Poll: Should video game movies be made at all?


New member
Apr 13, 2009
So I've posted bits of this argument elsewhere, and I thought I'd make a poll out of it.

Anyway, not only am I against the potential Mass Effect movie, I'm against video game movies in general.

First of all, making movies out of video games could only be sorta-kinda justified ten or fifteen years ago, when we didn't have practically photorealistic graphics and the typical game character appeared to be made of Legos.

Secondly, most games with a story worth telling tend to do a perfectly good job telling it themselves.

Third, games are not movies; you're meant to be an active participant, not to just sit back and watch. (Insert snarky cutscene-heavy-JRPG-bashing boilerplate here.) This is especially true with games like Mass Effect. The whole point is that you are Shepard, this is your story, and you have to decide how it goes. Take that away, and it's just another sci-fi shoot-em-up.

Lastly, video game movies suck. They all do--every single one, without exception. They always have, and they always will, because they're made by Hollywood, and Hollywood doesn't give one-tenth of a shit about the subject material. Movies are made out of video games for the same reason that movies are made out of old TV shows: because studios figure that name recognition alone will get people storming into theaters. (Sadly, they're often right.)

If you want to approximate the experience of seeing a video game movie, just watch over someone else's shoulder while they play the game. Or watch a playthrough on YouTube. Either way, you'll save yourself the cost of a ticket.

...at least, that's my position. What's yours?


The Master of Speilingz
Mar 19, 2009
I say yes. Because without it we wouldn't have had Goldeneye!

Pay no attention to the idiot behind the curtain


New member
Oct 5, 2008
Slightly off topic: Uwe Boll is has made a film about the genocide in darfur!!!

If it's a choice between the two, I'd rather he kept on with video game films, at least they're meant to be shit.

Cherry Cola

Your daddy, your Rock'n'Rolla
Jun 26, 2009
No, they shouldn't be made.

Because if people think it's OK to make movies out of video games, then fan-fiction will start to become acceptable.

And I don't have to remind everyone about Half-Life Full Life, do I?


New member
May 24, 2008
While I accept the possibility that movies based on video games can be good (Mortal Combat is fairly entertaining if you're massively drunk), as a principle I'd rather movies weren't based on games. For one thing, a movie has to cram everything into a shorter time; most main-stream games take at least 6 hours to complete. Some of those eat up most of that time just having the character run around and hit things, but that's not really a good sign; the less story the game has the more awkward a movie it will be as the writer just has to make shit up. And really, if the writer was just going to make a bunch of stuff up anyway, why bother with using the game as 'inspiration?' It'd be better to just start fresh so the writer can say what he wants to say and skip all the bullshit he'd otherwise have to cram in.

Mr.Wiggles said:
comadorcrack said:
I say yes. Because without it we wouldn't have had Goldeneye!
Golden-eye wasn't based on the game..The other way round!
GoldenEye is also one of very few examples where a game based on a movie is actually good... I can't think of any others at the moment.

Heart of Darkness

The final days of His Trolliness
Jul 1, 2009
I think three words can counter your argument quite nicely:

Professor Layton movie.

Okay, going into a bit more depth, I say no. Not all movies are made in Hollywood (see: Miyazaki), and I feel that some movies can tackle video game subjects from angles that are harder to do in a video game setting, just like how video games can tackle movie subjects in different ways.

And as to all video game movies sucking?...well, you're probably right, but that term is highly subjective. (I, for one, was somewhat pleased at the Silent Hill movie, save for the climax. This might change if I've actually played the game). You also act like you've seen every video game movie. And to just go on and say that, by extrapolation, all future video game movies will suck is just dumb. Hopefully I don't need to explain this one. The possibility for a video game movie does exist, but it needs the same attention that other good movies receive in terms of casting, script, etc.

Nivag the Owl

Owl of Hyper-Intelligence
Oct 29, 2008
Silent Hill is awesome. Street Fighter is awesome. Doom is awesome.

I like Resident Evil films as well. Just, not the second.


New member
Jan 25, 2010
I agree completely, unfortunately.
In regards to Mass Effect specifically, anyway. Mass Effect 1 (and hopefully 2, will find out in a few days) is my favourite game at the moment, and has been since it came out- purely for the story, development, RPG/choices. As you said, it's more of an interactive movie (if you want it to be). The story so deep, so powerful, so emotional and so personal. You made all the choice from beginning to end. And you get YOUR perfect story, YOUR perfect movie.

Obviously, there is the "game" part of ME as well, which again was great. Anyway, I digress..

The Mass Effect story is superb. Especially ME1. Figuring out what the hell's going on, "SPOLER", discovering the true threat, escalating into a galaxy/all life saving race against time to defeat Sovereign & epic battle in/around Citadel. Literally, the first half of the game I was glued with shock, surprise, interest and excitement. The final half I was glued with shock, surprise, awe and 'fear' of the climactic orgasm that is the ending of ME.,. which is all the more sweeter since you manufactured it, in a way. (ok, the "ending" is the same.. I mean you can't alter the game, but it feels yours).

I know I'm rambling as a ME fanboy (which I am- apologies. I know this isn't a ME review!!)

But what I'm going at is that yes- Hollywood makes SHIT, commercial bollocks. I personally hate 90% of Hollywood films. They are souless. As you said, they rip off the name & surface of what they are 'recreating', and leave it empty. A shell of what they are/could have/should have been. A movie, which is only 2 hours long, can nowhere near gain the depth- both technically & emotionally, of a 20-40 hour lasting game like Mass Effect.

If they'd have proper writers, good research, etc etc, then yes, it could have potential. Unfortunately, unless James Cameron (my opinion, but whatever.. let the war begin if u decide to) directs the movie, it will be aweful. Cameron is a director I love- with the pure scale huge amount of research Cameron put into Avatar.. it was staggering.... 10 years research, which hordes of PHDs, professionals, experts in all fields. If another director put just a small fraction of this kind of attention into making a film, then the film industry would be the art it should be.

All IMO of course DOn't hate on me!


New member
Apr 13, 2009
Mr.Wiggles said:
Wow! You use"...at least that's my opinion." to cover up your hate speech!(Although it is deserved)

Why don't we just kill Uwe Boll?
Um...okay, I'm sure I'll regret this, but I've just got to ask--"hate speech"?

I'm not sure that that phrase means what you seem to think it means. After all, my post was pretty much just "I think video game movies are a bad idea, and here are several reasons why; now what do you think?"

Lazy Lemon

New member
Mar 24, 2008
No. Way I see it, games can afford to have poorer stories than films because most of the fun comes from playing them. If you take out the interactive element though then you're just left with a shit story.


New member
Jan 27, 2010
I thought I'd be original in making an anti-Uwe Boll statement... beaten to it about 300 times
What I will say is occaisionally a game will become a film thats borderling watchable (the Resi series) or possibly a so-bad-its-good classic (street fighter just cracks me up)
There are some games out there that just would make sense as a film we just need someone who can execute that. We're making positive steps, after all some times a good film will come out of a video game movie (the Halo movie became District 9).