Pokemon Go Update Removed Sightings and Spawns When Traveling at Higher Speeds

Elvis Starburst

Unprofessional Rant Artist
Aug 9, 2011
iblis666 said:
right tell the fucking cripple to walk to catch his pokemon, well fuck you how bout i smash your knees with a sledge hammer and tell you to walk 10 km and maybe you would understand some of our pain
You know, you could've been less of a dick to tell me that you can't do that. You think I know you're crippled? How am I supposed to know that? I looked over your profile, I see no evidence of this. I can't mind read the forum posts of an internet user. So don't assume I'm supposed to magically know this kind of thing.

Yopaz said:
As someone who does walk a bit I still find this stupid. It's Winter here now and while it's just getting started (about 0 degrees) it will soon get so cold that it will hurt if you go outside without thick gloves. Touch screen friendly gloves is not sufficient. What's more is that I usually have the app open when I am taking the bus so that I can catch Pokemon while I'm on the go and then continue using it as I walk from where the bus drops me off. It's not like I only use it on the bus, I still need to hatch my eggs and the buddy system also encourages us to walk even if we could catch Pokemon while staying on the bus. This actually punishes those who live in a cold country. It's about 5 months until I can walk outside without gloves or else fear losing mobility in my fingers.

Also if this was about playing the game as they intended then they should bring back a tracking feature. I saw a Pikachu and a Nidoqueen in my sighting list today and no surprises, I could not find any of them. They haven't really given that much effort after they said they would fix that "soon".
Yeah, I don't think a lot of people thought about what this game would be like during the winter months. Hell, it didn't even cross my mind to be honest. It's probably gonna drop in popularity a lot during that time for anyone who's not used to it. And they removed the tracking feature cause it didn't work, so they're trying to make a system that DOES work as they intended without obliterating the servers like the old one did.

Yet guns are still legal. Alcohol is still legal. Sending texts is still legal. Playing better games is still legal
Thus Pokemon Go is still legal. And?


New member
Feb 22, 2013
While it was nice to be able to play as a passenger, it's worth losing that feature to increase vehicle safety. Americans get ragged on a bit for lack of gun safety but holy hell vehicles are a far worse culprit for totally avoidable deaths. I can lose passenger poke catching for the decrease in people's health and property getting smashed up.


The Light of Dawn
Feb 21, 2009
RIP this game. You know how many kids played this? Especially while being driven places by their parent?


Reportable Offender
Sep 3, 2008
Elvis Starburst said:
iblis666 said:
right tell the fucking cripple to walk to catch his pokemon, well fuck you how bout i smash your knees with a sledge hammer and tell you to walk 10 km and maybe you would understand some of our pain
You know, you could've been less of a dick to tell me that you can't do that. You think I know you're crippled? How am I supposed to know that? I looked over your profile, I see no evidence of this. I can't mind read the forum posts of an internet user. So don't assume I'm supposed to magically know this kind of thing.

Yopaz said:
As someone who does walk a bit I still find this stupid. It's Winter here now and while it's just getting started (about 0 degrees) it will soon get so cold that it will hurt if you go outside without thick gloves. Touch screen friendly gloves is not sufficient. What's more is that I usually have the app open when I am taking the bus so that I can catch Pokemon while I'm on the go and then continue using it as I walk from where the bus drops me off. It's not like I only use it on the bus, I still need to hatch my eggs and the buddy system also encourages us to walk even if we could catch Pokemon while staying on the bus. This actually punishes those who live in a cold country. It's about 5 months until I can walk outside without gloves or else fear losing mobility in my fingers.

Also if this was about playing the game as they intended then they should bring back a tracking feature. I saw a Pikachu and a Nidoqueen in my sighting list today and no surprises, I could not find any of them. They haven't really given that much effort after they said they would fix that "soon".
Yeah, I don't think a lot of people thought about what this game would be like during the winter months. Hell, it didn't even cross my mind to be honest. It's probably gonna drop in popularity a lot during that time for anyone who's not used to it. And they removed the tracking feature cause it didn't work, so they're trying to make a system that DOES work as they intended without obliterating the servers like the old one did.

Yet guns are still legal. Alcohol is still legal. Sending texts is still legal. Playing better games is still legal
Thus Pokemon Go is still legal. And?
Heya. Your tone heavily implied it applies to everyone, at least from the perspective of me, another cripple who could only - previously - play this game for any extended period of time by playing it on the bus.

Now this may not be what you meant to do, in which case I heartily recommend you do not participate in internet forums until you're aware that being needlessly belligerent with your tone is counterproductive behavior in essentially every context if you want to be considered anything but a nuisance, especially when you're calling others dicks while Alanis Morissette sheds a single tear.

