Poll: inFamous 2: Die inFamous-er: I am Worried


New member
Jun 24, 2010
Sephychu said:
I really am not liking the fact that all the resolution and hardening that took place in Cole's head has had a bridge dropped on it. Why did I bother getting the good ending and becoming the hero Kessler failed to be if Cole's just going to go back to being an angsty guy, nay, even more angsty than he was at the beginning.

I'm not sure I like where they're taking it. It'll still be fun, but it kinda feels like they're abandoning the (great) feel of the last game.
Wait angsty? We've had hardly any dialogue now! As for why he's depressed, he failed to stop the Beast. Trish died for nothing, Empire City got fucked for nothing, Now he needs to get stronger.

Got I hate how words like Whiney and Angsty and Emo have become Catch-22's for "Something/Character I don't like"

And I mean this honestly, all the trailers I've seen he's just talking about how he needs to get stronger, and then the one deadpan snarker line "Ugh it's always something"

Is there something I'm missing?


New member
Dec 13, 2009
SpaceMedarotterX said:
Sephychu said:
I really am not liking the fact that all the resolution and hardening that took place in Cole's head has had a bridge dropped on it. Why did I bother getting the good ending and becoming the hero Kessler failed to be if Cole's just going to go back to being an angsty guy, nay, even more angsty than he was at the beginning.

I'm not sure I like where they're taking it. It'll still be fun, but it kinda feels like they're abandoning the (great) feel of the last game.
Wait angsty? We've had hardly any dialogue now! As for why he's depressed, he failed to stop the Beast. Trish died for nothing, Empire City got fucked for nothing, Now he needs to get stronger.

Got I hate how words like Whiney and Angsty and Emo have become Catch-22's for "Something/Character I don't like"

And I mean this honestly, all the trailers I've seen he's just talking about how he needs to get stronger, and then the one deadpan snarker line "Ugh it's always something"

Is there something I'm missing?
angst 1 (ängkst)
n. A feeling of anxiety or apprehension often accompanied by depression.

I believe I am correct in using this term.
I don't know about you, but I don't really like stories in which protagonists aren't sure of themselves. Furthermore, Trish didn't die for nothing, and the beast hasn't even appeared yet. Trish died to make Cole stronger, and the fight with Kessler served the same purpose. Empire city got fucked to give cole the powers in time for Kessler to refine him into a stronger person, ready to fight the best. In the game I made all the sacrifices to get myself ready to fight the beast, and Cole seemed pretty resolute in being that bit stronger.
He states he is only worried about no being there for people in time, or if you're evil, that nobody can stop him.

The E3 trailer shows him chasing 'the life that eludes him'. In neither ending does he express any desire to be normal again. Heck, at the very beginning, he's basically come to terms with his new power already. I'm just stating I don't like the dramatic shift in character for him, when I really liked the old one.


New member
Dec 3, 2009
His powers changed why not his look, i understand yor worries but people did criticized the voice in the first one. Think people should know is people change their looks, when i was little i had long hair, then i got short hair now i'm about average length.
I think the devs what Cole infamous look and Hero look to be drastically diffrent which is why his a more bendable look, if your evil he may look like the old cole so far they only showed a hero cole(Blue lightning)


New member
Jun 24, 2010
Sephychu said:
angst 1 (ängkst)
n. A feeling of anxiety or apprehension often accompanied by depression.

I believe I am correct in using this term.
I don't know about you, but I don't really like stories in which protagonists aren't sure of themselves. Furthermore, Trish didn't die for nothing, and the beast hasn't even appeared yet. Trish died to make Cole stronger, and the fight with Kessler served the same purpose. Empire city got fucked to give cole the powers in time for Kessler to refine him into a stronger person, ready to fight the best. In the game I made all the sacrifices to get myself ready to fight the beast, and Cole seemed pretty resolute in being that bit stronger.
He states he is only worried about no being there for people in time, or if you're evil, that nobody can stop him.

The E3 trailer shows him chasing 'the life that eludes him'. In neither ending does he express any desire to be normal again. Heck, at the very beginning, he's basically come to terms with his new power already. I'm just stating I don't like the dramatic shift in character for him, when I really liked the old one.
Uh... Yeah actually The Beast DID appear, between games, and it kicked his ass and destroyed Empire City, this is why he's in a new city, he's going after the guys who created the Raysphere to find out how to evolve his powers even further.

So in his head, he failed just as badly as Kessler did.


New member
Dec 13, 2009
SpaceMedarotterX said:
Sephychu said:
angst 1 (ängkst)
n. A feeling of anxiety or apprehension often accompanied by depression.

