Pokémon X and Y Add a Z-Axis


New member
Sep 13, 2011
mrhappy1489 said:
FelixG said:
You know, if they had upped the graphics, stuck it on the WiiU....That might have convinced me to get the WiiU and this game.
You do realise the only reason they will never ever do that, is because Pokemon is basically the only reason some people by their handheld consoles. It is literally the only reason I have owned gameboy's, ds's and a 3DS.
Plus the portability of the series is also a huge selling point. The idea that you can pick it up and play it wherever you go. Maybe five minutes between classes or something to do on a long car ride. The games tend to be designed around this, they're relatively non-challenging and fun little time killers. Not something I'd usually settle down and invest a couple hours of gameplay in all in one go. Besides the pvp aspect of the game is always better in person. Namely because if the other person disconnects on purpose because they're losing you can call them out on it X3


Madness to my Methods
Feb 28, 2010
Sigh...I am not going to buy a console just to play one game. I wonder if anyone made a 3DS emulator yet. That steer looks fucking epic though. It looks like battle is going to be slower so I'm going to end up turning the animations off, after being able to play Red and Blue at %5000 speed I'm spoiled.


New member
May 12, 2011
FelixG said:
mrhappy1489 said:
FelixG said:
You know, if they had upped the graphics, stuck it on the WiiU....That might have convinced me to get the WiiU and this game.
You do realise the only reason they will never ever do that, is because Pokemon is basically the only reason some people by their handheld consoles. It is literally the only reason I have owned gameboy's, ds's and a 3DS.
And then there are folks like me, who have no interest in their handhelds when I have a phone that is frankly better than their toys.

And I think they would like to see more WiiUs moved than have been already as well. :p
The thing is, they have plenty of big movers for their console, such as the weird family oriented affairs, Mario (though that's slowly or rapidly depending on your personage waining), Zelda and a couple of others, I'm not to sure mostly own nintendo handhelds. The don't need to put Pokemon on there because it's used to move the handhelds and it does a really good job of that so why stop it. I agree that I'd buy a WiiU if it had pokemon in a heartbeat, but I'm happy to have it on a handheld console. I'm not too bored with it yet either so I'll probably have many nintendo handhelds in the future.


New member
Dec 9, 2010
Monsterfurby said:
Hah! It pays to actually watch the thing I suppose.

Still wondering why they'd use Paris.
Well if Unova in B&W is based on the States, maybe this game is based on France/Europe? All Speculation of course.

Glad I can finally go back to choosing fire starters. I didn't want a fat pig as my starter in Gen V so I went with Snivy.


New member
Oct 19, 2008
I thought I was done with Pokemon, but now they've gone and actually updated it.


Insert one-liner here.
Sep 13, 2010
Devoneaux said:
gigastar said:
Falterfire said:
X & Y? Was Marketing on holiday and they forgot to ask them for real names when they got back?
So what else could they have called it? Rust and Gravel?

Besides it looks like the names have some story significance.
How about Pokemon: We Ran Out of Colors?

Seriously though, Pokemon: Onyx and Amethyst
Well, theres always next time i suppose.


May 1, 2008
See everyone was saying that this could be a 3D open world game (basically a Pokemon MMO) And instead we get this.... Hate to say I told you so..... But um yeah....


New member
Jun 19, 2009
Well I'm excited. I love that it's a worldwide announcement and release date. About time they started doing that rather than having to just wait and translate for half a year on this side of the pond.

Starters look interesting, hard to judge until seeing the evolution, but I like them. Adjusting to the full animations and 3D will be odd at first, but I thought the same about the switch to the DS and after you get a badge or 2 it all works out.

Oh, and to everyone immediately jumping to the "I'll wait for Z" wagon, DID YOU NOT LEARN FROM FIFTH GEN? I can't tell you how many said "gray gray gray" and then we got BW2.