Also there's the little problem that this feature doesn't work, given that their distance/speed tracking is fundamentally broken due to an implementation expecting way more accurate data than OS location sources can provide, and as a result locks out people a bunch even when they are walking.

Elvis Starburst

Unprofessional Rant Artist
Aug 9, 2011
insanelich said:
Heya. Your tone heavily implied it applies to everyone, at least from the perspective of me, another cripple who could only - previously - play this game for any extended period of time by playing it on the bus.

Now this may not be what you meant to do,
It wasn't. I made a broad statement to people who can walk, but didn't specify folk who can't. It was put towards people who will call this update bullshit just cause they can't be lazy about it anymore.

in which case I heartily recommend you do not participate in internet forums until you're aware that being needlessly belligerent with your tone is counterproductive behavior in essentially every context if you want to be considered anything but a nuisance, especially when you're calling others dicks while Alanis Morissette sheds a single tear.
I like the way you worded this. Something about its tone. (Good point though)

As for the second bit, I'm fully aware of what I said. Cause while I made a broad general statement, being told "fuck you" while telling me to have my legs broken to understand how hard it is to play this game crippled isn't exactly any better of a way of handling things in comparison. He easily could've said "I'm crippled and the bus route is all I have to enjoy this game" and I would've changed my statement and agreed with him. But nope, "fuck you" and "get your legs broken" was the response, so forgive me for calling his given response a bit of a "dick move". Maybe tell him not to participate on an internet forum if trying to get people to understand his hardships with a big "fuck you" is the way he finds suitable to dealing with things.

With that, I apologize if I offended anyone, cause that wasn't my intention. If you're crippled and/or cannot play this game by walking, then my comments don't apply to you.

Also there's the little problem that this feature doesn't work, given that their distance/speed tracking is fundamentally broken due to an implementation expecting way more accurate data than OS location sources can provide, and as a result locks out people a bunch even when they are walking.
I imagine that's why my character seemingly wanders back and forth despite not moving. Here I was thinking that was a bug they hadn't worked out

Johnson McGee

New member
Nov 16, 2009
Playing in the passenger seat and playing while biking (with a phone mount) were the main ways I could get any pokemon since I live in the country. Literally nothing will spawn within a 3km radius of my house and I'll only run into one every 5-10 km while moving. With the passenger feature disabled that eliminates both my options since the game can't tell the difference between biking and driving (seriously even a brisk jog can trip the speed limit with the jank location tracking). Not sure why they programmed it so rural areas are so barren when it comes to *wild* pokemon

Not much point to playing anymore since I can't keep up with other people's leveling rate just by driving to and then walking around town once a week or so.


Sarcastic overlord
Jun 3, 2009
Elvis Starburst said:
Yopaz said:
As someone who does walk a bit I still find this stupid. It's Winter here now and while it's just getting started (about 0 degrees) it will soon get so cold that it will hurt if you go outside without thick gloves. Touch screen friendly gloves is not sufficient. What's more is that I usually have the app open when I am taking the bus so that I can catch Pokemon while I'm on the go and then continue using it as I walk from where the bus drops me off. It's not like I only use it on the bus, I still need to hatch my eggs and the buddy system also encourages us to walk even if we could catch Pokemon while staying on the bus. This actually punishes those who live in a cold country. It's about 5 months until I can walk outside without gloves or else fear losing mobility in my fingers.

Also if this was about playing the game as they intended then they should bring back a tracking feature. I saw a Pikachu and a Nidoqueen in my sighting list today and no surprises, I could not find any of them. They haven't really given that much effort after they said they would fix that "soon".
Yeah, I don't think a lot of people thought about what this game would be like during the winter months. Hell, it didn't even cross my mind to be honest. It's probably gonna drop in popularity a lot during that time for anyone who's not used to it.
And that a company which sells a product based on going outside doesn't think about seasons is worrying, don't you think?

And they removed the tracking feature cause it didn't work, so they're trying to make a system that DOES work as they intended without obliterating the servers like the old one did.
It worked when I started playing the game and it was fine, slightly buggy but it was easy and straightforward to use. You know what really hurt the servers though? The number of people playing it. It was the m ost downloaded app on both Android and iOS for a while and that's not including those who got it through other channels. Niantic did a smart thing when they decided to not release it wordlwide immediately to reduce strain, but that failed because people got it easily enough anyway.

And you seem to be so certain that they're still working on the tracking system. Well, it was released in a beta state a long time ago for some lucky users and while it's not better, or even good it's a little better than nothing.
Oh, but they did say that the new system would be implemented "soon" when they disabled the old one, so I guess they have plans to release the one described in the link above about now then? I mean it has been 2 months in testing by now.
Oh, I guess not. No plans or no estimated time where they even think it might come. Oh well, so much for that. I guess soon means something different for them than to their users buying things like this:
My point still stands. If they want people to play the game the way it is intended they could just reintroduce the old tracking system or the new one, but they don't really seem to care. No, this isn't about people playing the game they way it was intended. This is simply about removing bad press.

