Poll: Does the use of a sniper rifle excuse camping?


New member
Jul 15, 2009
Camping is cheap, Spawn camping is A SIN! seriously, i hate it when poeple hide in an alcove shooting you as you walk by. ITS CHEEKY.


New member
Nov 19, 2009
Camping is what snipers are for... im sure they are not supposed to run around no scoping...


New member
Oct 27, 2009
In game modes that require defense, then yes, camping is expected and I encourage it. Having my team-mates camp one sector while I tear up another makes my job easier. However, in game modes such as TDM/CTF/FFA where mobility is encouraged, sitting in a corner with your thumb up your ass shows you're a bad player and a bad sport. It's in those circumstances I really loathe campers. They're easy to kill, sure, after they whack you once and you see the kill-cam, just nade or jump-shoot them because they wont have moved.

Camping is a legit strat, but that doesn't mean I'm not allowed to hate it.


New member
Aug 13, 2009
DtDust said:
Also, if you use the Barrett, you suck at sniping, PERIOD.
You can still be a good player, but not a good sniper

Edit 1:
sasquatch99 said:
And how does using the Barrett mean you suck at sniping, period?
With the major one shot kill sniper rifles, you should only need one shot

Spam that click the minute you've locked your crosshair. At least with bolt-action you know you've pretty much got one shot to pull it off. I've missed a few kills in my time with bolt actions, merely cause I was taking my time trying to line up a headshot. But it doesn't annoy me losing those odd kills, because I know if I had got the kill, it'd have required more skill than using MW2's equivelant of Counterstrike's AWP

Am I the only one who has yet to even get a kill with a Barrett online, yet my Intervention has almost finished all its challenges?
I have one kill with the Barrett from using the retarded scout sniper rifle class that you unlock at 3. Yet all of the attachments and nearly all the camo patterns for the Intervention. though i dont think the Intervention would look very good with fall camo anyway
Got it spraying from the hip when a LMG user was reloading.
Now that i unlocked it i use the EBR/M21 90% because i love the scope pattern so much i would make love to it.
At least that needs an upper torso shot WITH SP.
And i use a silencer on it so i need the 3-4 shots downrange to kill.
Gun looks goofy as all hell though.


New member
Nov 30, 2009
Considering the whole point of sniping is to remain hidden in a spot far away, yeah, I'd say it is excused from the camper label (at least in a negative connotation.)


New member
Apr 8, 2008
I never got the camping thing. If you say play capture the flag, people who can't play demand you don't defend the flag and must charge forward like a tard and fight up and down the halls.

In death matches it makes boring play to camp, but in games like UT where you have to defend a base it's not camping it's defending.

Camping, never leaving a easily defendable corner in a game only about the kill count cause your afraid.
Defending, staying at a highly valued target or resource your team needs to protect to win.

So to say no camping in death match is fine, to tell a sniper he must run around with a weapon is to denie them the advantage because well...you have no skillz. To force people to be charge tards in all games is only for the whining majority who can't use real tactics.


New member
Mar 1, 2009
Camping should be legitimate. It's war, you gotta do what you gotta do. Besides, being able to camp isn't the sign of a bad player, it's the sign of flawed level design.


New member
Mar 21, 2009
Here's how you snipe without camping =P


The best way to use a sniper rifle without camping is to support from behind your buddies and keep moving when they advance. Basically use it at a long-medium range.

This was something good snipers in Killzone 2 did since that sniper rife was hard to aim with from long distances.


New member
Jul 18, 2009
camping is NEVER acceptable unless you are sniping or the whole other team is camping you or you are the last person on your team....or if they are bombarding you with sniper shots(that happened to a friend in MW2)


Who are you?
May 6, 2010
I don't agree with spawn camping, but anything else to me is totally fine. The enemy is out there, and that's something that players ought to just accept.


New member
May 25, 2010
I don't mind camping, staying a bit behing to snipe or whatnot is cool. But on games like CSS, you need to keep track of who is alive. If your team is running low or you're the last guy, take down your tent and go face the music. If 12+ people are watching you sit there in spectator mode and you're not doing anything, then you'll feel the wrath.


New member
May 23, 2009
sniping, if you move after a few kills, is fine, but i believe that sniping is the only acceptable form of camping. Any other weapon and its stupid, spawn camping is annoying and not fair, but while stupid you do win very well or lose epically. Remember, if your fighting fair, your tactics suck!

While it annoys me and many others when your sniped, what makes it more annoying is the little kid who says hes SO pro because he snipes, NO! Your pro if can charge into 5 guys, pull off 5 head shots and walk out without a single scratch on you. Did I mention you only used fingernails as your weapon?

So, in conclusion ( I'm such a English essay writer!) I say camping with the sniper and only the sniper is fair! Spawn camping is gay but gets the job done ( Please note I DO NOT SPAWN KILL AS THAT is plain anti-honorable!) and I'm rambling!!!


New member
Apr 4, 2010
I hate it when people accuse snipers of camping, it's the main advantage of the class.
In general I personaly don't camp and my opinion of camping varies between an acceptable stratergy and near cheating depending mostly on the game and the situation.


New member
Aug 6, 2009
It's a legitimate strategy.

For realsies. It's probably the most realistic strategy in gaming besides firing from cover.

All the "quick snipe" shit that the kiddies seem to love would never happen in real life.

If someone was running through a bombed out town, leaped over small wall, raised their 50 cal rifle to their eye and shot at someone, the outcome wouldn't be a dead terrorist. The outcome would be the rifle ripping back with huge force, knocking the guy unconscious while the 50 cal slug flies 3 km into the air severely menacing some nitrogen gas.

Which would be even more fucking awesome, but fairly unhelpful.


New member
Feb 21, 2010
I really don't mind people camping that much, if they want to stay in one place, i'll just go there when i die and kil them. but personally the only thing i use camping wise is the sniper.


New member
Mar 17, 2010
i would say i get annoyed when im killed by someone camping, but its fair enough to be honest in a real war you wouldnt go running around willy nilly spraying everywhere you would be more strategic and if someone runs around into you its his own fault for not being careful enough. lol. Its part of the game so live with it and adjust your gaming to cope with it better.


New member
Apr 18, 2009
Camping is one of the most enjoyable and realistic way's to play in my opinion.