Poll: If KOTOR was to be remastered, should Bioware be in charge again?


Elite Member
Jun 8, 2015
As we all know, the original KOTOR was a Bioware game which was beloved by everyone. Since then, Bioware has released series of damn good action RPG Dragon Age and ME series...

Then DA: I and ME: A happened. These two games probably have one of the biggest divisible community I have every seen. Animation fiasco aside, ME: A is a debatable game amongst the gamers.

So, accounting for both good AND bad games they have released, should BW be in charge of KOTOR remastered if it were to happen? Or have they lost their credibility, and therefore other developers be in charge?


Tiger Robocop
Aug 29, 2010
Remaster? They probably won't do it. If if it's there ever one, they probably give it to a smaller studio to handle and only slap that Bioware logo in there. Remake?... Heh? They are still doing SWTOR (sadly) so most likely the developers would feel the need to incorporate elements of that in the game, which is bad because SWTOR is bad (That's from someone with 500 hours on it, so I am aware of it's qualities and it's many, many more flaws). So I say, no. I don't think Bioware will Remaster it, and they shouldn't remake it either. So no, I guess.

Can't they just give it to Obsidian and let them do their thing the way they wanted? Would've have worked for KOTOR 2 if the release date wasn't so unreasonable.


He who speaks words from mouth!
Dec 6, 2010
Does it honestly matter for a remastering? Sure they are going to port the game to a more modern framework and enhancing the graphics, but otherwise it isn't really that big of a project, and they don't have much (if any) need for a creative team. Whomever does end up in charge of the remastered edition will likely just set a team of coders and graphic artists to work on it and forget about it until its done in 3 to 6 months (depending on the engine and graphics upgrade). Honestly I would only be worried if bioware (any of EA's dev's honestly), ubisoft, Activision, or SquareEnix. Any company with at least 10 game releases and 4 of them well known and liked at minimum would be better than the 4 named.


Renowned Latin Lover
Jan 30, 2009
Give it to Obsidian.

sgy0003 said:
Then DA: I and ME: A happened. These two games probably have one of the biggest divisible community I have every seen. Animation fiasco aside, ME: A is a debatable game amongst the gamers.
DA2 and ME3 are also both extremely divisive. Let's simply say that Bioware hasn't had a game that was didn't create controversy and division amongst gamers since ME2, and even there, a lot of people thought that Mass Effect was being somewhat casualized.

American Tanker

New member
Feb 25, 2015
This is a big fat flying NOPE from me.

Give it to CD Project Red, the guys behind The Witcher. See if they could make it worthwhile.


Trump put kids in cages!
Mar 8, 2011
A remaster should just require updating it for modern systems, thats it.

Making a -new- game however...


Alleged Feather-Rustler
Jun 5, 2013
I wouldn't trust Bioware to wipe their own asses at this point. How do you make a Mass Effect game that's even worse, graphically, gameplay wise, story wise and audio wise than the very first Mass Effect from 10 years ago?!

Come on Bioware! Get your head in the game!

Mister K

This is our story.
Apr 25, 2011
Just like others have said:

Making a remaster (i.e. enhancing graphics, fixing minor glitches, etc.) is fine. But making a new game in KOTOR universe? I don't know. But hey, SWTOR was/is enjoyable enough, so maybe there is a chance.

P.S. Damn it, now I want actual SWTOR: Single Player Edition. Make maps smaller, remove "kill x enemies y times" quests, make all types of crafting and gathering avaliable for any character and, heck, I'd play the HELL out of it. But as it is, it is plagued by typical MMO problems, which makes the game less enjoyable (for me at least).

Imre Csete

Original Character, Do Not Steal
Jul 8, 2010
Just let the Unreal 4 Engine Remake guys do their thing without Disney and EA curbstomping them.


This Title Will Be Gone Soon
Apr 13, 2008
Not just no, but HELL no.

I wouldn't trust Bioware with anything, anymore. Their quality has been in a steady but noticeable decline since EA bought them out and they're showing now signs of improving. If they tried to remaster it now they'd somehow screw it up.
Sep 14, 2009
sgy0003 said:
As we all know, the original KOTOR was a Bioware game which was beloved by everyone. Since then, Bioware has released series of damn good action RPG Dragon Age and ME series...

Then DA: I and ME: A happened. These two games probably have one of the biggest divisible community I have every seen. Animation fiasco aside, ME: A is a debatable game amongst the gamers.

So, accounting for both good AND bad games they have released, should BW be in charge of KOTOR remastered if it were to happen? Or have they lost their credibility, and therefore other developers be in charge?

still in early stages, but as of right now this is still happening. not perfect, mind you, but from the screenshots I've seen it looks *way* better than it used to.

hell if/when it's released, I'm sure there would be mods based specifically off this remaster mod for UI/bug fixes even.


New member
Feb 28, 2016
sgy0003 said:
Then DA: I and ME: A happened.
And ME3. And DA2. And that one fucking Sonic RPG.

