Poll: Is Gaming Going Downhill


New member
Oct 31, 2009
For me, gaming has been going downhill for awhile now. Every popular game is either a sequel or a game that is exactly like another game that was popular. I don't remember the last time I saw a game that looked original to me (other than Brutal Legend) and was selling well. Whenever a game becomes popular we get a ton of clones, and I am tired of being the same buff space marine killing the same fucking aliens. Unless people stop buying these games that take no thought to produce gaming will be all average WW2 games, Space marine games, and World of Warcraft clones. What is your opinion on what is happening with games, do you think they have a bright future, or do you think they will continue to get worse of we don't stop buying the same game.


New member
Jan 8, 2009
Then stop buying those kinds of games and actually take the time to look for something original.
Gaming isn't going downhill. It's the same as it ever was. If something is popular, of course others are going to try to capture the success of it and try their best to emulate it.


New member
Aug 16, 2008
it's not going downhill, per say, but maybe less games are appealing to you because of the 'like another' or 'sequel' thing and you don;t like that. what you don't like, someone else loves.
Aug 25, 2009
We don't like these threads here, they tend to cause flame wars.

And gaming is not really going downhill. Nostalgia filters out the mounds of shite games from your childhood, and makes the good ones seem even better. For every single fantastic game there will be ten shockingly awful ones, and the ratio hasn't changed much. In fact the biggest change has been the added aspect of increased marketing, the mainstreamin gaming community, and the commercialisation of gaming. In short, there are just as many bad games and good games as there have always been, we're just more aware of them now.


New member
Oct 31, 2009
megapenguinx said:
Then stop buying those kinds of games and actually take the time to look for something original.
Gaming isn't going downhill. It's the same as it ever was. If something is popular, of course others are going to try to capture the success of it and try their best to emulate it.
I disagree, look at your older game console games, and look at your new game console games and tell me you don't see the originality fading. Sure their were plenty of bad games then but they were much more original, and while their were clones in the older days too, it wasn't nearly as bad as it has become.


New member
Aug 31, 2009
Gaming isn't going downhill, it's merely slowing.

A bunch of new ideas came out, like Mass Effect, and Assasins Creed, they are going to milk a couple of games outa that then move on.

From which is infinitely better then Nintendo.....And Sega.


New member
May 26, 2009
It's true there may be more sequels and 'clones' of similar games on the market and that's because of the demand so unfortunately this is just one thing that we'll have to deal with. Gaming is not going downhill it's just at a slow point right now and that's all


New member
Jan 8, 2009
dumblogic511 said:
megapenguinx said:
Then stop buying those kinds of games and actually take the time to look for something original.
Gaming isn't going downhill. It's the same as it ever was. If something is popular, of course others are going to try to capture the success of it and try their best to emulate it.
I disagree, look at your older game console games, and look at your new game console games and tell me you don't see the originality fading.
I did.
The thing is, no one remembers the shitty rip offs because they were in fact shit. There were a bunch of Mario, Tetris, Yoshi's Cookie, Streets of Rage, and Final Fight clones but we hardly remember any of them. Same thing will happen with this generation and all generations, no one is going to remember any of the mediocre games, only the truly good (or in some cases like Superman 64, the epically bad).


New member
May 29, 2009
I extend the same leniency to gaming that I do to movies. Eventually, all the ideas are taken up. Any new ideas are met with either hostility, or extreme scrutiny. People just can't help but go with what sells, it is safe.

That being said, I don't think gaming is on a decline. As long as you research a game before you buy it, you won't get a clone of another game.


New member
Mar 29, 2009
Heavy Rain
God of War 3
Battlefield: Bad Company 2
Ratchet and Clank: A Crack in time
Uncharted 2

These games say different.


New member
Sep 3, 2008
Nope gaming today is as good as it has ever been if anythings gone downhill its the current attitude of the core gamer sect who throw massive wobblies over as little as a game developer releasing additional content that they have no obligation to buy if they don't want to.


