Poll: How Much Do Trophies/Achievements Influence Your Next-Gen Purchase?


New member
Nov 29, 2011
This past generation of consoles did something new. You were able to create a persistent online identity where you could collect trophies or achievements for achieving certain goals in your games. Of course, this developed a rabid following among some gamers, and many spent countless hours hunting these achievements/trophies.

So here is my question to you: Do your achievements/trophies influence your purchasing decision for the next generation? Do you think it will be a key component when others are deciding which console to buy?

Personally, I have never remotely cared about Achievements or Trophies, so they have absolutely no bearing on which console I will purchase this upcoming generation. I would however like to hear from people who were avid achievement/trophy hunters.


New member
Nov 26, 2011
None whatsoever. I've never cared about trophies or achievements. If they have useful benefits in-game, or can be done without too much effort during normal play, then I'll generally try for them, but I really don't care if I actually get them.


New member
Apr 13, 2013
I like getting achievements on the xbox 360, I like getting achievements more than the ps3, not sure why though. Not really sure what the next video game console I'm going to buy is.

Dirty Hipsters

This is how we praise the sun!
Feb 7, 2011
3 children in a trench coat
I don't care about them at all. I never go out of my way to collect any of them, nor do I care about the size of my gamerscore. Maybe I would feel differently if my gamerscore hadn't already gotten wiped once when my gamertag got stolen.


New member
Jul 17, 2011
I love achievements, but they're probably the last thing I'd think about when purchasing a console.

They're small and inconsequential. And all the ones that don't involve grinding are relatively easy to re-acquire, that is if a person really wants them badly.


Muse of Fate
Sep 1, 2010
I don't care about them. If I really like a game, I'll go to Platinum it if the trophies don't take much grinding.

I see Trophies/Achievements as a way just look over my gaming history and if someone asks what games I liked best for the year, I'll look over my trophy list so I don't forget a game.


New member
Jan 5, 2013
When I finish a game I like, I sometimes turn into a Trophy Whore and it'd be nice to know that hours wasted will be carried over onto the PS4.
However trophies/achievements are the same for both Microsoft and Sony consoles, so they don't help me choose which one I'll buy.


Welcome back Commander
Jun 2, 2009
If they have any, it's a negative one. I'm sick of stupid achievements, I play games to have fun playing games, not chase after non-existent digital trophies. But since everything has them now I just ignore them.


New member
Aug 30, 2011
Well, if the console said "Every time you successfully attack an enemy you will get a prompt asking whether you'd like to accept a trophy" then I'd probably steer clear.

But honestly, could not give a fuck about trophies and achievements. The only time they've been decent is some Insomniac games, which are actual challenges, but generally it's "use this arbitrary future", "progress through the game", "do things exactly as they were intended to be done, defeating the purpose of player agency", or "collect all the tiddlywinks". Useless and worthless. I'm a completionist anyway, I don't care about the achievements, I'll collect every weapon and be satisfied if no-one notices.

EDIT: Also, trophies carrying over from the PS3 isn't worth much to me because I have several alternate accounts, meaning I've never consolidated all my progress in one place anyway.


New member
Mar 18, 2009
If for whatever reason I wanted the Xbone over the PS4, my Trophy collection wouldn't deter me in the least.

That said, it's nice that they'll transfer over. I did a lot of work for those 13 levels (what does that even mean?).
MeChaNiZ3D said:
But honestly, could not give a fuck about trophies and achievements. The only time they've been decent is some Insomniac games, which are actual challenges, but generally it's "use this arbitrary future", "progress through the game", "do things exactly as they were intended to be done, defeating the purpose of player agency", or "collect all the tiddlywinks". Useless and worthless.
HD collections tend to have good Trophies/Achievements. Probably because that's one of the key selling points, so they have to make them good. For example, I did fairly normal runs through Ratchet & Clank and the sequel, and got maybe three Trophies each. And in Kingdom Hearts 1.5, there are Trophies for never dying, beating Proud, never changing equipment and a <15-hour finish time. (Of course, there are also Trophies for watching the Days movie, so...)

But for a lot of modern games, yeah... they aren't really "achievements."

Magicite Spring

New member
Apr 15, 2012
Games from Insomniac were my favourites growing up because I loved the skill point feature they had, especially in Ratchet and Clank games. I don't know what, but something about the list of challenges to complete and beating them one by one was extremely satisfying for me and that's just continued in this generation with trophies. I always try to platinum every game I play, not for bragging rights or too so off, but because I feel extremely accomplished when I see the platinum trophy pop. It also gives me a good measure to whether I've experienced everything a game has to offer.

So I am very glad that trophies transfer over to PS4, but if they didn't I probably wouldn't mind too much. I still have my PS3 to get trophies on anyway.


Warning! Contains bananas!
Jun 21, 2009
Simple question, simple answer.

No, they don't matter. I'm not one for enlarging my e-peen and achievements/trophies have no function beyond that, so I couldn't care less.


Jun 5, 2013
Doesn't even factor in. I think most achievements/trophies are tedious and not worth paying attention to. After having my 3DS for a bit, it's refreshing to have a new console without them.


New member
Sep 23, 2010
I blame achivements for the death of cheat codes and such so nope Don't care for them one bit.


New member
Mar 16, 2013
Never understood the attraction myself. I play games for the experience and fun, not for the arbitrary awards.


New member
Mar 18, 2012
I enjoy trophies for what they are, but they'd never be a factor in any big decision similar to that.
If they had to go, I wouldn't be sad or happy.

Maximum Bert

New member
Feb 3, 2013
I despise Trophys and Achievements it taps into my obsessive collective nature that I hate and had long ago buried wherby I would have to collect everything in the game world and do everything even though I am not having fun doing it turning it into a chore rather than pleasure.

I have a handle on it these days if a game pisses me off I just turn it off now but still these trophys and achievements still niggle at the back of my mind it is ignorable but I would much prefer them to not be there also I also think they cheapen the games over all they are sort of patronising saying well done you did X I mean who cares? someone may look and go ah thats impressive and thats it.

I would love to be able to turn them off or delete them but no thats not an option. Them carrying over or not is a matter of supreme indifference to me, ideally I would like them abolished they take away more than they add to a game. But they wont be removed because people like the little buzz they get its basically like a mild or not so mild in some cases addiction, games dont need that and would be better off without that cheap trick, unless its a slot machine or some shit then of course it needs this as the game is rubbish taken in isolation.

Keith K

New member
Oct 29, 2009
While I enjoy collecting them on a game by game basis, a system-wide score is absolutely meaningless. It has no impact on which platforms I buy or use.


New member
Aug 31, 2009
I admit that playing the Wii U, it took a little bit of getting used to when it came to there not being achievements or, trophies. That being said though I think I'm nice and weened off of Achie-trophies...although I am really curious to see how PSV/PS4/PS3 trophies will work...I think you can get double-platinum through PS3/PSV so I'm curious to see if some games will go for triple...not that I would buy a PSV just for trophies or, doubles of a home game...