Pirates Can Legitimately Upgrade To Windows 10 For Free


New member
May 18, 2013
Signa said:
WeepingAngels said:
Signa said:
WeepingAngels said:
Signa said:
Microsoft's previous upgrade policies have involved invalidating your old license.
Are you sure about this? I reinstalled my OEM copy of Windows 7 from the recovery disc when my hard drive died, had no activation issues. I upgraded from that W7 version to W8 when it came out in 2012.
Did you buy a Windows 8 upgrade, or just install the full version over Windows 7? If it's the former of the two, it should invalidate your license. Then again, since you're questioning it now, I am realizing I haven't had confirmation of that policy since Vista, maybe earlier. I know that's how it's supposed to work, because that's why they sell you the upgrade software for cheaper than the full. It's also why you don't need the old copy installed (or at least back in the old days!) to install the upgrade, because you can just use the key to get the upgrade install going.
I bought the upgrade and upgraded from within Windows 7. Did it again once I got the new hard drive, reinstalled W7, W8 and then 8.1.

I always thought the idea behind the upgraded version was that it rewarded previous users of Windows and that it could not be installed on a new system (without a previous Windows product key).
I'm having trouble digging up info either way. Because of the longevity of XP, they could have revised their policies ages ago, but since that was only 2 or 3 OS generations ago, I don't know what is what anymore. What I recall didn't even really affect the OSs of its age, because until XP, you didn't even have to activate Windows, so it was all unenforceable EULA stuff.
Yeah, I might have put Win 98SE on so many PC's back in the day using the same full version copy.


New member
Aug 19, 2009
That sounds too good to be true, especially considering this is M$ we're talking about. What's the catch? There has to be a serious catch. They can't have realized that making customers and potential customers happy is good for business. That would be absurd.


New member
Mar 31, 2014
Rednog said:
TopazFusion said:
Okay, so it's sounding more and more like it's going to be a "freemium" product of some sort. Because if not, there'll literally be absolutely no reason for anyone to spend money on this.

Call me cynical if you must.
Considering all the Ad type bullshit, they might just be going down that route to make cash. The advanced users will probably jack the software anyways and remove it, but your average schmo is going to be stuck with it. Hand out the OS for free and make it back with the ads and integrated marketplace.

Signa said:
Microsoft's previous upgrade policies have involved invalidating your old license. I'm very hesitant to invalidate my Windows 7 license, even for a free upgrade, because it could mean trouble in the future if I wanted to use W7 again.

If this article is true, all I would have to do is install a pirate copy to get around my fears. On the other hand, if they are being this indiscriminate for this upgrade policy, they might not invalidate my license at all. Either way, I have a Win8 laptop that I definitely will be upgrading.
Have licenses actually held up over time? I know when I upgraded to a new rig and tried to pull my old key the system was like lol nope. And when I called MS and gave them my key they were like oh this isn't a key for consumers it needs to be deactivated right away. It was a key that was sold to students bundled with office and other software by my university. I'm just wondering if it just got to a point where Microsoft just has had a hard time keeping track and said screw it, let's just validate everything.
I presume that they are planning on Ads/data mining in order to profit from it, just take a look at windows 8.. they're offering it for free on low cost devices if the manufacturer includes Bing as the default search, so tell me how that covers the cost of an otherwise $99 license? (I know OEMs get it cheaper point remains) It does offer super cheap devices now but how does that benefit MS other a few search hits and the market place? Then take a peek over at windows 10 and it gets even worse, with a nearly useless search bar because I have a web browser if I need to search for something I'll use it, then they added Cortana which even states that it will listen to you unless you manually turn it off.... I'll wait and see but.. I'm kind of afraid to go anywhere near Windows 10 at this point.

Edit: I'm totally stealing this quote and using it from now on "If it's free, then you're the product."
Perfectly sums up how I feel about this.


