Poll: Time travel, is it possible?


New member
Jul 13, 2009
The_root_of_all_evil said:
Ph33nix said:
IE (you can't kill Hitler before the second world war but you could be the guy who popped JFK in Dallas from the grassy knoll as conspiracy theorists claim)
I thought you said you couldn't kill Hitler?

Ooops....I've said too much.
what i meant was you could kill jfk if he wasn't really kill;ed be Lee Harvey Oswald, as conspiracy theororist


New member
Jul 13, 2009
Ph33nix said:
The_root_of_all_evil said:
Ph33nix said:
IE (you can't kill Hitler before the second world war but you could be the guy who popped JFK in Dallas from the grassy knoll as conspiracy theorists claim)
I thought you said you couldn't kill Hitler?

Ooops....I've said too much.
what i meant was you could kill jfk if he wasn't really kill;ed be Lee Harvey Oswald, as conspiracy theorists say


New member
Mar 2, 2009
(This had probably already been said :p)

I am of the opinion that 'scientific' fate exists - that is, all of 4-Dimensional space time already exists and we are simply moving through it.

Therefore, if we do go back in time, then we were always 'meant' to, and whatever consequences of our actions are irrelevant.

Let's say you kill your grandfather. So what? You've always existed as an event in space time, and you killing your grandfather doesn't change that. We only perceive events to occur consecutively, when really every event has 'already' occurred and we simply view them consecutively.

Feb 13, 2008
Ph33nix said:
Ph33nix said:
The_root_of_all_evil said:
Ph33nix said:
IE (you can't kill Hitler before the second world war but you could be the guy who popped JFK in Dallas from the grassy knoll as conspiracy theorists claim)
I thought you said you couldn't kill Hitler?

Ooops....I've said too much.
what i meant was you could kill jfk if he wasn't really kill;ed be Lee Harvey Oswald, as conspiracy theorists say
Right, so you're saying that Lee Harvey Oswald wasn't Hitler's Son. Good. Just wanted to make sure. Not that he ever had a son.

Ray De Ation

New member
Jun 5, 2009
You could do it, but you'd need more energy than is available in the universe at the moment. So, you know, if you have a whole bunch of double A batteries and some free time, I say "go for it".


Opiner of Mottos
Mar 20, 2009
I'm not voting in the poll, because I don't know whether it's possible and don't care either. We know fuck all about travelling in time and what would happen if we were able to travel through time, so what is there to argue about here? I believe that -- from a philosophical perspective -- it is possible, but whether or not it is in real life no one knows, so there really is nothing to argue about here.


Overly Proud New Yorker
Dec 18, 2008
theklng said:
i think it's funny you're so confident in your skepticism. any scientist working in any frontier field would hesitate before speaking up on theoretical issues such as these. why? because even they are in doubt. this just further proves your ability to talk out of your ass.

like i said in my previous post, the theory of relativity states that time travel is possible. the theory of quantum entanglement states that teleportation is possible;i remember hearing of an experiment in the 1990s where they managed to deconstruct and reconstruct lego bricks with what they then called teletransportation.

beyond this, however, there is no proof of either. while you may think that no proof means an impossibility, in science no proof means that it hasn't been proven yet; it could go either way. we don't know enough about the universe to understand these things. if you think you understand them by just saying "no" to the general ideas of them, then you are what i would call thick.

oh, and i am so pissy and heartbroken that i just proved you logically wrong. don't be smug and don't be an idiot: you don't know more than any scientist on top of their field; and until you do (never), please keep quiet. i don't want another bible written just because you think you can explain all the wonders of the world in a single 50 word paragraph. scram.
Oh deary me, I guess you *really* prove me wrong Mr.Klng. I suppose that I should have looked into the mater on how scientist have tried teleporting a single atom from one machine to another that was across the room by deconstructing it & then reconstructing it once it went to the other machine. And also I assume that I should have also tried to find out how reconstructing that one little atom was damn near impossible and how something with a whole lot more than one atom would be impossible.

Oh wait...


New member
May 1, 2008
soren7550 said:
theklng said:
i think it's funny you're so confident in your skepticism. any scientist working in any frontier field would hesitate before speaking up on theoretical issues such as these. why? because even they are in doubt. this just further proves your ability to talk out of your ass.

like i said in my previous post, the theory of relativity states that time travel is possible. the theory of quantum entanglement states that teleportation is possible;i remember hearing of an experiment in the 1990s where they managed to deconstruct and reconstruct lego bricks with what they then called teletransportation.

beyond this, however, there is no proof of either. while you may think that no proof means an impossibility, in science no proof means that it hasn't been proven yet; it could go either way. we don't know enough about the universe to understand these things. if you think you understand them by just saying "no" to the general ideas of them, then you are what i would call thick.