Okay, I'll stop. But you get my point: the Jade Empire and KOTOR-era Bioware died a long time ago. Give someone else a chance.


New member
Apr 14, 2008
You mean the parasite otherwise known as Electronic Arts, right?

The last games BioWare truly made themselves (for the most part) was Mass Effect and to a lesser degree Dragon Age: Origins. After that, the stink of EA clings to all subsequent titles. That being DLC, more patching required, dumbing down gameplay, console port fever, etc.


New member
May 20, 2009
Yes, the problem is not the developer who actually works to create something. The problem is the publisher and the pressure they put the teams under, the teams have families to feed for example, they panic and don't say no, because it is work. But their work is seen by the publisher as nothing, as a joke, as not being hard to do and as something that should have been done yesterday. We should deal with the publisher problem somehow. Their greed is hurting the industry and the people working in it and in the end is hurting the consumers. We, the consumers, have the power to erradicate this problem.


New member
Jan 28, 2012
I would trust them about as much as I trust squeenix with the FF7 remake.

Darth Rosenberg

New member
Oct 25, 2011
sgy0003 said:
As we all know, the original KOTOR was a Bioware game which was beloved by everyone. Since then, Bioware has released series of damn good action RPG Dragon Age and ME series...
I loved KotOR - back in the day. It's aged terribly in some ways, being inferior to most of the IP's that came after it.

(and no, it clearly wasn't beloved by "everyone", because nothing ever is)

Then DA: I and ME: A happened. These two games probably have one of the biggest divisible community I have every seen. Animation fiasco aside, ME: A is a debatable game amongst the gamers.
...gamer culture is kinda moronic though, isn't it? So does that matter? User scores have become a joke these days - the domain of agenda spouting whiners, where score bombing is apparently 'consumer advocacy' or a political statement, as opposed to simple petulance.

I also overreacted, at times quite moronically, to DA:I when it came out, although I had the additional indignity of first playing it 'last gen', on a version they clearly didn't give a single damn about (no warning of DLC support being dropped prior to release, either, of course). But DA:I's like all works; flawed - and that's about it. By most reliable, measured accounts ME:A refines the BS filler it peddled as 'content', and I doubt anyone could say ME:A's core gameplay wasn't superior to DA:I (ergo representing an improvement in a company's output).

So, accounting for both good AND bad games they have released, should BW be in charge of KOTOR remastered if it were to happen? Or have they lost their credibility, and therefore other developers be in charge?
As others have pointed out; it doesn't really matter on a remaster, certainly if it's just a polish. I don't see the point in going back to KotOR, though, because if it is just a polish, the shitty menus, voice acting (some of it's good, some of it's awful), and lots of the iffy writing stays in place. And if it's a remake, then that's a colossal undertaking guaranteed to rile people up for all sorts of reasons.

I suppose 'let sleeping dogs lie' sums up my attitude, regardless of what company would be responsible for it.

BoogieManFL said:
The last games BioWare truly made themselves (for the most part) was Mass Effect and to a lesser degree Dragon Age: Origins. After that, the stink of EA clings to all subsequent titles. That being DLC, more patching required, dumbing down gameplay, console port fever, etc.
So EA's responsible for ME2, then? Let me thank Mr/Mrs EA in person, should I ever meet him/her (added handshakes and gratitude for DAII and ME3). Faults aside, DA:I was a gorgeous looking and sounding game (possibly the finest score of any BioWare game, at least for me), so EA are to thank for that as well (I gather ME:A's stunning as well).

Re DLC and patching: that's not an EA issue, that's an industry wide and/or cultural issue. It's here to stay, too. An industry of patching also allows stuff like Elite Dangerous to evolve and iterate (ditto No Man's Sky), so this ability to 'fix' or add to games is by no means just a negative.

Re dumbing down: that is largely just a subjective viewpoint, in dire need of being defined on a per case basis. If ME2 dumbed down ME1's systems, then personally, thank feck for that as 1's systems were terrible (ditto the core combat). ME3's weight/cooldown system allowed for a boatload of hybrid builds and specialised playstyles, too, and I gather that's mostly been carried over to ME:A, which bodes very well. By comparison ME1's weapon system design was simplistic as well as restrictive.


Oh, I voted no, btw - because I'd rather BioWare focused on new games or supporting current ones, not waste time on old games. I'd love a new KotOR, though, but that seems unlikely to happen.


New member
Apr 28, 2008
Trick question. Bioware is dead. I am not being hyperbolic, but can anyone name a team member that worked on kotor that is still at bioware? I think the last of them fled right around the time EA changed up ME3's ending.
Jan 19, 2016
mavkiel said:
Trick question. Bioware is dead. I am not being hyperbolic, but can anyone name a team member that worked on kotor that is still at bioware? I think the last of them fled right around the time EA changed up ME3's ending.
Didn't Drew Karpyshyn come back to Bioware recently? He was one of the Kotor and ME1 devs. I think he's working on SWTOR now.