New member
Oct 31, 2009
iamq said:
Heavy Rain
God of War 3
Battlefield: Bad Company 2
Ratchet and Clank: A Crack in time
Uncharted 2

These games say different.
How do 4 sequels and a game that hasn't come out yet prove me wrong?


New member
Sep 8, 2009
i know for a fact that there is gonna be more multilayer and co-op integration into everything. also developers are realizing that some aspects of the market is over-saturated, and some less explored gengres (mechs, space combat) will be further popularized. What about DA: Origins? Some of the best fantasy the gaming industry has seen in a while. I dont think its going down hill, more like its going through a phase.


New member
Jul 7, 2009
Its not going downhil, its just all the good titles have already been created if that makes sense. For example when the ps2 came out Ratchet and Clank came out and was original and extremely fun. As thats already came out, any new game like it will seem like a clone, and as i said before, as all the good titles have been created, everything game like the original game that brough to bring that idea to life is like a clone.


New member
Nov 7, 2009
when i was still playing on the ps2 a lot of original games were coming out. and they were fun (ie: psychonaughts) because of the lack of online. due to people playing on their own game developers relied heavily on story and combat. now very few games are like that due to the big obbsession with online play and mainstream. saying that games like left 4 dead and brutal legend bring something back thats original yet works well online. and games like assassins creed will force developers to think of something different....hopefully. the other problem is the lack of good split screen games!


New member
Oct 31, 2009
JimmyBassatti said:
It's not going downhill. It's just you. If you take off your nostalgia glasses, you'll see a lot of games from your childhood were extremely bad.
I probably need to start being more clear in my titles. I do not believe that all games used to be very good, but they were more individual, and the shitty clones did not sell, like the shitty clones do now. I just looked through my old games, and while some were shit, they were mostly original shit, and I would almost rather play shitty original games than masterpiece clones.


New member
Mar 29, 2009
dumblogic511 said:
iamq said:
Heavy Rain
God of War 3
Battlefield: Bad Company 2
Ratchet and Clank: A Crack in time
Uncharted 2
Demon Souls

These games say different.
How do 4 sequels and a game that hasn't come out yet prove me wrong?
They're future promises of good games coming out.

And why is it so bad that they're sequels? Jak 2 is my favourite game of all time and it's a sequel.


New member
Jan 9, 2009
About your point of originality fading and there being too many sequels.

Don't you think it's getting harder to think of something completely revolutionary for every single game you make? Not everything has to be a massive breakthrough as long as it's fun. Sequels don't have to completely re-imagine the game or else it wouldn't be the same thing we liked in the first place. It just has to add to what we played before. Complete overhauls can wait until the long runners need to refresh themselves.
And no, Final Fantasy doesn't count. The stories have absolutely nothing to do with each other and the battle systems get drastically overhauled every game. People who complain about Final Fantasy being the same thing over again are idiots.

About games being too similar: I'll give you the point about constant space marine plots. If you don't like them, then don't play them. It really doesn't matter to anyone else what you like or don't like. If you can think of a better plot or premise, then feel free to throw your idea somewhere.
Edit: Another thing. I bring you,
No More Heroes


Dead Space (kinda)

Muramasa: The Demon Blade

Mario Galaxy (people can't complain about Galaxy 2 and RE5 being unoriginal. They revitalize the series with something new just like people keep asking them to, then people whine because they bring back the system that they liked. I don't understand it.)


New member
Jul 14, 2009
I don't see your point.

Sequels aren't bad and don't mean any less creativity, it just means, normally anyway, interlinking characters, which can help you sympathize and care about.

Plus sequels a good marketing tool, keep the same character and names, make a new environment and plot, boom, ya done. New ideas and awareness of brands, very nice.

And games about Space Marines"" don't have to be bad, sci-fi can be a great fictional starting point, maybe just because they haven't been done well, but that doesn't mean much.

And if you mean creative like Mario, I will facepalm. I hate old-school Nintendo, wacky super-hyped worlds full of soulless mushroom people isn't my thing.