Poll: How do rich people become rich in the first place?


New member
Mar 30, 2011
I could have prevented Enron or the housing bubble. DON'T COMMIT FRAUD (Enron CEO) DON'T LEND MONEY TO PEOPLE YOU KNOW CAN'T PAY IT BACK (housing bubble)

A small business isn't up to 499 employees. If it was, EVERY BUSINESS in my town would be a small business: INCLUDING MCDONALDS (each franchisee is their own business.) A small business is a business that the employee total is so low that laws like the FMLA don't apply to them.

Wealthy is also defined as 450k+ (the 39% tax bracket.) And I would love to know how nearly 50% of the US doesn't pay taxes when I barely cleared 12k last year and STILL had to pay taxes. I didn't have to send them MORE money, but I sure as shit didn't get everything back. I'm guessing the hack report you got listed people that had to pay more than they sent in initially. (though I DO love how you said a chunk of the tax paying populace doesn't pay taxes, wouldn't that mean they aren't a part of the tax paying populace?)

And as evidence that any idiot is given the chance repeatedly if their family is rich enough: George Bush Jr.
He ruined more companies than I will ever get the chance to run just because he comes from a rich family.

But this thread wasn't about taxes. It was about how the rich get there: they start there almost to a man. Their families got there in the first place through crime or some big scam.[/quote]

You're correct on the Enron Part, but it's difficult to tell someone "don't lend money to people you know can't pay it back" when the Federal Government actually MANDATES that you give money to people who can't pay it back in the name of "fairness"

He didn't say nearly 50% don't pay taxes, he said nearly 50% don't pay income taxes, that's different. This doesn't mean every single one of those people are "welfare queens" or whatever, some are retirees, some are students, some don't work in a traditional job but make money via investments (and thus pay Capital Gains Tax).

Actually, the rich do pay an overwhelming majority of the taxes. In the US in 2012, the top 20% paid nearly 70% of the taxes:

"It was about how the rich get there: they start there almost to a man."
Garbage. When polled, 86% of Millionaires said they were not raised in a wealthy family. But that's taking their word for it, Forbes did a report on it with a lot more research, and only about 30% of billionaires were raised in what would be considered very wealthy families, and this is Billionaires we're talking about.

"Either you become a warlord/royal/dictator and take it from everyone by force or taxes..."
Sorry this just made me laugh because I was imagining Warren Buffett as a "Warlord" :)


New member
Mar 19, 2009
Wow, I can't believe five pages and no one's addressed the big banks and stuff like that yet. I suppose my definition of the rich must be much higher than most peoples.

TO me, the rich are those people that are completely cut off from society. The people that live in their mansions inside secured compounds, who travel by motorcade or private jet, and never make public appearances. Mostly I'm talking about big banks and stuff, but there are a few others, like the diamond trade and such. People whose wealth is nigh incalculable. Mostly, they're rich because once upon a time, their ancestor came up with an idea, a scam, to put themselves in a position of power over the common man, like a bank holding onto peoples money. Once they did that, they simply had to use a series of underhanded tactics and a rather severe lack of any kind of moral fiber to accumulate wealth and hold on to it, usually at the expense of others, , and continue the cycle infinitely. For places like the diamond trade, it meant basicly using the money they had to shut down or buy out any competition, and then hire people to rewrite the laws to circumvent them. Most of your super rich people have gotten that way by really being the absolute worst of humanity.


e^(i * pi) + 1 = 0
Apr 5, 2010
JaredXE said:
You either inherit it, or commit a crime. And those inherited fortunes are usually made by unsavory means. Hell, Bill Gate's fortune started from defrauding IBM for millions. Steve Jobs stole from Xerox. IBM acquired money from Nazis and so did the Bush family.

