Poll: Is It Ok To Eat Animals Considered Pets? (Please Read The Post First lol)

Manatee Slayer

New member
Apr 21, 2010
First, I would like to start off with a disclaimer: I am in no way planning or advising anyone to eat any animal(unless they really want to). I am just playing devil's advocate out of interest of people's opinions. So please don't flame me. :p

Now That's over, I was just wondering if you considered it OK to eat an animal that is considered as a 'pet animal' in your country. For me (Britain) this would be cat's, dogs etc. as would many other countries.

Now, the scenario is such, you buy a group of the animal, cats for example and keep them in a suitable area rearing them as you would piglets, lambs or calfs, purposley not giving them names. Would you consider it morally alright to kill and eat them as you would the latter 'livestock' mentioned.

I just randomly came up with this question and have been thinking about it quite a bit. I know it is different depending on your culture, there are some countries that do eat these animals and rarely eat what we consider edible animals lol.

Also, if you do think it's wrong, would it just be wrong for you to do or anyone and do you think it's because of the way you have been brought up or just...because? lol

Thanks for replying.

Angry Caterpillar

New member
Feb 26, 2010
Yes, of course. They're all animals; but some people make bonds with some species, they become natural pets, and then there's a stigma about treating them like all the other animals in the world. If you can eat one animal, you can eat another.


New member
May 26, 2009
No i would not eat a dog or cat. I only eat the basic types of meat like Beef,Pork and Chicken. I occasionally will have some lamb or maybe a duck but that's about as far as i will go. I think cats are to fun to play with.


Not quite Cthulhu
May 25, 2009
The only reason people don't eat pets is because of the thousands of years of growing an ever increasing emotional attachment to them. Without this, people would most likely simply see cats and dogs and so on as another food source. Its just the same as eating any other animal really.
I just had a thought, lets kill all of our pets and make poverty history by feeding them to the poor. Same thing works for people too xD


Not So Defunct Now
Mar 30, 2010
When you hear of people eating 'pets,' you are mistaken. I'll use Korea as an example.

They eat dogs.

But they don;t eat fluffy. They eat a breed of dogs that resemble cows more than dogs. They have no intellect (its like looking a cow in the eye, not a dog), spend their lives penned up in living areas, and couldn't be turned into pets if you tried.

As for eating them.. if it was like what I describe, than sure. Now, kidnapping fluffy and having a grill out... no.


New member
Feb 5, 2009
No, I wouldn't. Why? Because I was raised in a social environment in which eating animals defined as pets is deemed wrong and as such I cannot even fathom me touching cat or dog meat.


New member
Dec 10, 2009
I wouldn't personally, but only because I have had a strong bond with animals of the type in the past.

I have no quarrel with someone else doing it though, I jsut wouldn't really want to myself.


New member
Apr 25, 2009
Pimppeter2 said:
I think the better question is: Do cats taste like chicken?
With as many bad Asian restaurants i have been to I can probably answer your question......yes they do.

What I think is I probably wouldn't eat a dog or anything but if I was starving and had spot, my trusty friend since childhood was to, I would probably eat him because after all he is just a dog.


New member
Nov 13, 2009
Not unless you are starvin' folks. Cat and Dog don't even taste good, by my understanding. It would be better to eat pests first like Squrrels and Oppossums.


New member
Apr 17, 2009
If I'm on a island and there was nothing to eat but cats, yes I would. But for normal conditions I wouldn't. (I enjoy chicken too much) I have no problem with other people doing it.... human flesh maybe, but Lassie no.


New member
Mar 23, 2009
Please put the Cat down... it's not worth it son...

Okay on to the answer... yeah sure, just meat to me... I mean, I'm not going to go and kidnap the neighbours cat and eat it but if I read Cat Burger on the menu of a restaurant I'd give it a go. The other day I had a Kangaroo Burger... yes I ate Skippy.

The Last Nomad

Lost in Ethiopia
Oct 28, 2009
Eating a cat is the exact same as eating a cow if you ask me... Other than taste of course.
Some people get emotionally attached to some animals like cats and dogs... But I've heard of people having pigs as pets. And I'm also gonna put this out there... If there was no other food source I would eat any animals... even humans... I wouldn't like it, But if its nessecary for my survival I don't care.
But I wouldn't raise humans In the way cows/sheep are just to kill them and make them into steak... Or cats... or any other domestic pet...

And before you mention it... I've already accepted the fact I will be severly disliked post-apocalypse.


New member
Jul 9, 2009
Well I've skinned, prepared and eaten a Rabbit, and plenty of folks have Rabbits as pets.

I'd have no problem eating a horse...not a whole one but you get what I mean.

As for cats and dogs, I don't know, assuming they were bred to be as stupid as possible, I'm pretty sure the cows don't get all excited and start wagging their tails when the abatoir guy comes a calling. Just picture it, a pen full of labradors, all barking and jumping up to greet the man with the meat cleaver, that look in their eyes that says "Where are we going?? Is it exciting?? Can I have a ball!!?"...30 minutes later a medium rare dog steak is sitting infront of you.


Elite Member
Oct 27, 2009
Well, the most tender meat from an animal of all is the meat from a Rabbit that a child has given all it's love to. Seriously, the meat just falls off the bone.I actually own two rabbits, and was just making a joke

OT: If you can live with yourself killing cans and dogs, go ahead.


Senior Member
Nov 9, 2009
Personally, I wouldn't eat a cat/dog but we're all part of a food web and a lot of animals have no problem eating other animals so I don't see why humans (yes we are animals) shouldn't be aloud to other animals.

Manatee Slayer

New member
Apr 21, 2010
Pariah87 said:
Just picture it, a pen full of labradors, all barking and jumping up to greet the man with the meat cleaver, that look in their eyes that says "Where are we going?? Is it exciting?? Can I have a ball!!?"...30 minutes later a medium rare dog steak is sitting infront of you.
Thats absurd...the only way to eat meat is rare! lol


New member
Dec 16, 2008
I personally would not eat a dog, cat or horse etc. However, I do not see anything wrong with people of other cultures eating cats and dogs. India considers the cow holy does it not? How do you think they feel about us eating cow?

I think tis hypocritical for people to say how wrong it is to eats cats and dogs when they are eating a hamburger or somehting.