Yet guns are still legal. Alcohol is still legal. Sending texts is still legal. Playing better games is still legal
Thus Pokemon Go is still legal. And?[/quote]

I looked over my post after posting and I realized how stupid that part was, I forgot to make a point there, sorry about that.

People do stupid things with guns all the time,I even saw a video of one using a shotgun to make hole for a nipple piercing and shot off his nipple in the process. Incredibly stupid, right? I know someone who died last year in a really stupid way too and plenty of people get hurt or hurt others while drunk, people text and drive, read and drive and sadly even drink and drive. People have been doing stupid things for a long time before Pokemon Go was released and they will copntinue after it has been forgotten, but bringing up Pokemon Go, a popular app, in connection with accidents make for more clicks when you write an article. The fact that we are even joining in and blaming this on games rather than stupidity shows how media is affecting us. I remember a few eyars ago a girl of about 6 was killed when she shot herself with a gun her father had left on the table after hearing a noise during the night. The media was very interested in this incident, not because of negligence of the parents, not because of failure to maintain gun safety, but because the family owned a Wii and a Wii zapper, the most realistic toy weapon ever made. The case reached the mainstream media and it was a game related death of a young child. A kid shot his grandmother and it was a game related accident because they owned some violent games. Some people playing Pokemon Go (relatively few considering how many times it has been downloaded) and it is blamed on games. No mention that the people getting in these kind of accidents is the same demographic as those who got into these kind of accidents already, no statistical analysis of this. We have jumped straight to the conclusion here. Pokemon Go causes accidents. Let's make it impossible to play it when moving at high speeds. Considering the glitch that have you jumping around at high speeds when standing still this is not the smartest idea. What's next? Stopping Pokemon from spawning during rush hours? Stopping them from spawning in big cities? Stopping them from spawning near water? Near cliffs? Anywhere people might get hurt?

Also, I am aware that I am overreacting here, I just really want Niantic to make more of an effort to make the game worth playing andd right now they are doing a bad job of it. Finding Pokemon is completely random now, once I would get excited and go outside if I saw an uncommon Pokemon outside, but now I would rather be warm and inside because the probability that I will find it is close to none. I might even have bought the Pokemon Go Plus if they had fixed some of those issues, but right now they have a game that's bleeding users and they will continue to do so come winter. I see no reason to invest in a game where the developers display such inability to predict that winter is coming in October.


Apr 28, 2008
Wrex Brogan said:
Alright, I'm fine with that as a patch, but... could they maybe fix the thing where it thinks you're traveling at 5000mph while sitting in your living room, not moving?
Mine sometimes teleports me all around like 3 square blocks from my location. I wish it didn't.

Elvis Starburst

Unprofessional Rant Artist
Aug 9, 2011
Yopaz said:
They better come up with something fast, I'll agree. I know I haven't made any long treks out into the world for awhile now, cause it is rather tough to find things.

Which is why Niantic is taking measures to ensure stuff like that doesn't happen to them. Despite how infrequent it might be, Niantic has all of the ability to control their game to prevent dangerous activity, much like this update did. Niantic can't stop people from being idiots and driving while playing, so they're doing what they can to deter people from doing it to begin with. Stuff will still happen, but I see them at least trying


Sarcastic overlord
Jun 3, 2009
Elvis Starburst said:
Yopaz said:
They better come up with something fast, I'll agree. I know I haven't made any long treks out into the world for awhile now, cause it is rather tough to find things.

Which is why Niantic is taking measures to ensure stuff like that doesn't happen to them. Despite how infrequent it might be, Niantic has all of the ability to control their game to prevent dangerous activity, much like this update did. Niantic can't stop people from being idiots and driving while playing, so they're doing what they can to deter people from doing it to begin with. Stuff will still happen, but I see them at least trying
You missed my point completely. This isn't a new problem caused by Pokemon Go, this is a media gold mine that they allow to affect their game. Why do people on this site support it? I don't see the same support when politicians suggest banning violent games, nor do I see support when features and scenes are removed due to media reactions. Now we give our blessings to let the media change Pokemon Go without any evidence that it actually is that bad. Niantic has covered their legal responsibility with the notices that have you confirm that you're a passenger. Also what about the things that will still happen? People can still walk onto the highway, people can still walk off cliffs and what's even better is that people can actually get serious frost bite from walking outside without gloves for too long. If this was more than a shortsighted attempt at covering their ass I might have been OK with it, but I see no evidence of that.

Also, I can't help but wonder why you seem to trust Niantic on their word rather than judge them by their actions. So far their word hasn't proven to be that reliable.