oh, and i am so pissy and heartbroken that i just proved you logically wrong. don't be smug and don't be an idiot: you don't know more than any scientist on top of their field; and until you do (never), please keep quiet. i don't want another bible written just because you think you can explain all the wonders of the world in a single 50 word paragraph. scram.
Oh deary me, I guess you *really* prove me wrong Mr.Klng. I suppose that I should have looked into the mater on how scientist have tried teleporting a single atom from one machine to another that was across the room by deconstructing it & then reconstructing it once it went to the other machine. And also I assume that I should have also tried to find out how reconstructing that one little atom was damn near impossible and how something with a whole lot more than one atom would be impossible.

Oh wait...
if you want to argue, please post your sources. i already have quantum entanglement and the theory of relativity speaking my case. what do you have?


New member
Apr 26, 2009
Pfft. They already invented a time travel face bag. It goes over your head, and with it, you can travel through time at the speed of regular time, but with plastic bags.

It's sold millions.


Elite Member
May 19, 2008
Now being the time at which i posted it, the day even... im not sure what there is to not understand about that.

Hikikomori Ookami

New member
Jun 26, 2009
Cama Zots said:
Is time travel possible? I mean what about alternate time lines and going back in time and killing your grandfather and stuff like that? It's so confusing I don't think it's even possible... I don't think it would be worth the risks involved. The world we live in could very well be influenced by visitors from the future.
Anyway you spin it I think it would take more than a sonic screw driver, chameleon circuits, and a flux capacitor.
So you're saying you went back in time and killed your grandfather, so you were never born, so you never went back in time to kill your grandfather, so he never actually died because you weren't born and couldn't kill him?

My theory, if you attempted to kill your grandfather, some event would interfere so that the time line couldn't be interupted. Technically, whatever happens to you in the past wouldn't effect the future, since you didn't exist then.

Cama Zots

New member
Jul 10, 2009
zjpicks said:
Cama Zots said:
Is time travel possible? I mean what about alternate time lines and going back in time and killing your grandfather and stuff like that? It's so confusing I don't think it's even possible... I don't think it would be worth the risks involved. The world we live in could very well be influenced by visitors from the future.
Anyway you spin it I think it would take more than a sonic screw driver, chameleon circuits, and a flux capacitor.
So you're saying you went back in time and killed your grandfather, so you were never born, so you never went back in time to kill your grandfather, so he never actually died because you weren't born and couldn't kill him?

My theory, if you attempted to kill your grandfather, some event would interfere so that the time line couldn't be interupted. Technically, whatever happens to you in the past wouldn't effect the future, since you didn't exist then.
That's exactly why the only changes that you could make to the time line would have be done on accident.


New member
May 26, 2008
No it's impossible because think of it. Take the butterfly affect in example, if you so much as kill the most insignificant thing it could drastically change everything. Now think that you spend a day in the past you would then totally fuck up the time line just by talking to one person, and talking to that person would ultimately fuck it up so bad that the time machine would be none existent and most likely along with you.


New member
Jul 3, 2009
The_root_of_all_evil said:
Kriptonite said:
No, and this is the third time travel thread I have had to say this in.
And I refute it. There are quite a few ways to get around the paradox boundaries, and the best one is that changes to the past would happen without anyone knowing about it.
Yep, that would probably be my argument. I wasn't referring to any possible paradox, I was more thinking of the counting of the passage of time is something humans made up. You can't travel using the time standards humans have set up, because really, it doesn't exist.

Tri Force95

New member
Apr 20, 2009
j0z said:
Not possible, because of both the Butterfly Effect and the major paradox's that would result no matter what you did, or didn't do, in the past.
There is a chance that a paradox would'nt affect our time, but create a new alternate dimension.

to the OT: Is it possible? Yes. Can we do it now?: No, not with our current technology.


New member
Apr 23, 2009
Tri Force95 said:
j0z said:
Not possible, because of both the Butterfly Effect and the major paradox's that would result no matter what you did, or didn't do, in the past.
There is a chance that a paradox would'nt affect our time, but create a new alternate dimension.

to the OT: Is it possible? Yes. Can we do it now?: No, not with our current technology.
True, it might, but what happens if time DOESN'T split? What if it is linear? And if that is the case, some who traveled back in time's smallest action could have profound consequences. Of course, this is all just speculation, since no one knows.


New member
Aug 6, 2009
I think that traveling through what Einstein called the fourth dimension is entirely possible. The problem is that you wouldn't be able to change anything. Who knows, maybe it was a time traveler who killed JFK? Maybe Hitler was a time traveler? The point is that we are already seeing the results of the actions of would-be time travelers, and they won't change.