I believe I am correct in using this term.
I don't know about you, but I don't really like stories in which protagonists aren't sure of themselves. Furthermore, Trish didn't die for nothing, and the beast hasn't even appeared yet. Trish died to make Cole stronger, and the fight with Kessler served the same purpose. Empire city got fucked to give cole the powers in time for Kessler to refine him into a stronger person, ready to fight the best. In the game I made all the sacrifices to get myself ready to fight the beast, and Cole seemed pretty resolute in being that bit stronger.
He states he is only worried about no being there for people in time, or if you're evil, that nobody can stop him.

The E3 trailer shows him chasing 'the life that eludes him'. In neither ending does he express any desire to be normal again. Heck, at the very beginning, he's basically come to terms with his new power already. I'm just stating I don't like the dramatic shift in character for him, when I really liked the old one.
Uh... Yeah actually The Beast DID appear, between games, and it kicked his ass and destroyed Empire City, this is why he's in a new city, he's going after the guys who created the Raysphere to find out how to evolve his powers even further.

So in his head, he failed just as badly as Kessler did.
Apologies. Clearly I haven't done enough reading on it.

That back up my point even more. Why do that? That's just stupid. Leave the beast popping up and killing everything to exposition. ANGER.

Super Toast

Supreme Overlord of the Basement
Dec 10, 2009
SpaceMedarotterX said:
Oh for fucks sake, they changed Cole because everyone and there fucking mother complained about his gravely voice and his generic bald look. Guess what? hair GROWS over the course of time.

As for why he's still growing stronger? the Beast came at a different time since Kessler fucked with the time stream, he's still not ready. He tried to fight it and it destroyed him. They've already said that a million times.

Melee combat is good, especially since YOU KEEP ALL YOUR OLD POWERS he's already a master at ranged combat, now he needs new moves, there's only so many variations on "Lightning Gun" you can have.

And finally before anyone brings it up "How did lightning turn into ice" it didn't and your an idiot. That's NOT how the Conduits work, Conduits don't gain lightning powers they gain powers period, Cole was ALWAYS going to mutate into a conduit that's the only reason the Raysphere worked on him, he still has further mutations to go under, and not necissarily the same ones as Kessler because again, Kessler fucked with the time stream and the Raysphere forced his mutation early. Stop bitching about the fucking ice powers, and just incase you missed the forward this is me saying this early.

So in summary.

1. The story makes sense because The Beast arrived early than it was supposed to, Hence Cole has had to leave Empire City, hence he's in an unknown enviroment where people are intent on killing him.
2. The powers make sense because in the 1st game he essentially mastered all the use of ranged electric combat, we've only seen ONE melee power so far and TWO Ranged ones, the cyclone and the ice. Also given how conduits worked (as in you actually listened to the dead drops instead of ignoring them) Cole's powers should only get stronger.
3. Cole still has the same body type he had in inFamous, he just let his hair grow out a bit and the different graphics engine makes him look different but as for body archetype, skin and hair colour, he looks exactly the same. If your complaining about a new outfit for a much hotter location than Empire City, and the fact that he decided not to shave his head anymore, there is the door.
4. His voice was changed because everyone fucking complained about it. Frankly the less and less he looks and sounds like everyone else from this generation the better.

Of course (before someone has a cry) these are just my opinions (And some factoids) so take that for what it is.
Expertly analysed. My only problem is the buildings are still pretty short. Oh well.


New member
Jun 24, 2010
Sephychu said:
SpaceMedarotterX said:
Sephychu said:
angst 1 (ängkst)
n. A feeling of anxiety or apprehension often accompanied by depression.

I believe I am correct in using this term.
I don't know about you, but I don't really like stories in which protagonists aren't sure of themselves. Furthermore, Trish didn't die for nothing, and the beast hasn't even appeared yet. Trish died to make Cole stronger, and the fight with Kessler served the same purpose. Empire city got fucked to give cole the powers in time for Kessler to refine him into a stronger person, ready to fight the best. In the game I made all the sacrifices to get myself ready to fight the beast, and Cole seemed pretty resolute in being that bit stronger.
He states he is only worried about no being there for people in time, or if you're evil, that nobody can stop him.

The E3 trailer shows him chasing 'the life that eludes him'. In neither ending does he express any desire to be normal again. Heck, at the very beginning, he's basically come to terms with his new power already. I'm just stating I don't like the dramatic shift in character for him, when I really liked the old one.
Uh... Yeah actually The Beast DID appear, between games, and it kicked his ass and destroyed Empire City, this is why he's in a new city, he's going after the guys who created the Raysphere to find out how to evolve his powers even further.

So in his head, he failed just as badly as Kessler did.
Apologies. Clearly I haven't done enough reading on it.

That back up my point even more. Why do that? That's just stupid. Leave the beast popping up and killing everything to exposition. ANGER.
well it's exposition now, it might be the prologue. Though I doubt it for some reason.

