Poll: Be honest, do you actually treat girl gamers the same online? (Minor update)


New member
Jan 6, 2010
Flare Phoenix said:
I can't be bothered to read through 11 pages of replies, so can someone tell me if anyone has pointed out the irony that creating a thread about if you treat gamer girls different is, in it of itself, treating them different?

Seriously, this whole notion that girls who play video games are different to guys who play video games is never going to go away as long as people keep drawing so much attention to it. Can't we just look at those few people who still treat it like its a big deal, laugh at their immaturity, and not have to shine a spotlight on it every time it happens? Please...?
Same thinking....

Congratulations too all participants of this thread you are now known for contemplating old, uninteresting and useless topics.


New member
Sep 17, 2010
Oh shit, for some reason I read the question as "Do you treat girl gamers differently?" and voted "No", but I really mean "Yes" as in I do treat girl gamers the same. Godamn it.


This name was cool in 2008.
Feb 11, 2009
Of course I do, I'm not a prick. Well, in this regard I'm not a prick.

I have seen some women get entitled because they're women, but comparatively less women are dicks online than men. When I first started playing online games I met women quite often and I never gave a shit. There wasn't any sexism, either. On Xbox Live for the original Xbox I never saw sexism in TimeSplitters, and on Counter Strike I was in several clans that had a bunch of women in.


New member
Mar 26, 2011
I know many girl gamers in person and I can tell you from firsthand experience that the get get treated with the same amount of respect that most gamers get online, absolutely FUCK ALL.


King over my mind
Mar 29, 2011
I played with some women in Left 4 Dead, the only thing that made them different to any other player I've played with is the tone of their voice. Gender makes no difference to me when playing video games with people.

I've probably played with many more women online but the lack of a microphone or the inability to use one in game made it impossible to know the gender of the people I was playing with.


New member
Jun 7, 2010
doesn'r matter to me if you are girl or not. i played with them and react the same way on them, but if i play with one of those girl, who are making a point with the fact that they are girl gamers, i will will act like a dick. and not with comment like: go back to your ktichen, but really just saying that i don't give a f*ck that they are girls.


New member
Jan 14, 2010
I don't act any differently, other than maybe (I emphasize maybe) cutting down on my cursing a little. (I curse a lot normally, obviously)


New member
Aug 15, 2009
No I don't I usually attempt to make friends with them before any other male gamer because they're A lot more fun to talk to :|


I'm in your mind fuzz
Sep 26, 2010
I havnt been online often so I cant say...

I think Ive encountered a few in left 4 dead


New member
Nov 20, 2009
All else being equal, I would, with the usual qualifiers that I treat
A) newbs
B) flakes
C) jerk-tards
differently, and the percentages are different across the genders.


New member
Mar 29, 2010
Mostly...I sure as hell don't treat them like that...I mean...I'm a massive dick and all but thats bad. Sometimes ill even be nice to people...but only if its to screw over someone who was being a dick...Done that once or twice in a raid....

Whoops sorry bud he/she cant trade it to you because i just enchanted it....whats that?...I left my mic open while saying that you can slam one...we all heard it...Sucks to be you bud


New member
Jul 8, 2011
I don't run into gamer girls in the same circumstances as most, but I do usually treat girl gamers the same as guys. In fact most of the girl gamers I'm around fit in like one of the guys, so it just comes naturally.

Nami nom noms

New member
Apr 26, 2011
I don't treat girl gamers any different, though maybe it's because I am one myself :p

I definately get treated differently; creepy people will always stalk you in the games (especially mmos) and those who feel emasculated often imply I'm bad at games because I'm a girl (Nvm the fact I've been playing games my whole life, and without being boastful I am good at most games).

Sometimes I'll make a male character if I want to avoid all that hassle, and I usually get treated with more indifference and respect equally.

I can think of 2 instancess in particular which were pretty funny:

The first and most recent was on Street fighter 2 HD on the 360. I was playing online matchmaking, but only a few people were on. This guy kept beating me everytime I played him, until about the tenth time i fought him, and I managed to win it. Imediately he sent hate messages (I'd only won one match lol, wtf), and wouldn't stop, until he realised from my avatar I was a girl...
Then he sent me a friend request. Needless to say I ignored it and blocked him.

