Pokemon Sword and Shield Impressions - Sword and Board


New member
Mar 25, 2015
Pokemon S&S is Great!

Pokemon S&S is Terrible.

Pokemon is great because finally, after 20 fucking years, you can actually skip all the tutorial stuff. No more learning how to catch a Pokemon or jump off a tiny ledge, or any number of other excessive tutorials that have flooded recent Pokemon games.

Pokemon is terrible because it has done basically nothing with the advancement in technology. You can tell that they thought about it though. For example the Wild Area (which is a open world esque zone in the game but really is only one of the routes in the game) you have full control over the camera. A small thing but it makes it insanely noticable in the rest of the game which plays exactly like every other Gameboy version of the games. Locked camera angle routes and towns, which makes you wonder why they even bothered to give you the camera control in a single area in the game.

Pokemon is great because it is the still the game we've loved for generations. Turn based battle gameplay, a way too young child alone on a round the world trip to defeat all the gym badges in the country and become champion. In fact that's basically the story, you are a kid and there is a champion that is famous everywhere so.....you beat him. There is no Team Rocket this time, there is an enemy team but they are just stupid mega fans of the champion which makes them fairly forgettable and pointless. also Pokemon is terrible.

Pokemon is terrible because again it is the same gameplay you've played for 20 years in a row. The new monsters aren't all that great, they're fine, not bad, but not great either. And for the first time since the original games, the starters are mono type which makes them uninteresting compared to every starter to come before them.

Okay enough of the little gimmick here. Let's get down to the core here. Is Pokemon S&S a good Pokemon game? Yes. Absolutely yes. It's all I can say really, if you've played other main Pokemon games, then you've played this and you'll like it if you are already a fan of the formula.

That's kind of the problem though right? It's the same shit again. Which if this was on the 3DS again I'd have little problem with because the Pokemon games have always been fantastically built to be little portable stop and start experiences. However this time they are on the big bad console and it just seems lacking in terms of the power and memory they have on offer here.

While I'm not much to care about the big Dex cut in which they've cut the available Pokemon in this game from over 900 down to 385, it does seem kind of weird that they wouldn't put them all in to allow players to have everything on the brand new system jump. And their excuse is utterly stupid when you look at how little they've actually done with the game. There are no console leaps here, it's a 3DS game that has been upscaled to HD graphics for the Switch.

Pokemon strikes me as a series that should be much more annual than it is. Like Call of Duty, it basically is the same game everytime, the core systems never change or if they do it is very minor. Though at the same time I guess there isn't a lot you could do to evolve a formula that basically boils down to:

1. Beat wild animals into submission
2. Toss a magic mind control device at them
3. Enslave them to beat down their bretheren so that you can enslave them all.
4. Maybe also save the world or just beat up everybody else's animals like a world wide bully.

This game does have a lot of quality of life things, like being able to access your box from anywhere, using your camp to make curry which has a variety of effects but the most important one being that there is a curry which will revive, heal, and restore your Pokemon without having to go back to a Pokemon Center. They've done a lot to reduce or even remove the need to go to town so you can be out in the world grinding and or hunting for shinies. I've not seen any shiny Pokemon yet, but there are no random encounters in the game as like in Let's Go the Pokemon pop up in the grass and you can avoid or chose to fight them. I assume it has some sort of shiny system that will allow you to shiny hunt, but maybe it doesn't.

Also there is the Mega size thing. This is a lot like Mega Evolutions. Cool on paper, but it only works in limited situations and only with a few specific Pokemon. So it doesn't effect multiplayer competitive play, and it is just a gimmick in the over all game. Ultimately it isn't worth talking much about because it is such a non-thing.

I'm conflicted because really Pokemon S&S is exactly what I wanted from Pokemon. A real adventure on the Switch. Remember I was disappointed with Let's Go for basically being the shit mobile game ported into a console-like game. So I really enjoy Pokemon S&S.

However I can't help but continue to have a bad taste in my mouth while playing the game because they had all the potential of making a full Pokemon experience with the full power of a console and they didn't do anything with it. I had been hoping there would be something extra or evolved here in the jump to a system more powerful than anything they've ever gotten a chance to use before. Especially if you look at the Let's Go games as GameFreak just testing the waters of what it's like to put a game on the Switch.