Elvis Starburst

Unprofessional Rant Artist
Aug 9, 2011
Yopaz said:
You missed my point completely
And I think you missed mine. I'm saying that Niantic is taking measures to ensure the really stupid of the stupid don't have 1 more way of getting themselves hurt or killed. That doesn't stop the myriad of other ways people are going to hurt themselves when playing the game, but Niantic is merely trying to avoid one of them. Media can spin it however they want, but again, from my perspective, they seem to be trying to deter one problem that happened in the past so that it doesn't happen again. I see no other reason why they'd do this sort of thing. Can you think of one?

Also, I can't help but wonder why you seem to trust Niantic on their word rather than judge them by their actions. So far their word hasn't proven to be that reliable.
This is true, others have gone into deeper detail as to why Niantic doesn't seem to be perfectly transparent with the things they do. I'm simply someone that doesn't feel like bitching at them for removing/adding features for a game that, last time I checked, is still in BETA (It's in version 0.41.4 as of typing this). Stuff like this changes, especially in these stages. The game had no business releasing with the state it did, with the lack of features it did. Of course, that doesn't mean they're free from criticism for a game they released, loaded with micro-transactions no less. But games/apps like this change all the time, especially in BETA. Not every change is going to be popular


Sarcastic overlord
Jun 3, 2009
Elvis Starburst said:
Yopaz said:
You missed my point completely
And I think you missed mine. I'm saying that Niantic is taking measures to ensure the really stupid of the stupid don't have 1 more way of getting themselves hurt or killed. That doesn't stop the myriad of other ways people are going to hurt themselves when playing the game, but Niantic is merely trying to avoid one of them. Media can spin it however they want, but again, from my perspective, they seem to be trying to deter one problem that happened in the past so that it doesn't happen again.
No, I understood your point perfectly. You think Pokemon Go can be blamed for accidents of a nature that existed long before Pokemon Go was ever released. There is no statistical analyses behind this, but it has received a great deal of media attention so you believe it. Do you have any statistics indicating that there are more accidents than usual? If so then I would like to see it, if not I will await some official reports that Pokemon Go is linked to a higher rate of accidents before I will agree with some transparrant statistics using the appropriate stastical method (which means no T-test, Mann Whitney U or similar).

I see no other reason why they'd do this sort of thing. Can you think of one?
I have actually mentioend that in both of my previous posts, but you didn't quote that part. Negative media attention. That is the only reason they are doing this.

Also, I can't help but wonder why you seem to trust Niantic on their word rather than judge them by their actions. So far their word hasn't proven to be that reliable.
This is true, others have gone into deeper detail as to why Niantic doesn't seem to be perfectly transparent with the things they do. I'm simply someone that doesn't feel like bitching at them for removing/adding features for a game that, last time I checked, is still in BETA (It's in version 0.41.4 as of typing this). Stuff like this changes, especially in these stages. The game had no business releasing with the state it did, with the lack of features it did. Of course, that doesn't mean they're free from criticism for a game they released, loaded with micro-transactions no less. But games/apps like this change all the time, especially in BETA. Not every change is going to be popular[/quote]

Last time I checked they were also selling a peripheral costing $35 to go with their beta, so you'd think they should be willing to make more of an effort. Update I checked it again and what do you know, they still do. http://www.gamestop.com/accessories/pokemon-go-plus/131550

Also even if this is a beta or a full game I know the laws here at least have something to say about advertising, mainly that you can't advertise features you don't offer. What I would like to know is why do you stand up for them? Why not judge them on what they have actually done? Saying it's in beta isn't an excuse for their actions, it's an explanation of the sorry state. The original tracking feature worked fine when I started. The server issues were mainly due to hype and too much traffic on their servers. You have chosen to believe their story that it caused the server issues, I guess you also believe third part trackers did that too? The game's stability did magically improve about 2 weeks after they disabled tracking... must have been the removal of the tracking finally giving an effect, or maybe, just maybe it could be related to how many stopped playing after that happened. As I said, their words mean nothing. I judge what they actually do.

Elvis Starburst

Unprofessional Rant Artist
Aug 9, 2011
Yopaz said:
I have actually mentioend that in both of my previous posts, but you didn't quote that part. Negative media attention. That is the only reason they are doing this.
Had a feeling I missed something, damn. Fair point.

What I would like to know is why do you stand up for them? Why not judge them on what they have actually done? Saying it's in beta isn't an excuse for their actions, it's an explanation of the sorry state. The original tracking feature worked fine when I started. The server issues were mainly due to hype and too much traffic on their servers. You have chosen to believe their story that it caused the server issues, I guess you also believe third part trackers did that too? The game's stability did magically improve about 2 weeks after they disabled tracking... must have been the removal of the tracking finally giving an effect, or maybe, just maybe it could be related to how many stopped playing after that happened. As I said, their words mean nothing. I judge what they actually do.
Right, fair play