New member
May 13, 2011
I have no idea how Microsoft is going to convince anyone to buy this after the first year or even give them a reason to, unless the upgrade is one use/machine only, so if you upgrade Mobo or Hard drive after the first year you have to buy the OS for real.

otherwise *shrug* In-OS purchases? "need to use a mouse? buy the app for $59.99!" "tired of monochrome try the new color dlc $99.99"


Migratory coconut
Oct 7, 2010
I'm suspicious...It sounds too good to be true. I'll wait as long as i can with my perfectly functional Windows 7 and see what everyone else is saying before i take the plunge


New member
Dec 7, 2009
I remember hearing they considered making Windows 10 a subscription based OS and that people upgrading from 7 and 8 can get it for free for the first year.

The last part left me curious since the wording is iffy. Does that mean I can get it for free within the first year of release, or I only get it for 1 year then I have to pay for it?

All I can take from this story is either MS is attempting to be like Valve. I suspect ultirior motives, but if memory serves the OS department of Microsoft is usually less evil than the Xbone division.


New member
Sep 6, 2009
TopazFusion said:
Okay, so it's sounding more and more like it's going to be a "freemium" product of some sort. Because if not, there'll literally be absolutely no reason for anyone to spend money on this.

Call me cynical if you must.
I bet Windows 10 will be able to detect non-licensed software installs too. Primarily for the reason of busting pirates or spamming them with adverts to buy the software legally, and seeking restitution from all the governments of the world that are using software illegally. This would ultimately backfire of course, since they would then ditch Windows for something like Linux.

Call me paranoid if you must.

An operating system powered by pop-ups.


New member
Oct 1, 2009
ccggenius12 said:
Jeeze, I wish they'd let me upgrade from Vista for free. I misplaced the disks that came with my laptop and its in desperate need of reformatting...
Well now you can. And without any piracy, too. Windows 7 install media is easy enough to get, and installing it without a key lets you run it in full for a month, with nagware notices if it still isn't licensed after that. By the sound of this article, you can then get your free Windows 10 upgrade. So do it just after Windows 10 is released, and voila!

Whispering Cynic

New member
Nov 11, 2009
Nothing's ever free. Whenever a product is offered "free" there's always a catch, or some hidden obligation which is bound to bite you in the ass when you least expect it. This whole thing reeks of treachery...


New member
Aug 19, 2009
Thank you Microsoft, but unless Win 10 comes with an option to downgrade back to Windows 7, I'm sticking with it. I'd still be running Windows XP if I could.

Whispering Cynic said:
Nothing's ever free. Whenever a product is offered "free" there's always a catch, or some hidden obligation which is bound to bite you in the ass when you least expect it. This whole thing reeks of treachery...
The 'catch' is probably the fact that pirating software takes some time to catch up to newest versions. The 3/4ths of Chinese businesses running pirated software that are stupid enough to upgrade will likely end up with their also pirated versions of Microsoft Office bricked for at least a few weeks.


New member
Jan 14, 2010
TopazFusion said:
Okay, so it's sounding more and more like it's going to be a "freemium" product of some sort. Because if not, there'll literally be absolutely no reason for anyone to spend money on this.

Call me cynical if you must.
Maybe, but remember that there are a lot of people out there running IOS or XP or linux that would still have to pay to use 10. I suspect their plans to make money off windows 10 are mainly by eliminating the costs of supporting older OS. By making it a free upgrade, they can then eliminate services for the older systems. I suspect there's a good deal of money to be made by not needing to crank out software updates for all of those operating systems. Also think of all the software microsoft cranks out. Office, outlook, IE, Spartan, dynamics, outlook, skype . . . and all the others. If they can convert most of their users to ten, they can eliminate support for 7 and 8 and probably xp as well. This would let them save money on producing all their future software, because it would only have to be compatible with one OS: windows 10.

Admittedly, I don't know too much about software development, but it wouldn't surprise me if they would make enough money to justify this just by cutting those costs, even if they don't make any money on sales.


