Poll: Are We Too Hard On Lucas?


New member
Aug 24, 2010
While people are being a little over-enthusiastic in their criticism, his decision to quit mainstream film making is very juvenile. It reminds me of Cartman saying "screw you guys, I'm going home"


New member
Feb 2, 2009
The man fought against colorizing black and white movies, because he believed it ruined them.

Then did the exact same thing himself, and ruined one of the most classic franchises in the history of film.

No, I don't think we're too hard on him.

Release the ORIGINAL UNEDITED MOVIES ON DVD. Then we'll talk.


Brain Freeze...yay!
Jan 14, 2011
I think that Redlettermedia said it best. Lucas was at his best when he had to fight for his ideas to get on the screen. When he was forced to improvise, to sweat on location, to innovate, and to compromise. That was when lucas was truely at his best.

With the prequels he literally sat in a room with two cameras, a cup of coffee and just did the most basic of film dialog shots. He then added literally everything in with CG later. It's kinda sad to see how little effort he put into the films, and how no one ever told him, "no thats a bad idea"


New member
Feb 2, 2009
Orks da best said:
Loop Stricken said:
Jar-Jar Binks.
Hayden Christiansen shopped into the ending of RotJ.


No, I don't think people are too hard on him at all.
da, argh, I give, I bet most people (most!) on this thred are nostalgia blinded, i for one like the preguels more. stop living in the past.
Then you simply have no taste in good movies.

The prequels, all of them, are garbage. Bad acting, directing, bad pacing, bad structure, bad EVERYTHING.

I've seen movies from Film Students with $50 budgets come up with better movies.

There is absolutely NOTHING redeeming about the Star Wars prequels.


New member
May 5, 2011

He's really ruined the Star Wars franchise by adding a whole layer of unnecessary crap on top of it, and I don't think he's made a good film in about 20 years. The hate is justified.

Aurora Firestorm

New member
May 1, 2008
He's the creator. He plays God with his canon. He can do whatever the hell he likes, and fans can suck it up. He has every right to do what he likes with his work. You and I don't own it. He owns it. That's like telling JK Rowling she can't kill Dumbledore because we like him too much. Sucks to be us.

But I'm not a diehard Star Wars fan, so I can't really understand this fanboyism.

The prequels were better than The Last Airbender, so I honestly can't say they're the worst things ever and have no redeeming value. Were they Awesomely Significant and Wonderful? No. Were they pieces of crap? I'd say no. They were fun. Shallow and stilted, but still fun. I enjoyed the pod-race scene. I liked the graphics; they were immersive. I liked the whiz-bang and General Grievous and the lava fight. I thought they were nice to watch. Ergo, it wasn't a 100% failure in my book.

The originals, I honestly didn't like much. I was under 10 when I saw them, and all I wanted was to watch animated Disney movies, and I thought Luke Skywalker was lame and boring. I saw the first movie recently and...welp, now that I'm out of college, I still think Luke Skywalker is lame and boring. Maybe I'm just not cut out for Star Wars.


New member
Dec 31, 2009
In a way, I think whether he deserves it or not is irrelevant. When you make a work public -- be it a major motion picture, or a lowly forum post -- you open yourself up to criticism and praise. You gotta take the bad with the good, even if there is no good. If he's sensitive about the public's reaction, perhaps he should have stopped sooner.

So, to answer the original question ("Are we too hard on Lucas?"), I would have to say "no". I think there are better, and more-constructive ways to voice displeasure; however, everyone is entitled to their opinion, and has a right to express it.


Apr 4, 2010
In my opinion, the original trilogy are average at best. Return of the Jedi in particular devolves into "muppets in space!"-like farce.

My major issue with Lucas is that he returns to the Star Wars universe time and again primarily to make money. Eg: all the crass tie-ins, unnecessary revisions, and 3D remakes.


New member
Jul 7, 2011
No? He's fucking with classic cinema for no credible reason and we're supposed to feel bad because he doesn't like being called out on it? Have some integrity.