So i dunno really. It's good. But it's also just derivative and poor.

EDIT: I wanted to clarify why I don't care about the Dex cut. As someone who's already gone through the fucking nightmare of trying to catch all 800 bastards in Ultra sun and completing that Dex. I never want to have to complete that shit again. I like that this game is not only down to a managable 385 creatures, but they are also all contained between the two versions of the game without have to use Pokemon Bank, and other shenanigans to catch them all.

It might suck if your favorite is cut, but ultimately there are a bunch of new Pokemon here that might let you discover a new favorite. And a Dex cut is good for a new generation and a new audience on the Switch because it makes the idea of completion a reasonable task.

Competitively, this might force a new meta.


New member
Aug 15, 2014
CritialGaming said:
Pokemon is great because finally, after 20 fucking years, you can actually skip all the tutorial stuff.
wait you can? i've been sitting through tutorial crap for the last hour only to find this shit out NOW?!?!?!?!?

god damn it...


Elite Member
Dec 9, 2010
I still think the dex cut was just so when they release this version "yellow" they'll put the entire rex in it as a selling point.

I freaking love pokemon as a kid, got super close to catching everything (was missing one starter family). But the repetition got to me and I dropped out after awhile. So its it's more of the same I'll just skip again.


New member
Mar 25, 2015
Yoshi178 said:
CritialGaming said:
Pokemon is great because finally, after 20 fucking years, you can actually skip all the tutorial stuff.
wait you can? i've been sitting through tutorial crap for the last hour only to find this shit out NOW?!?!?!?!?

god damn it...
You can't skip 100% of them, like the camp and dynamaxing because they are new. But you can skip the tutorial about pokemon centers, and the dex and such by just telling people you are already familiar with it. It saves a bit of time and the early game drag.

Elvis Starburst

Unprofessional Rant Artist
Aug 9, 2011
It's weird how this game managed to make me hyped at first, then my hype plummeted hard after every trailer that surfaced and new details came out. Now, after all of the technical things they ignored to help make the game smoother to play and nicer looking, all the corners they cut, all the moved they got rid of, the things they removed from past games, and all the times they flat out lied to us (Remaking the models my ass, they probably just meant the new ones)... Just... ugh. It's a shame. I don't mind the dex cut either. But looking at the new pokemon list, I'm not sure if I'm much of a fan either.

I feel like this could've been so much more, but they just decided to crap something together and call it a day. The game just seems sloppy looking, from a technical and visual perspective


New member
Mar 25, 2015

Also it appears they figured out the shiny hunt. Chain Knockouts of a single species, after 25, the odds of shinies go drastically up or whatever


Trump put kids in cages!
Mar 8, 2011
Oh, it came out? I was planning on buying a Switch just for this, but nah. I am passing on it. Lets hope Animal Crossing doesnt decide to get rid of interior design.


Your friendly local nihilist
Dec 6, 2010
You know, I don't doubt it's a good Pokemon game, but I can't bring myself to do it. I like bringing in my old team to help train the new Pokemon up to max level with them and keep my living dex going. With the restrictions, I can't bring most of my old guys. I might get it later if I get desperate enough!


New member
Aug 15, 2014
Elvis Starburst said:
Yoshi178 said:
[Why? there are so many better games on Switch than Pokemon.
That's what we in the industry call "system sellers"
nope. Pokemon is so much more of a system seller than stuff like Astral Chain and Xenoblade are.

but Astral Chain and Xenoblade are defintely better games than Pokemon.


New member
Aug 28, 2008
My hype is completely dead for pokemon at this stage. They took out too much. You'd think a move to the big screen would mean an evolution for everything but gamefreak chose to hold B down instead.

I'll just wait for the super edition and maybe that one will have mega evolutions and all those deleted attacks and so on again.

Oh and Pokemon is definitely the system seller for nintendo. I still remember how I got a pikachu n64 just for pokemon stadium back in the day. I only ever owned the two stadium games and ocarina of time on that system lol. Just this time around Astral Chain already exists and a future Shin Megami Tensei 5 is being made as well. I need no pokemon being good to get a Switch lol.