"Behind every great fortune lies a great crime."
Microsoft never "defrauded" IBM. If they did it would be easy for IBM, just sue Microsoft. What happened is that MS pushed for some terms on their contract with IBM that MS thought would be very advantageous for them in the future, while IBM didn't think these terms matter because they thought the rules of the past would apply to the future (specifically, the relative value of hardware x software). No fraud involved, IBM was just "dumb" due to hubris.

"Steve Jobs stole from Xerox", well, it's true that Jobs and Gates both saw the experimental systems Xerox had made and saw more value in them than Xerox itself (Xerox never did anything with their prototypes, the company didn't think they were valuable at all). But Jobs didn't get rich with the Macintosh, he actually got rich before going to Xerox, by selling Apple II's. Macintosh computers didn't sell very well at the time, and Apple didn't get much money from them. Microsoft, however, earned a lot of money with the Xerox ideas, after a good number of years iterating on them.

Jobs and Gates recognized a good idea, which Xerox itself didn't do, but one thing is idea, the other is execution.


New member
Sep 5, 2011
A lot of people say it's luck.

Hit them in the face.

With a shovel.

Either you will have to endure the pain of working hard for something you want eventually reaping the fruits of your labour, or you endure the pain of an unsatisfying life.

Things are not easy. And nothing is luck. You can't just sit down and wait for a big pile of money to come your way.


New member
Apr 9, 2010
CriticalMiss said:
The best way to be rich is to consider yourself already rich. You have electricity, clean drinking water, abundant access to delicious food and the internet. Some folks don't have any of that, never have and never will. To them YOU are rich.
And to them, the multimillionaire rich are so rich that they would all commit mass suicide in hope of being reborn as one of their children


New member
Apr 9, 2010
DkLnBr said:
[li]Hard work. My Dad's boss has a perfect example of a success story through hard work. At 19 he got kicked out of his parents house and had to sleep on a park bench, but he never gave up and put 100% of his effort into what he did, and now he has a million dollar house in palm springs and a Lamborghini[/li]
That's hilarious xDDD

Step 1: be kicked out of house at 19

Step 2: Sleep on park bench

Step 3: ???

Step 4: PROFIT!!!

Seriously... he had no home so he could never get a job or start a business (unless he took out a loan for a house too) so he must have sponged off someone else.


New member
Sep 6, 2010
There are two time old phrases:

"You have to spend money to make money".
"Nothing in life is free".

Neither are true, the former being a paradox, and the latter just plain dumb . And yes, hard work and determination improves your odds, but ultimately chance that's really at play. Remember this is specifically for being rich. Being well-off in the western world is much easier if you learn yourself a skill that can prove useful in society.

Little Gray

New member
Sep 18, 2012
Queen Michael said:
Luck. Nobody gets rich without some kind of fluke, be it winning the lottery, or having rich parents, or being born in a time where the skill that made them rich is valuable.
Yep because we all know actually works hard and earns their riches.


New member
Apr 2, 2009
Shivarage said:
DkLnBr said:
Stuff I said
That's hilarious xDDD

Step 1: be kicked out of house at 19

Step 2: Sleep on park bench

Step 3: ???

Step 4: PROFIT!!!

Seriously... he had no home so he could never get a job or start a business (unless he took out a loan for a house too) so he must have sponged off someone else.
Lol, ya I suppose I skipped over a large amount of time in the middle. I just thought I had typed enough, and no one needs the important details right?.
But anyways, how does that change anything? He still got rich through hard work (mostly anyway, im sure luck and skill played their parts) Money just doesn't spontaneously appear in front of you, so he would have to get a loan or sponge of someone just to get started. Its not like he moved in with rich relatives (auntie and uncle in Bel-Air?, Scrooge McDuck?) and just piggy-backed off their success.


