban everything in the world if you wanted to.

Crazy people are going to do crazy things. That's how the world works. There's nothing to blame other than their brains.
if you did ban everything in the world being crazy is all you could do


New member
Apr 4, 2010
What the fuck is this? Seriously. What was the thinking behind this ''Herp derp, shooter say he play games, he like, herpa derpa derpa, lets ban vidya games. Derp.''

Good thing there are at least some people competent, ruling over that chunk of land.


New member
Jul 7, 2010
Andy Chalk said:
Oslo Murders Lead to Calls For Game Bans in Australia
"How can we allow the profits of the games industry and selfishness of games libertarians to place our increasingly dysfunctional society at further risk? Even if this prohibition were to save only one tragedy like this each twenty years it would be worth it."
So basically ban anything that could set anyone off even if once in twenty years. This guy also does not sound like he is playing with a full deck either.

How about we try focusing on detecting the nut cases early before they set off by one of a million things that can supposedly set one of these crazies off, rather than stopping people doing stuff that a normal person can do without worry of being set off. And if we are going to try and detect the nut cases, this guy should go to the top of the list, as from his comments, his grasp on reality is not 100% there.....

Stein Inge

New member
Jun 9, 2009
To whoever is in charge of the picture on the front page:
Please use ANY other picture to represent this thread! Seeing that mans face makes me want to puke blood!

EDIT: The picture is not even representative to the thread....


Senior Member
Jul 19, 2011
I doubt I'll add anything new to the thread, but thank god for the handful of level-headed politicians in the world. Hopefully, we might get an influx of world leaders that don't succumb to fearmongering to get the public to do what they want.


New member
Oct 14, 2008
A Christian lobby? We could easily point fingers at the fact he was a hardcore christian who belived god wanted him to carry out such acts.


Late Reviewer
Nov 29, 2007
"I understand that the murderer was known to drink water! Quickly, shut off the city water supply and dump the reservoir!"


New member
Nov 9, 2010
I let the Christan's worship figure speak for me.


New member
Jan 17, 2009
sheogoraththemad said:
The man was also a Christian: lets ban religion!
The man was also a Norse: lets ban Norway!
The man was also Blonde: lets ban Blonde People
The man was also a Idiot: Lets ban idiots!
you get my point
Points to this person. I love christian lobby's sometimes. They provide me with the means to make myself feel better about my intelligence every day.

(also, blonde, with an E, its one of my personal ARRRGHS ;) )


New member
Oct 5, 2008
How about they curb the rampant right wing media who stir up this sort of hatred and paranoia with irresponsible scare mongering and unsolicited xenophobia? People like Breivik aren't turned onto violence and hatred by videogames, they're turned that way by their own mental problems that are exacerbated by the sort of bullshit that newspapers like News of the World and the Daily Mail, and corporations like Fox, have been spewing for years. These newspapers offer more ammunition for a would be militant right wing nutjob than any gun shop, and definitely more than videogames.


New member
Nov 27, 2009
Andy Chalk said:
That's enough of a connection for Australian Christian Lobby Managing Director Jim Wallace,
Norwegian police have charged a man Saturday, whom reports are describing as a "right-wing fundamentalist Christian,"
Methinks someone is trying to deflect blame from their religion.

I wonder how he'd respond to banning religion. Or say, slapping an 18+ rating on it. No one allowed to attend a religion until they are a legal adult, capable of making such adult decisions on their own.

Yeah, I didn't think so.


New member
Nov 29, 2009
Nevermind the fact that he was a christian, which I am sure is more of a cause of the killings then the video games. Maybe we should ban religion and this type of stuff would go away? In the words of George Carlin, if you look at history, God is the #1 cause of death.

And nevermind the fact that MW2 has sold millions of copies, and one person goes off the deep end? So let's ban it all!


New member
Dec 15, 2007
Archemetis said:
Well of course MW2 didn't make him into a psycho.

The guy said himself Modern Warfare was his 'training regime'. In order for it to be his training for the atrocities he'd have to have actively decided he wanted to kill all these people...

Argument over in my opinion.
What I'm curious about is how is playing MW any relation to real life?

Also, thank you politicians. Even if you are all too distracted by that bloody carbon tax, it still means you're making at least one good choice this year.