This along with Portal 2 is looking like the most enjoyable game I'll buy this year. I haven't played all that much GTA (I wasn't allowed to buy 18 games until a few years ago and by then I'd heard GTA4 was crap so I didn't bother) but this looks like a much more interesting game to me. Partially because no one seems to have a brilliant game out of Spaghetti Westerns yet.
It certainly looks like there's a lot to do and see. It seems like it's treading a fine line between realism and fun, but then again this game once again has the advantage of being set in a world I don't see by stepping out my front door (I live in a small ye' old English city not Liberty City but you get the idea).
Plus the story segments I've seen so far look promising, the characters certainly seem to stand out to me.
number2301 said:
Sounds a lot like Gun to me? Even down to the bullet time mechanic.
To be fair I don't doubt the majority of old western games have some sort of bullet time mechanic. If you wish to be authentic the guns are going to be pretty lacking in the epic department, so there's got to be something to spice up gun play, and what with the whole sharp shooters, fast draw types from the movies this sort of gimmick just seems to fit. Call of...something or other did the same thing too I believe.