The story so far is when Kessler came back in time to prepare Cole for the Beast he ended up screwing with the Timeline and the Beast woke up way before it should have. So when Cole tried to fight it he ended up getting beat, and with no way to stop it he needs to power up, so he tracks the First Sons (was that what they were called) to this new city, to find out about the Raysphere and how to increase his powers.

Personally? my idea was for Cole to travel around the world, based on if you were good or evil in the last game, he would arrive at a new city and either destroy it to lure out the conduits who are acting as heroes, or he would track them down and help them clean up the city.

If you lured them out for a fight you kill and absorb there powers, if not they teach you the basics of the power and let you learn it for yourself.

at the end of the game, he's either killed all the other Heroes and preparing himself to kill and absorb the powers of the Beast. If he's good he's essentially assembled a team of heroes and made himself super powerful. ready to defend against the Beast.

I mean it makes sense that around the world there would be other Conduits, And I'll admit that I'm getting a bit of "Sly 3" vibes from it.


New member
Dec 13, 2009
SpaceMedarotterX said:
Sephychu said:
SpaceMedarotterX said:
Sephychu said:
angst 1 (ängkst)
n. A feeling of anxiety or apprehension often accompanied by depression.

I believe I am correct in using this term.
I don't know about you, but I don't really like stories in which protagonists aren't sure of themselves. Furthermore, Trish didn't die for nothing, and the beast hasn't even appeared yet. Trish died to make Cole stronger, and the fight with Kessler served the same purpose. Empire city got fucked to give cole the powers in time for Kessler to refine him into a stronger person, ready to fight the best. In the game I made all the sacrifices to get myself ready to fight the beast, and Cole seemed pretty resolute in being that bit stronger.
He states he is only worried about no being there for people in time, or if you're evil, that nobody can stop him.

The E3 trailer shows him chasing 'the life that eludes him'. In neither ending does he express any desire to be normal again. Heck, at the very beginning, he's basically come to terms with his new power already. I'm just stating I don't like the dramatic shift in character for him, when I really liked the old one.
Uh... Yeah actually The Beast DID appear, between games, and it kicked his ass and destroyed Empire City, this is why he's in a new city, he's going after the guys who created the Raysphere to find out how to evolve his powers even further.

So in his head, he failed just as badly as Kessler did.
Apologies. Clearly I haven't done enough reading on it.

That back up my point even more. Why do that? That's just stupid. Leave the beast popping up and killing everything to exposition. ANGER.
well it's exposition now, it might be the prologue. Though I doubt it for some reason.
I guess all we can do is wait. In sadness.


New member
Jul 20, 2009
Everything looks great except the main character, who is apparently a completely different person with the same name and friend now?

Anyway, about the ice thing, comparing Cole and Kessler's powers, i would assume that Cole's power was never lightning specific to begin with, rather the end result would be total energy manipulation, however the initial manifestation just happened to be lightning. It would have surprised me more if he hadn't picked up something else, honestly. Ice wouldn't have been my first, hell, wouldn't have been my 5th guess, but i'm not complaining.


New member
Dec 23, 2009
I like the new Cole (is the new guys name even Cole?). The old Cole wasn't that likable, he was ok but his personality just sort of faded into the background. The character change seems necessary since he seems to be a lot more acrobatic now, that wouldn't have suited the old Cole.

I'm really excited about the melee combat. Infamous kind of sucked since you mostly just spammed one slow attack by mashing a button, overall it seemed pretty clunky in comparison.

The integration of ice powers will make or break the game for me, I'm a bit worried they might be over-complicating things. Having one power in lots of detail is better than lots of powers without much depth.


New member
May 21, 2010
TheAmazingTGIF said:
In the light of the announcement of the sequel at E3, I decided now would be as good as time as any to re-play it. And yet, the more I play 1 the more worried I get about 2.

(Potential spoilers for 1 and the trailer for 2, ye be warned)
1. They changed voice actors, almost never good but this one seems very glaring and bad. In 1, Cole's voice was the closest thing to gravel you can get with out actually being gravel (and I think it worked for the most part). In the trailer for two the only thing I can think of is: holy shit, this guy sounds like a more douchebaggy Drake (a la Uncharted).
2. Sucker Punch has completely redone Cole's person. Watch the trailer. There is little to no resemblance between inFamous Cole and inFamous-er Cole. This is a particular problem for the sequel since the only thing linking the two stories is the main character. Also see above statement about looking like a douchebaggy Drake.
3. Melee combat. Lightning powers seem to have the "ranged" feel to them. You can't really using lightning without having the ranged-ness to it. I am glad they decided to fix this particular short coming from 1, but to make it the focus? That sounds bad.
4. "The Life that Eludes me?" That is the title of the trailer. It seems like Cole is worried, or at least concerned, with the fact that things are changing. Wasn't that the point of 1? And the whole point of 1 was to prepare you for 2 which seems weird that Cole is looking for a Life that eludes him when he is exactly where Kessler wanted him to be.

