Poll: Sleeping Dogs or Dragon's Dogma

Joseph Harrison

New member
Apr 5, 2010
I want to buy a new game for my PS3 but I'm not sure if I should buy Sleeping Dogs or Dragon's Dogma? Also I know that Sleeping Dogs was made for consoles but what about Dragon's Dogma is the PC version better? So Escapist what do you think?


The Laughing Arsehole
Dec 29, 2009
Sleeping Dogs is exactly 266 times as good as Dragon's Dogma.

Smooth Operator

New member
Oct 5, 2010
Edit: *should not write while half asleep*
Dragons Dogma isn't coming to PC, but the console version is fine, has some very nice hack&slashy fun even if the story and world are not all too compelling.
Sleeping Dogs is a very cool game if you like GTA style stuff, it has some strange design choices but then again what hasn't these days.


New member
Aug 7, 2012
Don't buy a new game. Buy a game from 2011 that you missed and wait for the "complete" editions of both games to come out with all the DLC in a year (e.g., I got Driver: San Francisco for $20, Infamous 2 is down to $20 - also, there is a ton of DLC for Dragon's Dogma out already and six months planned for Sleeping Dogs.)

If you're not a PS Plus subscriber, buy a year's subscription and enjoy the "free" games like you're rolling around in a bed of money.


New member
Apr 30, 2011
Sleeping Dogs. Dragon's Dogma isn't bad but it hasn't really captured my imagination. It's pretty rough around the edged. Sleeping Dogs on the other hand is really compelling and very slick.


Made of ticky tacky
Jan 19, 2010
Sleeping Dogs is pretty fantastic, which is a total surprise coming from me (a guy who has been completely burnt-out on city-based sandbox games for a few years now). It feels really refreshing, probably due to the setting (the city looks amazing) and the focus on melee (it's sort of an Arkham Asylum-lite style combat). And the driving is arcadey, which is just wonderful. The driving in GTA and Saints Row makes me want to gnaw my own teeth out, however you pull that off [footnote]Probably involves budding. I'd have to grow a second mouth inside my actual mouth. And the second mouth can eat my real teeth. What? Of course this idea absolutely needed to be fully explained.[/footnote].

So there's my recommendation. Sleeping Dogs is a fantastic game even if you are sick and tired of GTA-style games. It's different enough to feel fresh.


New member
Nov 7, 2011
I voted Dragon's Dogma as I really enjoyed it as a (sort of) open world action adventure game. As long as you're not expecting an RPG type game you'll probably enjoy it. Also, I'm a sucker for high fantasy.


New member
Feb 22, 2011
There's no PC version of Dragon's Dogma. Are you thinking of Dark Souls? The PS3 version runs very well, and the 360 version is ok but a bit slower.

I chose Dragon's Dogma partly because I've been having a blast with it and partly because it's $40 right now on Amazon while Sleeping Dogs is still $60 this close to the release date. If you're interested in both games, why not play through the less expensive one while you wait for the price on the other to drop?


New member
Oct 17, 2011
They're both so very different. I really enjoyed Dragon's Dogma even if it is quite rough around the edges. But it's probably one of the more interesting Action RPGs that have come out in the last couple of years.

If it was me, I'd give Sleeping Dogs a miss purely because I don't like GTA style sandbox games. But my friend got it last week and he hasn't stopped talking about it which is probably a good sign.

Buy both. Go on treat yourself.

Adam Jensen_v1legacy

I never asked for this
Sep 8, 2011
I expected Sleeping Dogs to be good. I didn't expect it to be awesome. It's an amazing free roaming experience. Get it. Now. Although you'll want to play it with a controller. Keyboard controls aren't exactly great. BUT, when you have both the keyboard and a controller it's even more awesome because some mini games are a lot easier with the keyboard. Like karaoke.


New member
Nov 17, 2010
I have played both and I'd probably say Sleeping Dogs. I've had both since release and with Sleeping Dogs I just can't stop playing it, I guess it's just one of those games that gets you hooked. Dragon's Dogma on the other hand (whilst still awesome) just didn't hook me in the same way. I've still not completed it! But they're both excellent. Everyone should buy Sleeping Dogs though, then there's more chance of them making a sequel. BUY IT NOW! XD

Also, the Karaoke in Sleeping Dogs is freaking amazing!


New member
Jul 20, 2009
Sleeping Dogs is awesome, great combat, driving and story! It is way better than Saints Row 3 and right up there with Saints Row 2 and San Andreas in my opinion.

It is annoying that the game is only getting average reviews (6 - 8.5 with some 9's) while everything is done right whereas when a new CoD comes out it gets an instant 10.


New member
Jun 20, 2011
Sleeping Dogs. Not just is it better than Dogma of the Dragons, it's different and interesting when compared to other sandbox games. And how much better, you ask?

Zhukov said:
Sleeping Dogs is exactly 266 times as good as Dragon's Dogma.

The Wykydtron

"Emotions are very important!"
Sep 23, 2010
SD is really dang good. Even if the "hold A to everything" control scheme makes you occasionally jump a railing to your death from a 20 foot drop instead of dunking some poor guy's head off a table but hey it's pretty comedic nonetheless.

The controls are awesome, the combat is great, the story is well told and surprisingly there are next to no guns in the entire game... Refreshing but also kinda sad since the "jump tables, shoot dudes" mechanic is so much fun.

DD is good in a different way, though if you are the sort who can get really, really sick of constant repetitive dialogue be prepared for legendary amounts of "it appears the path splits here Master, let's be doubley sure of which will see us to our destination"

Huge epic 30 minute boss battles are the game's forte. You will get instakilled by some of the more badass creatures if you start thinking you can go God Mode on this low health Chimera. Love the game for that.

There's this weird freedom about DD, in that you can go anywhere as long as you're ok about occasionally getting buttfucked by 50 Chimeras you didn't notice.

Just walking from place to place feels like an epic quest of adventure... When you get back to town, covered with blood but stinking rich and with several level up points to spend it makes what is essentially walking the same road to and from town more epic. Instead of really repetitive.

And don't worry, Capcom only pester you about buying DLC when you're in town doing the shopping. They don't start up a 30 second unskippable advert midway through shooting a Cyclops' eye out of it's face.

Fuck it i'm picking up DD again, I just stopped playing it for no real reason. Hate it when that happens.

I guess moar Marvel took priority... Speaking of priority, fuck Captian America! Captian America? More like Captain I Have So Much Priority My Crouching Lights Will Blot Out The Sun.

[sub]Wait what?[/sub]


New member
Jan 20, 2012
ThePuzzldPirate said:
Sleeping Dogs if your going PC but Dragon's Dogma if your going console.
Why is sleeping dogs better on pc?

OT: Sleeping dogs all the way :D I don't usually enjoy sandbox games that much, but this one is really, really good. It doesn't do a whole lot new, but instead nicks a LOT of the best things from other games :)

Plus the setting is fresh too.


New member
Nov 25, 2010
Sleeping Dogs is pretty damn fun. It's the only sandbox game that I've ever found myself OCD enough to want to find all collectables and complete all side missions.