Poll: Fanfiction writing and reading

I Max95

New member
Mar 23, 2009
i read and write fanfiction
of all kinds, not ashamed in the slightest

Dragon Age, Mass Effect, Gears of War, Harry Potter Firefly all that stuff

ive got plenty of ideas however only one is actually on Fanfiction.net, and even i think its my worst story
i need to sumbit more

i read alot of it too though most of it is mediocre,outright bad, too short, takes a LONG time to update, or any combination of the four


New member
Feb 27, 2010
I didn't like fanfics a while ago. In fact, I almost hated them.

Then bronies started writing fanfics... and they were good. Now I enjoy them.


Make America Great For Who?
Oct 8, 2008
I sometimes dabble in fanfic writing, though I often find myself losing interest almost immediately after. I like to review more because I would like to see people actually do better when they read constructive critiques.


New member
Aug 4, 2009
I once wrote a story about Croc back in year two, that's about it for me writing fan-fiction.

As for reading it, aside from reading "My Immortal" just to see if it was as awful as the web said it was (it very much is) I don't really read it either.


New member
Mar 18, 2009
I love writing it. Usually Sci-Fi and adding new stories to existing lore. Hell, I don't even touch the existing characters and planets. I only use the franchise as a setting.


Sometimes known as CaitieLou
May 27, 2009
Optiluiz said:
I'm against the whole concept of fan-fiction, and I think the authors that waste their time on it should concentrate on original works. That having been said, I HAVE read some pretty good fanfics, some even better than the original work.
It seems you know very little about developing creative skills. See, if there's one thing an aspiring artist knows how to do--regardless of their craft--it's draw inspiration from someone else.

Do you know what I have done in just about every SINGLE art class I have taken since I started college? I'm talking 3 drawing classes, painting, jewelrymaking, and computer animation. In each of those classes, I had at LEAST one project where we had to take the work of an old master and use it somehow. Sometimes it was just to draw inspiration, other times we outright copied what they did. In fact, one day in Drawing I, we went to a local art museum and all we did for three hours was draw the pieces in the museum that stood out the most to us. These educational and inspirational copies even have their own special word--pastiche, literally meaning "imitation."

The point of all that copying is to get a feel for what the old masters did to become the "old masters." Redrawing something allows you to become very intimate with it. You become familiar with each and every minute detail, notice angles and patterns, and learn the craft from them in ways you never could have simply by LOOKING at them. It's like the difference between watching somebody drive a car and getting behind the wheel yourself.

As for fanfictions, first of all they just like writing prompts you do in writing classes, in that they are great ways to get started quickly into getting words onto a page. See, the only way to get good at writing is to write. A lot. Practice makes perfect, as they say. Just like with the drawings, does all of your practice have to be from a completely original still-life? Hell no. With drawings, working with something already done gives you a chance to observe someone else's composition and see what you can do with it yourself. So you are not only learning their composition, but yours as well. So with writing, having a jumping off point can get you started quickly and can allow the writer to skip the worries of world and canon development and work on the mechanical aspects of their writing, such as style, structure, character development, and plot (note: plot does not mean story. plot is how the story is revealed to the audience).

Secondly, I'm taking creative writing this year, and my instructor does not discourage writing fanfictions. She cautions us to be aware of copyright laws, of course, but otherwise she's fine with it. She says that some of her best writings have come from writing prompts, and she knows of many people who have had had works published that originally started as writing prompts. Prompts can give you a starting point that you never would have imagined in your wildest dreams. They broaden your perspective, and push your mind beyond what it's comfortable dealing with. You're adapting to a new situation and coming up with unfamiliar solutions, rather than allowing your mind to lead you somewhere you're already comfortable with or feel you already have the answer for. The mind is tricky like that--it loves what is familiar, and does not easily see something from another perspective.

So I'm afraid you've got this all wrong. A writer is not good because their ideas are completely original all the time. I mean really, just how many love stories and tragedies are out there? So no. A writer is good because they can tell a damn good story. It doesn't have to be original, or even terribly complicated. It's all about the presentation.


Man must have a code.
Dec 21, 2007
I don't need fan-fiction, half of the comics produced these days seem to read as legitimized fan-fiction.


New member
Jul 4, 2011
Okay, I can't talk about this without a little back story of my own.
I'm a writer. I have my own original series called Death by Dawn. Currently I have eight novellas completed. I bought the copyrights and I print and bind copies of each book for sale on my personal site- http://deathbydawn.com/

That said, I don't like to put up chunks of my books as writing samples, there would be too many spoilers because my writing is really dense with no wasted words. [Plus, no one ever buys anything they can get for free.]
So occasionally I indulge myself by writing a fan fic, and then put that up for anyone to read. I've only done two, but my SteinxSpirit piece is at least 15 pages long. And the RichtofenxDempsey slash I just finished is 5 1/2 pages. [Assuming I don't come back and add more later, that happened with the other one 3 times.]
Part of it is just that I'm a hopeless yaoi addict. My own books only contain a little bit of slightly odd straight sex. But the fics are both incredibly pornographic and rich in descriptive detail. It's cathartic.


New member
Jan 5, 2011
lacktheknack said:
I read "My Immortal" and wished I could write as amazingly, but I haven't really tried.
Oh this is the first time this week that I can write lol and actually mean it. Actually, give me a second... there, ROFL. I read the entire thing in one sitting, which if I remember correctly took about 4 times the age of the universe. It felt like it did anyway.

OT: I do actually enjoy some fanfiction now, as inspired by my immortal. With the amount of sheer abomination there is out there, there are some writers that are actually brilliant for their ability to parody it. With that in mind, I give you this http://www.1up.com/do/blogEntry?publicUserId=5238104&bId=9012750

Sunset Rose

New member
Oct 3, 2011
I both read and write fanfiction. I like to read it, but wading through the shit you find posted by people who have no idea how to write or keep characters in character is tiresome, but then you find someone who writes so well, you think 'this is why I keep doing this." As for writing, I keep it to myself and don't post it on the internet because I don't want to inflict it upon poor people XD


New member
Sep 11, 2010
Read and Write. but haven't writin anything in a long time. but i still read some good fanfic every now and then. lots of goods ones when you put effort into finding them.