Perfect (Or As Good As We'll Get) Works of Fiction


New member
Sep 21, 2013
Is there any book, movie, comic, video game or TV show that you consider close to perfect? Not necessarily your favorite thing in the world, but something that you couldn't really find any major flaws in.

For example, I love Doctor Who and have watched it for years, but it still has plenty of poorly-executed scenes, occasionally crappy CGI, overly-hammy acting, etc.

On the other hand, although Watchmen (the comic) kind of bored me, I couldn't find any flaws in it. It was clever, dramatic and used compelling characters to drive the plot forward.

What I'm looking for are things like Watchmen. Things that are (ideally enjoyable, but even if not,) more or less flawless.


Flesh is but a garment!
Feb 6, 2012
No, I can't really think of any. Front Mission 3, Persona 3, Persona 4, The Last Samurai, Equilibrium and others are my favorite works of fiction and I can easily find many many flaws in them. But that's what I love about them. For me nothing is perfect, because once it becomes perfect, it's no longer perfect. Sounds stupid, I know, but that's kinda my thinking. Perfect in every way character will only end up looking like a twat, because he is so perfect. Character's flaws and how he overcomes them or learns to live with them is what defines him.


Your friendly local nihilist
Dec 6, 2010
The only thing I could view as almost perfect is The Lord of the Rings movies. Excluding the Hobbit, I am hard pressed to find any flaws in those movies. Maybe a couple book transition mistakes, but we should be thankful for that.

All of my favorite games, novels, and movies have flaws that I could easily point out.


New member
Sep 21, 2012
Ender's Game (the book) was pretty damn good, just don't buy it or support the author in any possible way (I suggest the library).

sextus the crazy

New member
Oct 15, 2011
Puella Magi Madoka Magica. It's so tightly crafted. Every scene and interaction exists for a reason and there's no filler. I guess some of the animaiton in parts is spotty, but only that and a few other nitpicks exist. Hell, the fact that I enjoy it more after every rewatching is some proof of it's quality.


New member
Nov 25, 2008
I recently watched The Help which I would say fits your criteria. However, I haven't read the novel, so it might be that the movie adaptation is full of flaws. As a standalone film, though, I thought it was excellent.

Additionally, Quartet, the ensemble film directed by Dustin Hoffman with the best all-star cast I've seen in years. It made me laugh, it made me cry, the soundtrack was perfect.

Unfortunately, there's only one book I consider perfect, Watership Down, and as an English Literature student you can bet that should I ever have to dissect it, I'll find faults on every page. Hopefully that won't ever happen, because it's my all-time favourite book and I don't want it besmirched.

Easton Dark

New member
Jan 2, 2011
I remember the first Pokemon movie, Mewtwo strikes back, to be pretty god damn perfect. If I watched it again now, who knows, I may find something wrong with it, but everything about it is remembered as perfect. Setting, tone, characters.

I'd say Code Geass if not for the freaking Mao episodes.

Scrubs up to season 8 (the last season, and don't you fucking dare spread any contrary rumors).


New member
Jun 10, 2009
Easton Dark said:
I remember the first Pokemon movie, Mewtwo strikes back, to be pretty god damn perfect. If I watched it again now, who knows, I may find something wrong with it, but everything about it is remembered as perfect. Setting, tone, characters.

I'd say Code Geass if not for the freaking Mao episodes.
Just leave that one alone for the rest of your life and you should be fine. Can't really think of anything off the top of my head that is blood and bones perfection, but for anime I'd have to say Fullmetal Alchemist is damn near amazing if you want to introduce somebody to thoughtful animation, or anything by Hayao Miyazaki tends to be very good as well.

Games is a harder one to gauge, as again, perfection is in the eye of the beholder. But my personal favorites of this gen would have to be Deus Ex: Human Revolution (even the crappy boss fights don't stop me from playing it over and over again), Mass Effect (the series, as a narrative undertaking and despite the lackluster ending, is incredibly impressive) and inFAMOUS (1 and 2) I can't fault the games, I love 'em to bits. As soon as I saw the banner for Second Son on Facebook, there was a zero chance in hell that I was going to switch. Pity it's not a release title.