New member
Dec 19, 2013
Microsoft can't even tell the difference between legitimate and illegitimate copies. I've seen the whole "your copy of Windows is not genuine" thing so many times on multiple PCs, all running genuine Windows.


New member
Nov 5, 2009
Well................ITS A TRAP comes mind.

But i stuck with Windows XP just a decade, and the last few years ive been happy with Windows 7. Makes ya think maybe The GabeN saw somthing coming when he went all poopy on the idea of the new windows and made steam os


Dec 24, 2011
Ah, Microsoft doing something non-dickish again? Of course everyone's going to assume, without evidence, that they must have a nefarious motive underlying it to screw us all.

I mean, look, I know I'm always defending Microsoft in these forums, which probably makes me seem like a shill, or at best a weird fanboy. But really all I'm doing here is NOT pulling a conspiracy theory out of thin air. I just don't see any justification for the negativity that is thrown at practically every Microsoft announcement.

Time will tell who's right, I won't defend Microsoft if they do pull some shitty shenanigans, but I'll at least wait until they do before going off on them.

008Zulu said:
TopazFusion said:
Okay, so it's sounding more and more like it's going to be a "freemium" product of some sort. Because if not, there'll literally be absolutely no reason for anyone to spend money on this.

Call me cynical if you must.
I bet Windows 10 will be able to detect non-licensed software installs too. Primarily for the reason of busting pirates or spamming them with adverts to buy the software legally, and seeking restitution from all the governments of the world that are using software illegally. This would ultimately backfire of course, since they would then ditch Windows for something like Linux.

Call me paranoid if you must.
I doubt this, but even if it's true, I think Microsoft would be pretty justified. If people pirate their software, and then push their luck by trying to get a free software upgrade from the very company they've stolen from, it seems like Microsoft is well in their right to be dicks towards them.


New member
Oct 29, 2009
VincentX3 said:
Yea no.
I'll stick to Windows 7 untill everything unbreaks from Windows 10 (Let's face it, this day an age nothing launches without bugs)

Also even with the free upgrade, I'm 100% certain it wont be the same as owning the product then upgrading. I fully expect some kind of DRM\bullshit to those who ran pirated copies.
I suspect they'll just make it harder to rip off their other software like office and whatnot, I mean, if I was them and I was being devious I'd give out a free OS so people will not have an issue with registering and using auto-updating. Then I'd use that process to check up on the additional software installed and lock out pirated versions.


He who is not known
May 5, 2008
Currently using Win10 on my desktop at home, it's stable and functional even for a pre-release (except that bug that stops me being able to type anything into Chrome when Facebook is open as a pinned tab...some may call that a feature).

Don't like it though, currently testing alternatives, I've thrown Unicorn Ubuntu on a lappy here at work and that's also a nope.

I'm not going mac.


New member
Apr 13, 2013
EHKOS said:
I am terrified of upgrading from 8. But I hate 8.
I'm right there with you - I'm finally used to this stupid operating system, I've finally got everything sorted out so it does what I want it to when I want it to. I don't think I'm going to hop aboard the free Windows 10 train just because it'll be the only way of getting the new direct x or whatever marketing scheme they use.

Tsun Tzu

Feuer! Sperrfeuer! Los!
Jul 19, 2010

Well, this seems entirely too good to be true. I think I'll just stick with my totally and completely legitimate copy of Windows 7 until the first several batches of folks try this crap out for me.

I've bought copies of Vista and 7, then ran into pleasant licensing issues due to mobo deaths, so I'm not exactly feeling guilty over here- about my current totally and completely legitimate copy of 7, I mean.

Provided this doesn't turn out to be some sort of massive trap (It'd be pretty amazing if it was, purely from a logistical standpoint) and 10 isn't horrible (which, as the track record has shown, it has a reeeeally good chance of succeeding where 8/8.1 failed) then I'll be sure to give it a go.