[POLITICS] Trump is STILL a Fascist: Mass Revoking of Journalists Press Passes


Trump put kids in cages!
Mar 8, 2011

This is the action of a fascist, pure and simple. This oppression of Journalism, this oppression of actual freedom of speech and freedom of press, it is the act of a tyrant, a despot, a dictator, a fascist. It is the act of Donald Trump.

Donald Trump is a fascist, a terrorist, an inhuman piece of trash.

There is no defense of Trump, for that is to defend fascism. To support Trump is to support fascism.

Leg End

Romans 12:18
Oct 24, 2010
United States
Saelune said:
This is the action of a fascist, pure and simple. This oppression of Journalism, this oppression of actual freedom of speech and freedom of press, it is the act of a tyrant, a despot, a dictator, a fascist. It is the act of Donald Trump.
Or a Democrat, but I digress. Onto the actual topic, the piece in the link says that the White House has established a new requirement for pass holders to be within the building for at least 90 out of the past 180 days. This apparently nuked almost everybody by default. WaPo applied for exceptions to the new rule for all of their dudes that cover the White House, and all of them except the guy behind the article got those exceptions. He figures it's because he's a Trump critic, but I can't imagine he's the only one among the WaPo staff. The Wikipedia page hasn't been updated since April 30th, so the list for the press corp isn't up to date. His name still isn't on there even before the 'purge' though.

Is there a list anywhere of who still kept their pass, or got an exception?


New member
Nov 6, 2008
You honestly expected him to stop? Of course he's not going to stop.

And tag your thread [POLITICS] while you're at it. Otherwise it just looks like you're ranting.


Trump put kids in cages!
Mar 8, 2011
Squilookle said:
You honestly expected him to stop? Of course he's not going to stop.

And tag your thread [POLITICS] while you're at it. Otherwise it just looks like you're ranting.
Trump wont stop, he has to BE STOPPED.

The site needs to bring back R&P. Title space is already limited enough as is.