Aug 25, 2008
CharrHearted said:
arc1991 said:
the animation may look iffy now, but it has 9 more friggin months, give it chance people! -.-
In all respect I think people think the animations look iffy because people are finding it hard to adjust to such a big difference. I think it looks fine, brilliant.
Or that :p

I admit to me it looks...not bad, but weird, I'll have to have it in hand before i make an opinion on it, but generally it looks fine


Aug 25, 2008
Raine_sage said:
mrhappy1489 said:
FelixG said:
You know, if they had upped the graphics, stuck it on the WiiU....That might have convinced me to get the WiiU and this game.
You do realise the only reason they will never ever do that, is because Pokemon is basically the only reason some people by their handheld consoles. It is literally the only reason I have owned gameboy's, ds's and a 3DS.
Plus the portability of the series is also a huge selling point. The idea that you can pick it up and play it wherever you go. Maybe five minutes between classes or something to do on a long car ride. The games tend to be designed around this, they're relatively non-challenging and fun little time killers. Not something I'd usually settle down and invest a couple hours of gameplay in all in one go. Besides the pvp aspect of the game is always better in person. Namely because if the other person disconnects on purpose because they're losing you can call them out on it X3
You are right, the Portability of the series has always kept it on the Handhelds, but they could easily make a game that isn't in the main game series, a spin-off like Gale of Darkness and Colosseum. Just bigger. We know they can do it and they must know they would make a friggin ton off it.


Aug 25, 2008
Father Time said:
And to think it's only taken them 17 years since Pokemon Red and Blue for them to go full 3D (15 if you only count the North American releases).

Honestly this should've been done with the original DS or maybe the Wii, since it has online and all that.

Still better late then never (even if it is really really late). I guess I'll get a used 3DS when the game launches, unless it gets bad reviews.
At this rate Generation 10 isn't far off, they may of done the whole 3D thing late, but there are going to be A LOT more games coming out, it's not as if this is the last generation :p


Burn, Burn it All!
Aug 8, 2009
Hm, looks like I'll possibly be getting another game for my 3DS. This reminds me a lot of XD Gale of Darkness which I absolutely adored. Still haven't gotten around to playing Black or White 2, but I loved Black and White because it reminded me of when I had played Red all those years ago.


New member
Apr 19, 2010
SuperSuperSuperGuy said:
Honestly, I'm hoping that the starters are dual-type, preferably Grass/Dark, Fire/Psychic, and Water/Fighting. I'm not pulling this out of my ass, either; Fennikin appears to use a Psychic move, given the colour scheme and the wavy animation of the attack, and Chespin seems to use some kind of slashing move, which resembles the move Night Slash. The only one I'm really iffy on is Froakie; it's attack is obviously physical, but doesn't have an discernible type. However, given a Psychic-type and a Dark-type, the third starter would be Fighting-type, as they form a trio similar to the trio formed by Grass, Fire and Water. In addition, due to the way that it's set up, there is NOT another Fire/Fighting-type starter (thankfully) and each starter's secondary type is strong against the one whose primary type is strong against it, thus forming, not just one cycle between them, but a second in the opposite direction of the first.

Now, this is all still just speculation, but I don't think it's entirely unfounded. Well, one way or another, I'm SUPER excited for the sixth generation!
That is the typing setup I was hoping the generation V starters would have before there evolutions and typing were revealed. I was highly disappointed they did no take that route. Hopefully they do it this time, although I am not holding my breath.
Jun 11, 2008
That is all very nice but can I move in a direction aside from North/South/East/West or do I have to keep playing like I have an impairment to moving in diagonals.


Swamp Weather Balloon Gas
Apr 11, 2011
I hope there's enough PC room to actually catch em all without bricking our game saves, because at this point we're starting to push some limits here.


New member
Aug 18, 2009
I should have my own 3DS by then, but in the meantime, hopefully Nintendo will have the ability to have multiple save files. Seriously, deleting your hard earned saves just to start the game over is starting to get ridiculous.

( I know, more cash in their pockets).