But again, personal tastes.

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
Well, Berserk is probably the best thing I ever read, and even that has flaws. The fact that it's still continuing is one of them.

I would maybe go for Spirited Away. There's nothing really that I can point at in that movie and call it a flaw or even weak. It's just so immaculately crafted in every way.

Soviet Heavy

New member
Jan 22, 2010
You seem to have omitted Music from your choices. What about albums or songs that follow a story? Because if that's the case, then nothing will ever top Pink Floyd's The Wall. It's an hour and a half descent into madness and isolation, all told through mastercraft songwriting that runs the gauntlet from hard rock to orchestral works.


New member
Apr 23, 2010
Casablanca, and the novel of To Kill a Mockingbird. I named my daughter Scout. I was tempted to name my son Louis, but settled for Lewis.


Your #1 Source for the Dino Porn
Jul 10, 2013
Gurren Lagann... A show that stays consistent, despite how ridiculous it gets the more episodes going in... (Also, it teaches you to not believe in yourself... Wait...)

Breaking Bad... A show that's as pure as the meth Walter White cooks on the show... and by pure, I totally mean in its overall execution from start to finish, in terms of storytelling and in character development...

The Blues Brothers... I got nothing clever to say about it... It's clever in its own right... (Now, I really want to see this movie again... It's like it's my mission from God to re-watch this gem of a movie...)

[Kira Must Die]

Sep 30, 2009
For me, probably FLCL. I can't name a single problem I have with it, as it's my favorite anime, and even the things that some can say are "flaws" strangely work in its favor.


New member
Sep 15, 2013
Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood. Oh, gosh. It's just so good and the only flaw is that the first season moves a little too fast, but I can forgive that because it doesn't move -too- fast and very few things are cut out. Other than that, it's the most satisfying and fulfilling anime I've ever watched.


New member
Jan 4, 2009
Ghost Trick is pretty damn perfect.

Maybe you could have more freedom in figuring out the puzzles, but maybe that would make it less tight experience...

With most games that I really love (Like Eternal Darkness) I can find some ways to improve it, for example Eternal Darkness had a great spell-system, but it could have been more in-depth.

Pink Gregory

New member
Jul 30, 2008
From Hell is pretty good.

The graphic novel, I should be at pains to point out. Genuinely speculative.


New member
Nov 4, 2013
One of my all time favorite books comes to mind, Dogsbody by Diana Wynne Jones (same lady who wrote Howl's Moving Castle which the wonderful Miyazaki film is based on). It's just such a beautiful little piece of JA fiction, I haven't every really come across another quite as charming except maybe The Little Prince and The Neverending Story, but I read both of those in English instead of their original languages, so it's kind of hard to say what the original was really like. I've read so many books from age ranges for kids to adults but nothing has been quite as flawless as Dogsbody to me.

As for music, anything by Explosions in the Sky is just wonderful.

Movie wise, anything by Studio Ghibli is magnificent but Spirited Away and Princess Mononoke are two that are especially close to my heart.

And video game wise, nothing will ever top Earthbound, ever. It's perfect. Mother 3 is a very close second, but nothing can quite top Earthbound. Although it is worth noting that the storyline of Mother 3 is way more emotional and intense. It just depends on what type of perfection you're looking for!


New member
Apr 8, 2011
Soviet Heavy said:
You seem to have omitted Music from your choices. What about albums or songs that follow a story? Because if that's the case, then nothing will ever top Pink Floyd's The Wall. It's an hour and a half descent into madness and isolation, all told through mastercraft songwriting that runs the gauntlet from hard rock to orchestral works.

It's a masterpiece. It's all so deep and well-thought out.
Didn't find any flaws in it. And the movie that goes along with it is a nice addition.