I am very worried about this game, but I have yet to play a Sucker Punch game that I dislike. So far I am not liking what I am seeing. Anyone else think I am justified in my fear, or am I a crazy person?
1. I had that exact same fear. Cole was mature and had a deep voice. He did what had to be done and he was sometimes grim about it. I love the "Grim" feeling in certain games because in real life, a supervillan trying to destroy the earth (or beast in this case) would be grim, desvastating, and dark. They made his voice higher, he sounds immature and inexperianced.

2. Same points I suppose. He looks younger and less experianced, and yet one of the main features of the game is that they aren't copying other games. In spider-man games, you have to re-learn all your moves every game. Same in almsot any sequel. Cole retains his abilities in this game. You are already a powerful hero, so should he not look a bit more gruff?

3. If you're going to pull melee combat into this, why not simply place the Giga-Watt blades DLC power as his melee? (I never downloaded the DLC and have no idea how the Blades functioned), but rather than having that looks like the front fork of a motorbike strapped to your chest... It's focussing now on melee combat a bit, and I'm not sure I liked the transition. I loved blasting the enemies.

3. A) In the trailer, Cole says "NOthing ever changes. Well maybe somethings" (Something to that effect) and you see him standing on the concrete with this palms pointed to the ground and ice growing from the ground. New powers? Interesting I suppose, though with the arsenal you already have I think the buttons may either get complicated (remember with button is you lighting shockwave and which one freezes baddies), or they're taking away from his originaly story. This is assuming he actually gets ice powers, but how are they going to wield this intot he story? That ball of power he was holding in the first was designed to turn him into a conduit. SO what's going to trigger this.

4. The ending of #1 also becomes a tad ruined with this. If you were evil, you made Empire city into a haven for the power, a playground fro the malevolent and you stod over them all as the most powerful. You were a supreme being of evil. If you chose good, then you had discovered your call was to protect the citizens of Empire city. So now he's off somewhere else finding his calling? I agree, it's a tad off for me.

I just hope they have a good story line to back it all up


New member
Nov 18, 2009
I liked the gravely voice, made for some of the best narration I've ever heard.
It could have changed, however, because he might not have always sounded like a man with sand in his throat. I've heard something about smoke inhalation (as seen EVERYWHERE just after cole wakes up) damaging the vocal chords or something, perhaps electricity surging through his body may have been harmful at first? (Cole might have been hospitalized for more than cuts and bruises) Maybe his throat just hadn't healed over the 2 or three weeks after the blast?

It shouldn't matter too much even if they just make him a Drake clone, I don't think the story was going to get much better anyway. Uncharted was still playable enough most of the time, right?
(don't have a "/" for this one)

Blue Musician

New member
Mar 23, 2010
Sorry, but I'm a PC fanboy, so I basically do not care about it, but your arguments seem somewhat valid.


New member
Jul 20, 2009
Dexiro said:
I like the new Cole (is the new guys name even Cole?). The old Cole wasn't that likable, he was ok but his personality just sort of faded into the background. The character change seems necessary since he seems to be a lot more acrobatic now, that wouldn't have suited the old Cole.

okay, WHAT?

How was the old Cole not acrobatic? He did a damn flash kick as one of his melee attacks.


New member
Dec 23, 2009
Zaik said:
Dexiro said:
I like the new Cole (is the new guys name even Cole?). The old Cole wasn't that likable, he was ok but his personality just sort of faded into the background. The character change seems necessary since he seems to be a lot more acrobatic now, that wouldn't have suited the old Cole.

okay, WHAT?

How was the old Cole not acrobatic? He did a damn flash kick as one of his melee attacks.
I never said he wasn't acrobatic, I just see the old Cole as more of an old croaky guy in comparison to the new one. New Cole seems a lot more agile and acrobatic, it suits him better.


New member
Mar 7, 2010
I'm not very concerned about changes of character design as long as they're justified by the plot.

As far as gameplay goes, from what little I've seen, it looks like it's a bit more melee oriented, which is positive as long as they don't stray too far from the first game, and gives you more powers to play with. What more could you want? :p

So yeah, I'll be keeping an eye out for this one.


Elite Member
Nov 6, 2008
I actually just bough inFamous like two weeks ago and immediately beat it twice, once good on normal and once evil on hard, and after watching this trailer it seems like we're playing a different game. They didn't even try to make him look the same, but I think that's the point because of the whole Kessler trying to change you thing.


New member
Jun 24, 2010
http://www.joystiq.com/2010/07/03/video-infamous-2-gameplay-now-with-more-cyclones/ Here's the new gameplay, see it plays just like the old game but faster... and with cyclones.