Trump put kids in cages!
Mar 8, 2011
Yoshi178 said:
Saelune said:
Oh, it came out? I was planning on buying a Switch just for this
Why? there are so many better games on Switch than Pokemon.
I really like Pokemon, enough to buy a console just to play Pokemon, unless they make it utter trash. I got a 3DS to play Pokemon. I usually buy Pokemon games day 1. I have a Pokemon Bank filled with every single Pokemon, including every legendary.

I will wait to see if Animal Crossing will be worth it. I like Zelda, but not enough to buy a console for it. And I already own Skyrim on 360, One, PS3, PS4 and Steam.

Edit: I give zero fucks about Astral Chain and Xeno anything since Xenosaga 1. I am not saying they are bad, I just dont care for those kind of games.

Elvis Starburst

Unprofessional Rant Artist
Aug 9, 2011
Yoshi178 said:
nope. Pokemon is so much more of a system seller than stuff like Astral Chain and Xenoblade are.
See, here's the thing... I don't mean system seller in the traditional sense. A system seller can be a critically acclaimed series like Pokemon, Call of Duty, etc. However, I find there are plenty of titles that an individual likes so much that they'd go out and buy a system for it alone. A system seller to you is not gonna be a system seller to me, or someone else. If the next gen Playstation console had a Ys title exclusive to it at launch for example, you bet your ass that's a system seller to me and I'd be picking one up day one. Though, if there's a better term for system seller on an individual level, I'd probably use it instead.

but Astral Chain and Xenoblade are defintely better games than Pokemon.
This is also what we we call a subjective opinion. Some games are someone else's forte, and as such, will be considered better to them subjectively. You can't really put an objective spin on someone's opinion of what game they find to be better. For example, I love Star Fox Zero. I think it's better than Assault. You can bet that a TON of people will highly disagree with me. That does not make either set of people's opinions objective.
And to continue with what Saelune said...

I give zero fucks about Astral Chain and Xeno anything since Xenosaga 1. I am not saying they are bad, I just dont care for those kind of games.
Again, their subjective opinion, which also affects what an individual will call which title a system seller on a personal level. If a typical 'system seller' doesn't interest someone, then another game will probably take its place, your standard "system seller" or not


New member
Aug 15, 2014
Saelune said:
Yoshi178 said:
Saelune said:
Oh, it came out? I was planning on buying a Switch just for this
Why? there are so many better games on Switch than Pokemon.
I really like Pokemon, enough to buy a console just to play Pokemon, unless they make it utter trash. I got a 3DS to play Pokemon. I usually buy Pokemon games day 1. I have a Pokemon Bank filled with every single Pokemon, including every legendary.

I will wait to see if Animal Crossing will be worth it. I like Zelda, but not enough to buy a console for it. And I already own Skyrim on 360, One, PS3, PS4 and Steam.

Edit: I give zero fucks about Astral Chain and Xeno anything since Xenosaga 1. I am not saying they are bad, I just dont care for those kind of games.

but there are still loads of games on switch besides the 2 i mentioned that would be better quality than a childrens game about catching monsters. although i will say the Multiplayer aspect of Pokemon seems to have improved the competitive scene alot.

it's just the Pokemon campaign that's garbage and Pokemon campaigns have been garbage for ages now let's be honest. if you expected anything different or better than "just another pokemon game" than i don't know what you were expecting. Pokemon's been rehashing the same stuff for 20 years now they aren't going to suddenly change the formula as drastically as something like what Zelda and Metroid did with BOTW and Metroid Prime


Trump put kids in cages!
Mar 8, 2011
Yoshi178 said:
Saelune said:
Yoshi178 said:
Saelune said:
Oh, it came out? I was planning on buying a Switch just for this
Why? there are so many better games on Switch than Pokemon.
I really like Pokemon, enough to buy a console just to play Pokemon, unless they make it utter trash. I got a 3DS to play Pokemon. I usually buy Pokemon games day 1. I have a Pokemon Bank filled with every single Pokemon, including every legendary.

I will wait to see if Animal Crossing will be worth it. I like Zelda, but not enough to buy a console for it. And I already own Skyrim on 360, One, PS3, PS4 and Steam.

