Poll: Does the Eragon series deserve a new video game,


New member
Aug 18, 2008
now with the two new books out that being Eldest and Brizingr, would you guys think that the series deservs another video video game for one of maybe both of the books, maybe both in one game even.

I read them and theres is a fair bit of action, but if they want to make the game it needs to be a high budget type not the crappy type of game that they usualy make for games.

Also the series has alot of potential for a good game also, theres alot of action, good spell ideas, theres monsters that you can fight, good main characters, it would make for a good action rpg of sorts with alot of mini games.

I beleive the series should get another game maybe two, maybe square enix should take it, or a company good in this kind of stuff, i think the gamewould do good if they followed the book and put alot of effort into it all


New member
Sep 4, 2008
No. Never. No movies or games. They already ruined the series for me with the movie. Books are fine. Stick with them.


Mexican Fugitive
Feb 7, 2008
A 2-bit Starwars/LOTR ripoff with a hard headed devotion to every fantasy trope in the book? I think there's a reason why he's self published and why the movie was a complete failiure.


New member
Aug 25, 2008
Please, don't torture us any more...
Then again, they were nice enough not to make a Dark Knight game, so we kinda owe them one...


New member
Aug 2, 2008
Terrible, generic books I can't read without falling asleep? Probably made by EA? Nope.


New member
Mar 25, 2008
Eragon was a great story, and the plot is a well-crafted vision of a J. R. R. Tolkien novel-esque world. The thing is, while imagining a game where you could fight as a person like Eragon would be neat, the purpose of the original media was to convey the story. If there was a game that was based in the Eragon world it would have great potential, however the Eragon series of books was to convey the story of his world. We already know the plot twists, and the hidden background character motives. While it's true that gaming can definitely be used to tell a compelling story, this story has already been told. Writers should look more into games as a way of introducing their story into the world for the first time.

L.B. Jeffries

New member
Nov 29, 2007
I'm still waiting for my Harry Potter RPG that doesn't involve the books or movies and lets me create my own Hogwarts student to go on their own adventures.


New member
Nov 9, 2007
Should the next game go through the authour's "Furry" bent and focus on the dragon's oestrus cycle again?

No, no, and no. The books are decent when you sit back and remember it is written by a 14 year old boy, but they're really not great literature past that.

And, hell, I'm trying to remember a game that's good and based off of a book. I mean, okay, the first two Suikoden games are based off of Classic Chinese books (Bandits of the Marsh, and Journey to the West respectively), but only vaguely.

Just in general, games, books, TV series, and movies are really poor to cut and transfer over without much polishing due to something I'd like to call "pacing." Books and TV series get to have lots of time to make long, intricate plotlines and have them remain interesting. Movies have a much shorter time frame, thus most movies are terrible compared to books.

Games, on the other hand, are probably the longest of all. Not only is the pacing really awkward as it is in the hands of the player, but games are pretty much a testament of repetition. Doing the same things over and over again, and make it fun at the same time. Such repetition has Ruined games like "Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Rings - Vol. 1" and most games based "truthfully" off of Bram Stoker's Dracula.

But, eh, what do I know? Licensed games sell well, otherwise people wouldn't make them if they couldn't make a buck.

Syndicate Savage

New member
Aug 20, 2008
I have to say, even though the books have awkward or plot holed areas, I still completely love it and want my hands on Brisingr. To answer the question- N.O. The movie was atrocious, nothing like the book at all, and the game was almost just as bad.


New member
Aug 19, 2008
No. They butchered the movie, they butchered the game.

It should not be allowed to happen again to a good series of books.