Poll: Gears 3: Is the Boltok OP?


New member
Feb 4, 2009
I was just playing Gears 3 multiplayer (casual TDM, if anyone cares), and I picked up the boltok pistol (for those of you who don't know, it's a revolver that does a crapload of damage) and I was just kinda screwing around with it when I realized that it can get a 2-shot headshot at ANY TIME. Now, I really enjoyed the Snub in the first Gears for its ability to extremely effectively two-piece (melee and a headshot, cheap but effective), and hated everything about the Gears 2 pistols (and Gears 2 in general), but this... I really like this.

The boltok is one of the most common weapons on the multiplayer maps, and (to my astonishment) it has apparently been upgraded since the first two games. The effect is especially strong when you get a perfect active reload, because it fires faster than the recoil can settle, allowing a body shot to the chest to be followed up with an immediate headshot without touching the control stick.


New member
Apr 23, 2008
no gears gun as actively OP, but all can usualy be used in a situation that increases its power exponentially. in gears one this was the hammerburst ( keep it sort of empty, w8 aroundd a corner, active it, shoot bash shoot, quickest kill possible ) << not a lot of people knew.

gears 2's mortar

gears 3? dont know.


New member
Jan 19, 2010
Not that imba, really...

If your opponent ever chooses to either move faster than you can aim properly, or they decide to just have at you with fire from their primitive weapons, you'll be shit out of luck.

What's really imba though, is, will and always shall be, the Gnasher Shotgun. Since the majority of the maps, or should I say all, have their layout based on close-quarter combat, you are far more in need of such tools, rather than taking on Gunslinger tactics. Why settle with two tactical shots, when you can simply get close and have one, to eliminate your enemies?
The Gnasher Shotgun's only competition, is the Sawed-Off Shotgun. The lack of ammunition is well compensated for the potential firepower of wiping off more than one person at a time. Works far more efficient in close-quarter-clusters as I prefer the term, whereas the enemies swarm an area of importance.

GLo Jones

Activate the Swagger
Feb 13, 2010
The Longshot kills in one shot to the head, and the Torque-bow and Boomshot can kill multiple people with one shot. Put into perspective, I think it fits perfectly.

I myself prefer the Gorgon, as it's something you can really just spray away when things get hairy (and if I'm being forced to switch to pistol, then things usually are).


New member
Feb 4, 2009
Right, but my point is that the Boltok is really common - there's at least one on every map, usually two, and they seem to have a really forgiving headshot hitbox compared to the longshot, making it (as far as I can see, at least) pretty similar to the TF2 Sniper's Huntsman, in that it's a short-mid range weapon that works REALLY well at long range too. Seriously try it for yourself - just aim in the general direction of someone shooting out of cover and you'll get a headshot 3 times out of 5

EDIT: Also, I don't know what happened there was supposed to be a poll

Catchy Slogan

New member
Jun 17, 2009
Why is it overpowered? Because it works? If you get tagged with a grenade, that's a one hit kill, if you get run though or chainsawed with either of the Lancers, it's a one hit kill. OneShots should be self explanitory. Longshots are one shot kills with a headshot.

I have no idea why you've singled out a Boltok Pistol.


New member
Jan 14, 2010
believer258 said:
Not really. It fires so slowly that a quick dodge is in order. If the person getting shot doesn't roll his ass out of the way, well, he probably deserves it.
Not on an active reload. With an active reload it can fire as fast as you can pull the trigger.
OT: No, it's not overpowered, a longshot can get a one-shot headshot, that doesn't make it overpowered, because it takes skill to get a headshot. If any weapon in the game is OP, it's the gnasher, but even that would be a hard argument to make.
Catchy Slogan said:
Why is it overpowered? Because it works? If you get tagged with a grenade, that's a one hit kill, if you get run though or chainsawed with either of the Lancers, it's a one hit kill. OneShots should be self explanitory. Longshots are one shot kills with a headshot.

I have no idea why you've singled out a Boltok Pistol.


New member
Jul 21, 2010

It has like no ammo so even though it is headshot capable, it is a weapon that requires skill to use.

Total LOLige

New member
Jul 17, 2009
It was a two shot headshot on gears of war 2, I don't use it alot but in the gears 3 beta I was a headshot machine with the boltock
Mar 26, 2008
It's power is offset by the fact it fires so slowly. I think they've even slowed it down since Gears 3.

The Torque Bow is the bane of my existence. The amount of times I get tagged by that thing is getting beyond a joke. I always hear it amping up and never think someone is actually being aimed it at me.


New member
Apr 27, 2011
I love the boltok. I get it every chance I can. I notice people usually just run past it and it respawns very quickly compared to power weapons. However I notice I have most success if I'm staying back behind my teammates and picking people off from a distance. If I try using the boltok head on with someone in close quarters I will most certainly die. At long range however, I notice it is a lot more common for me to get a headshot kill with it than the longshot even.

I noticed however on Gears 1 it was mostly useless. I'd hardly ever get headshots with it. Gears 2 I started using it more often and would have more success with it. But, Gears 3 it is just awesome. I don't think it is overpowered despite its increased effectiveness on Gears 3.