Edit: I give zero fucks about Astral Chain and Xeno anything since Xenosaga 1. I am not saying they are bad, I just dont care for those kind of games.

but there are still loads of games on switch besides the 2 i mentioned that would be better quality than a childrens game about catching monsters. although i will say the Multiplayer aspect of Pokemon seems to have improved the competitive scene alot.

it's just the Pokemon campaign that's garbage and Pokemon campaigns have been garbage for ages now let's be honest. if your expected anything different or better than "just another pokemon game" than i don't know what you were expecting. Pokemon's been rehashing the same stuff for 20 years now they aren't going to suddenly change the formula as drastically as something like what Zelda and Metroid did with BOTW and Metroid Prime
I got hundreds of games on Steam to occupy me that dont require me buying a new console. Plenty of games I bought but have yet to get to. I need something worth buying a whole console for, and Pokemon used to be that.

I dont play Pokemon for the story.


New member
Mar 25, 2015
Saelune said:
I dont play Pokemon for the story.
I play Pokemon to be kinda good
Like some other trainers are
I'd catch them if I could
I wont get very far
I'll stand around catching bugs
I've got nothing to do
Well walk around and act like thugs
and then we'll lose to you!

pokemon (try to catch a few)
It's only me
I dont have a destiny
Oh, you're not my friend
gotta heal my team again

you're too strong
seriously it's bad news
you fight and I will lose
try to catch a few!

I will challenge everyone
who dares look at my face
Hikers, Lasses, and Fishermen
We're all over the place!
We lock eyes, prepare to fight
my really crappy team
Pidgey, ekans and megnemite
oh god it's hyper beam!

Pok?mon (try to catch a few!)
It's only me
Why must you mess with me?!
Oh, I have no friends.
And the fighting never ends!
I'm a cool guy!
I have a girl friend!
Okay you win, take this TM!


Me, I'm Counting
Sep 24, 2008
I'm enjoying it. But i might be a little biased because it's set in the UK and i live in Dorset.

Honestly, i like the quality of life improvements, the towns feel lively and i like how Pokemon waddle about in day to day life and actually look like they have an existence outside of forced fights and small cages.

I really, REALLY wish it had voice acting. I cannot tell you how jarring it was to have Rose the announcer guy at the start give this epic presentation about Pokemon... in silence. Meanwhile, the crowd in the stadium is audibly cheering. Then the competitors emerge and taunt each other silently. It's SO jarring. What makes it more annoying is that the characters actually move and are expressive now, so i want to look at what they're doing not reading text on a screen.

Also, Wooloo is best Pokemon and damnit i am going to do the whole gym challenge with my army of Wooloo. Shiny Wooloo included.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Gralian said:
I'm enjoying it. But i might be a little biased because it's set in the UK and i live in Dorset.

Honestly, i like the quality of life improvements, the towns feel lively and i like how Pokemon waddle about in day to day life and actually look like they have an existence outside of forced fights and small cages.

I really, REALLY wish it had voice acting. I cannot tell you how jarring it was to have Rose the announcer guy at the start give this epic presentation about Pokemon... in silence. Meanwhile, the crowd in the stadium is audibly cheering. Then the competitors emerge and taunt each other silently. It's SO jarring. What makes it more annoying is that the characters actually move and are expressive now, so i want to look at what they're doing not reading text on a screen.

Also, Wooloo is best Pokemon and damnit i am going to do the whole gym challenge with my army of Wooloo. Shiny Wooloo included.
Tell me. Does the Scottish Pokemon trainer fight for Galraian Independence?/joke.

I stopped caring for Pokemon since Crystal. Plus, I was more of a Digimon guy. More so the shows than the games, but from what I am seeing, the Digimon games have innovated or changes things enough with each new game.

If there is any good thing out of Sword and Shield, it's all those sweet memes and fan comics/art.


Elite Member
Jan 15, 2013
United Kingdom
I'm enjoying it so far. I like a good number of the new designs (though not the starters), the towns are really cool and some of the music is excellent.

...but there's quite a bit of wasted potential. As the first one on a home console, with more power than they've ever had before, it should be the one to blow me away, and its not. The pokedex is lacking (as everyone now knows), the textures aren't great, the features have been scaled back in some respects. Its still a strong 7/10, because it's such a strong formula to begin with, but there's very little innovation or cause for excitement. It's a bit of a missed opportunity.