New member
Sep 12, 2008
Aurora Firestorm said:
He's the creator. He plays God with his canon. He can do whatever the hell he likes, and fans can suck it up. He has every right to do what he likes with his work. You and I don't own it. He owns it. That's like telling JK Rowling she can't kill Dumbledore because we like him too much. Sucks to be us.
Not quite. It's more like if JK goes back now and tools around the books to change the tone or introduce frivolous details. People would be outraged. For the most part, people like things the way they are when they originally saw/read it, flaws and all.


New member
Nov 18, 2009
Lets put it like this:

I don't like Star Wars, yes we do exist, and even I recognise that the prequels are a pile of poo compared to the original films. And I agree that the edits Mr Lucas made in the re-releases are to the detriment of the original films.

Silver PBall

New member
Feb 22, 2011
I'm only really bothered that he's made such a case of re-selling his movies repeatedly, rather than making new ones. Modernizing the classics that we all have already fallen in love with, despite their flaws, is kind of a kick in the seat.


New member
Feb 2, 2009
Aurora Firestorm said:
He's the creator. He plays God with his canon. He can do whatever the hell he likes, and fans can suck it up. He has every right to do what he likes with his work. You and I don't own it. He owns it. That's like telling JK Rowling she can't kill Dumbledore because we like him too much. Sucks to be us.
Its more like if JK went back to the first book now, and decided to re-write the entire book, by adding a goofy side-kick character that follows Harry around, then not change any of the other dialog, just randomly insert bad slapstick humor in EVERYTHING.

Then you have what equals to what Lucas did to Star Wars.

If you're gonna make an analogy, make it correct.

Scarim Coral

Jumped the ship
Oct 29, 2010
The thing is while the original (4-6) were incomplete in his view, we loved them just the way it was! Ok yes I guess he was thinking we would love it even more for the alteration he add to it. Yes I can get when you're perfectionish but you can't denined people loving your creation the way it is so why tampering it any further?

As for good other prequels, we will have to wait and see for The Hobbits (I wonder who are going to complains about the changes they did compare to the book).


New member
Feb 3, 2010
He makes Uwe Boll and Michael Bay look like masters of the medium. If he ever had talent, it's long since deserted him. His finest films were principally the effort of other people.

To those presuming the only reason one could hate the prequels is because of outraged Star Wars fanboyism...no. I stopped caring about Star Wars a long, long time ago, but I haven't stopped caring about quality cinema. It's an art form, just like music, just like literature. If you've ever complained about a bad song, or a bad book, or a bad game, you've not got a leg to stand on here. Lucas is the Rebecca Black of film directors. He's Stephanie Meyer. He's Elf Bowling.

He's a joke, and a hack, and his prequels are the worst kind of rubbish, and deserves every jot of abuse he's been taking and then some.

Montezuma's Lawyer

New member
Nov 5, 2011
Loop Stricken said:
Jar-Jar Binks.
Hayden Christiansen shopped into the ending of RotJ.


No, I don't think people are too hard on him at all.

Just because he decided to cry about it, does not excuse him from what he's done.


New member
Apr 4, 2011
Owyn_Merrilin said:
Let me put it this way: I don't wish death on the man, but I'm in the camp that is just biding their time until he kicks the bucket, and hoping his heirs have a bit more sense about the movies than he does. We're never going to get a good transfer of the original original trilogy as long as the man lives. It's not because the original negatives have been destroyed; you don't really need those to get a good transfer when there's still three strip technicolor prints extant -- those things, along with vinyl records, are one of those formats that pretty much never decay as long as they're properly stored. What we're seeing here, sadly, is a man with a bruised ego who is too proud to admit he made a mistake. Until he either admits his mistake[footnote]meaning he gives the original cuts the respect they deserve; a transfer of a master made for laserdisc that looks worse than the fan transfers of the actual laserdiscs does /not/ count.[/footnote] or dies, I'm unlikely to ever buy a new transfer of the old films. And that makes me sad; lord knows the man has made a small fortune off of me alone over the years, and there would be plenty of money left if he would just give the fans (including me) what they want.
The infamous edit that puts Hayden Christensen at the end of RoTJ was released on a special edition DVD that included the original theatrical version of the film. I bought them just a couple years back, so I can't imagine that they'd be impossible to find.

Zen Toombs

New member
Nov 7, 2011
In some ways, yes. But Mr. Lucas has been something of an idiot in the past, and has earned most of his criticism.