The second example was a long time ago; I used to play Jedi academy multiplayer, and joined a clan. They had a trial period which they used to assess your character, and when they felt you were ready they'd teleport you to remote part of the server and watch your jedi trials lol.
I needed to fight a Master, a Knight and an Adept in that order, in order to get my apprentice title and be fully accepted into the clan, it's not expected to win any of the fights, rather to see how you cope against each challenge.

So the fight with the master starts, immediately I leap in with the Strong lunge attack, an attack so slow and easily dodged barely anyone ever used it... but it worked, and killed him in one hit.
So they were surprised but let me fight the knight. This was much closer, but I managed to win again. So there I was all ready to fight the adept, having already won two rounds, when I get a tell from the master 'You have failed your training.'

Of course I was confused as to why... turns out they reckoned I'd been cheating because (in their words) 'Girls shouldn't be able to fight aswell as men, they don't have the genetics.'

That was pretty much the end of my jka experiences.


New member
Sep 30, 2009
Mind you, I only have WoW to go off of. I generally get along with females better than males. If I'm in a group of 5 with only males, it's going to be a quiet dungeon. If I'm in a group of 5 with at least a couple females, suddenly I'm as charming as can be, and you'd best believe I'm DPS'ing my ass off. I mean, I show off anyway, but if I know I have a female audience, I'm hitting my GODMODE button and annihilating absolutely everything.

And I'm pretty generous with my money and professions, but my closest lady-friends get the most benefit. "What's that? You say you need 2k gold for something trivial? DONE! Because you're sweet, that's why."


Devourer of pie
Nov 9, 2009
I met one during the SC2 beta, and she became my 2v2 partner until it ended. I didn't even realize, or care until she came out and said that she was a girl, all that mattered was that I had someone to play 2v2 with.


New member
Mar 27, 2009
Aerosteam 1908 said:
I'm to scared to do the same thing at school as I what I do online. -sigh-
What...pretend to be a girl?

Kidding aside, I've seen how they get treated as well; one of my best friends lives in the apartment directly above me, and since I don't have Live, he (and his fiancee) have let me use her (aforementioned fiancee's) tag for online play. Some of the comments I received seemed as though they were supposed to be positive, but outlined the problem perfectly (e.g. "pretty good for a girl"), some were from douches ("girls cook and clean, not play guitar hero"), but the best possible response is silence, which seems sadly rare. That last response is what I make my standard; if I notice at all, I don't bloody say anything unless I would've said something to a guy in the same situation (unlikely).


New member
Jul 4, 2008
I don't generally care, if I'm playing a game, I kick ass equally, and I rarely talk, though taunting people can be fun, I generally keep it to neutrally exlusive stuff, I'm not a racist or sexist, I just like to mock people sometimes, just not... all the time, hell, most of the time I don't talk I use my gun to communicate, and that works just fine...

As for when I find out a gamer is female, only thing that runs through my head is "hmm, wonder if she's gonna try and use that against any of us, and how?" Then I just go back to shooting...

Only time I ever treat a girl gamer different, is if she's being obnoxious or disruptive, and i do the same thing with whiney annoying douchbags, and racist assholes, I tell em to shut up (kick/ban them when possible) and just mute them... rather keep my gaming experience enjoyable, and I don't tend to put up with BS that's above the normal type. (by normal BS I mean, general taunts, and violence, maybe a yo mama joke, or a that's what she said if applicable, I mean these are immature people most of the time but some shit just don't fly y'know)

Peace Through War!


New member
Feb 3, 2010
Sure I do. I also treat older gamers different than younger gamers. And married gamers different than single gamers. Everything about someone...including their gender...is a data point that affects how you treat them. You may not consciously go out of your way to shower them with affection, or stalk them, or make sad little entreaties for attention towards them...but you sure as hell treat them differently than you would treat a guy, because they are different than a guy.

This is just basic social reasoning guys. Ultimately you strive to treat everyone as an individual, but "being a woman" is one of the elements that make that person an individual.


New member
Aug 31, 2009
Actually, I try to stay clear from girls online, but if a run-in is unavoidable I try to be nice and not an asshole like many others. But when I meet girls in person, I'm often left to shy to even try and be nice, although when I somehow actually get to know a girl, I tease them :p Still got that little boy inside of me :(