Poll: inFamous 2: Die inFamous-er: I am Worried


New member
Jun 15, 2009
SpaceMedarotterX said:
Oh for fucks sake, they changed Cole because everyone and there fucking mother complained about his gravely voice and his generic bald look. Guess what? hair GROWS over the course of time.

As for why he's still growing stronger? the Beast came at a different time since Kessler fucked with the time stream, he's still not ready. He tried to fight it and it destroyed him. They've already said that a million times.

Melee combat is good, especially since YOU KEEP ALL YOUR OLD POWERS he's already a master at ranged combat, now he needs new moves, there's only so many variations on "Lightning Gun" you can have.

And finally before anyone brings it up "How did lightning turn into ice" it didn't and your an idiot. That's NOT how the Conduits work, Conduits don't gain lightning powers they gain powers period, Cole was ALWAYS going to mutate into a conduit that's the only reason the Raysphere worked on him, he still has further mutations to go under, and not necissarily the same ones as Kessler because again, Kessler fucked with the time stream and the Raysphere forced his mutation early. Stop bitching about the fucking ice powers, and just incase you missed the forward this is me saying this early.

So in summary.

1. The story makes sense because The Beast arrived early than it was supposed to, Hence Cole has had to leave Empire City, hence he's in an unknown enviroment where people are intent on killing him.
2. The powers make sense because in the 1st game he essentially mastered all the use of ranged electric combat, we've only seen ONE melee power so far and TWO Ranged ones, the cyclone and the ice. Also given how conduits worked (as in you actually listened to the dead drops instead of ignoring them) Cole's powers should only get stronger.
3. Cole still has the same body type he had in inFamous, he just let his hair grow out a bit and the different graphics engine makes him look different but as for body archetype, skin and hair colour, he looks exactly the same. If your complaining about a new outfit for a much hotter location than Empire City, and the fact that he decided not to shave his head anymore, there is the door.
4. His voice was changed because everyone fucking complained about it. Frankly the less and less he looks and sounds like everyone else from this generation the better.

Of course (before someone has a cry) these are just my opinions (And some factoids) so take that for what it is.
Brilliant. Yup, that's exactly what my argument was gonna be, but you said it for me, cheers!
I personally cannot wait for this game. inFamous was one of my favourite games of '09 and this doesn't look like a radical change/departure/fail, it looks like a logical progression, an evolution from the first, which is awesome


New member
Jul 11, 2009
Celtic_Kerr said:
In the trailer, Cole says "NOthing ever changes. Well maybe somethings" (Something to that effect) and you see him standing on the concrete with this palms pointed to the ground and ice growing from the ground. New powers? Interesting I suppose, though with the arsenal you already have I think the buttons may either get complicated (remember with button is you lighting shockwave and which one freezes baddies), or they're taking away from his originaly story. This is assuming he actually gets ice powers, but how are they going to wield this intot he story? That ball of power he was holding in the first was designed to turn him into a conduit. SO what's going to trigger this.
I think by Conduit they mean a Conduit for supernatural powers, not just electricity. If you remember from the first game the bigger enemies were called Conduits as well, and they didnt have electric powers, some had telekinesis, some could create massice hologram thingies.

So theoretically I think It would be pretty easy to pencil in a subplot for how Cole gets his new Ice powers, and possibly other elemental powers in future InFamous games.