New member
Sep 26, 2010
Most people who are rich throughout history have gotten their monies the same way. If you want to be rich, all you have to do is do what they do. Be born into a rich family. Easy no? :D


New member
Dec 5, 2012
O i just got a decent RL example of luck and earning money.
went to a job interview the other day which i considered to be way out of my league. the job description was worded in such a way that i could make a few changes to my resume and scam my way into at least an interview and since i had nothing better to do i figured it was worth a shot.

the job pays roughly double my last job and about 50% more than the jobs i am currently applying for and as an added bonus involves no heavy labor (fucked my back from my last job) the hours are consistent enough that i can spend my spare time studying and opportunities exist for advancement.
turns out the boss at this job went to the same school as me. in the same year. and he remembered me (i was captain awesome in high school). at this point if i do not get the job it will mainly be down to one thing - i may have been lucky enough to know the guy but not lucky enough that he was an actual friend.


New member
Mar 25, 2009
Well there are many ways people become rich.

Being born in a rich family.
Awesome luck with the stock market.
Coming up with a great new product/service (or a bad product which you can successfully advertise as great => cf.: Steve Jobs)
Becoming a dictator (no really those guys are often filthy rich)
Or good old fashioned hard work (though that's probably the least efficient way to get there)


New member
Nov 4, 2010
Relish in Chaos said:
Roxor said:
wombat_of_war said:
forget about getting rich with a lottery. most people who win lotteries when checked 12 months later were worse off financially 12 months later
If schools taught kids how to actually handle money, this wouldn't happen.
But that begs the question: is it schools' jobs to teach students about money management? As far as I know, it was just education in numerous fields that subjectively work well for the society around them, obedience to authority, a bit of counselling, but aside from that, you learn it from the universal class of "life", when you're actually in work, and, you know, actual counsellors and/or therapists.
The problem is that managing money is not something which life in general will teach you with any certainty. The people who end up worse after winning the lottery are precisely those who were not taught how to manage their money. Same thing for the sports stars who go broke after finishing their careers.


New member
Jun 16, 2008
Luck, but also perseverance and an inclination towards the amoral also helps.

Although, as the old adage goes: becoming rich isn't about the money you make, but about the money you spend.


New member
May 18, 2011
DkLnBr said:
Hard work. My Dad's boss has a perfect example of a success story through hard work. At 19 he got kicked out of his parents house and had to sleep on a park bench, but he never gave up and put 100% of his effort into what he did, and now he has a million dollar house in palm springs and a Lamborghini
Your dad's boss did not get kicked out of his house at 19 in a time where the current young generation not only has to support themselves but also need to work for the baby boomers' pensions, which siphons a lot out of the wealth they produce, when jobs are not a certain thing even if you're willing to work hard and when everyone talks about companies and nobody talks about people.

Times have changed.


New member
Apr 2, 2009
Vegosiux said:
DkLnBr said:
Stuff I said
Your dad's boss did not get kicked out of his house at 19 in a time where the current young generation not only has to support themselves but also need to work for the baby boomers' pensions, which siphons a lot out of the wealth they produce, when jobs are not a certain thing even if you're willing to work hard and when everyone talks about companies and nobody talks about people.

Times have changed.
Ya, Generation Y did get the short end of the stick didnt we? I still think hard work is a factor in wealth, but the unfortunate part is that we now have to work harder for less


New member
Dec 31, 2012
Chance, screwing people over.
Fine combination of the two.

Nothing is certain, and success is easier achieved off of the shoulders of giants and on top of a heap of unassuming people.


New member
May 18, 2011
DkLnBr said:
Vegosiux said:
DkLnBr said:
Stuff I said
Your dad's boss did not get kicked out of his house at 19 in a time where the current young generation not only has to support themselves but also need to work for the baby boomers' pensions, which siphons a lot out of the wealth they produce, when jobs are not a certain thing even if you're willing to work hard and when everyone talks about companies and nobody talks about people.

Times have changed.
Ya, Generation Y did get the short end of the stick didnt we? I still think hard work is a factor in wealth, but the unfortunate part is that we now have to work harder for less
Yeah, pretty much. Of course hard work is a factor, it would be downright asinine to deny that, but success stories of the previous generation really don't apply to modern times too well...