Poll: Victoria police given permission to fine swearing


New member
Jun 27, 2010
duncants said:
Jewrean said:
InfiniteSingularity said:
New laws are giving Victorian police in Australia to give people $240 on the spot for swearing. What do you think of this?

Personally I think it's a violation of free speech - we should be allowed to say what we want to say. There are laws prohibiting offensive language, but I don't think swearing is offensive. It's not directed at a particular ethnic or religious or any division of humanity, it is only universally offensive. I personally think that if people find something offensive, like swearing, it's their own business, and the law shouldn't intervene.

"Swearing is bad" is an opinion. And I know this is true because I disagree with it; hence, it is an opinion and not fact. You cannot make and enforce a law which is based on an OPINION - that is bias. That is unbalanced, and that is unjust.
Yeah it is an opinion. But some people honestly think that murdering children and cannibalizing their brains is a good thing and think that anyone against that is just voicing 'an opinion'. Where is the line drawn?
the line is drawn at the point of causing harm to others.(it is not right now but I think it should be) If someone murdered my kid, I had a child before and not so much now, so i have been done harm. Someone calls me a dirty ****** (which has happened before) I shrug it of and walk away, no harm done.
Ah but define harm? Obviously physically harming someone, or taking something away that belongs to them could be counted as harm. By the logic above this means walking up to someone and screaming expletive insults at their face isn't 'harm'. Yes, many people are mature enough to not be offended by this and good on you to those people. BUT there are many people who might become quite distressed at verbal taunts and insults and even emotionally harmed.

Is it so hard to believe that some people find swear words offensive? I mean some obnoxious people walk up to others and remind them they shouldn't be smoking (yes this is retarded I agree).

If you get right down to it, people who aren't offended by these things and claim it is their right to be a total ass in public are often only thinking of themselves. It's the same kind of mentality that denounces others for when they claim too much violence and sex is on TV. What about the children? Are you fine with your child standing right next to some idiot in the street screaming F*** at the top of his lungs? Then you get home and your kid says it. Sure the kid is going to hear the word eventually but as a parent you might want to put what this person is doing into context or you might believe that limiting exposure to the word might lessen its use.

My mates a cop and he wanders the streets of Melbourne (Victoria). No doubt he will be informed of this new law (according to an above comment it isn't new, which means he should already know). But guess what? Like many Australian cops (who swear just like everybody else) most will take a laid-back approach. It is only in extreme cases like the one listed above that you would probably ever hear of this law being enforced.

IMO this thread only has a legitimate reason to exist IF someone stubs their toe and says "Ouch shit that hurt" and gets fined hundreds of dollars. :)


New member
Aug 17, 2010
Fucking cunts.

That's what i think, and i WILL say that in front of the cops and then simply dare them to fine me. I have NOTHING but time and money to use in court, lets see how well this 'law' stands up when i sue for damages after getting a $20k interview off ACA for telling my side of the story.


New member
Apr 9, 2010
The_Yeti said:
InfiniteSingularity said:
-but I don't think swearing is offensive. It's not directed at a particular ethnic or religious or any division of humanity-
Maybe you've forgotten the literal meaning of most of the curse-words, which are in fact intended primarily to offend a person of specific intellect, personality, race, and even the stately word atheist, which is in itself a religious slander to brand the non-believers.
So "fuck" is supposed to insult people who have sex? So 95% of the mature population? And "shit" is supposed to insult people who excrete faeces? So, everyone? I'm not entirely sure what you're saying, but if that is what you are saying, I disagree

And even if people are using words to insult a particular group, why should the law step in? Aren't people mature enough to sort out their own quarrels (short of physical violence, of course)? Or shouldn't they be encouraged to be mature enough to? Why should we rely on the law to moderate such behaviour, rather than take responsibility for our actions and answer to our peers, not the law?


New member
Nov 15, 2009
This must be the fucking worst most shitty idea I've ever heard, thought up by bloody stupid cunts, who clearly are ass-hats and should never have been elected due to them being complete bitches who...
O.K I'll just stop there, I kid - Yes I think it's a bad idea, especially there of all places - I mean how are they supposed to describe the government if they don't have said words? This must seriously be one of the most terrible ideas I've heard in ages xD


New member
Mar 29, 2010
DoctorPhil said:
America. Land of the free. And land of taking your freedom away.
Wrong country? Read more than 3 words before you make an accusation please.

Its called dissoredly conduct and yes they can do it.


New member
Jul 29, 2010
Hahaha! I saw Australia going on the down-trend towards becoming a police state a long time ago. Speeding cameras all over the place with zero tolerances, censorship of movies, refusal for AO rating on games, *trying* to censor the entire internet (did not make that one up), now fining for swearing? =) This is worse than ex-communist countries!

One thing I will agree though, despite all this administration and overzealous booking of its citizens, it still seems to have the eternal problem of drunks and late-night brawls in busy nightlife areas.


The Furry Gamer
Jun 29, 2010
I like the Law in fact ALOT of people swear and its just stupid and disgusting no one should use

'F**k' and 'C**t' very rarely but people around VIC and NSW all seem to Vomit it

Murray Whitwell

New member
Apr 7, 2010
Teaching people that swearing is bad is a perfect example of how stupid and closed-minded our government is. Used properly, it's a perfectly valid and powerful language tool. I wouldn't care so much if they fined people swearing in a pointless manner, because that really just makes them look stupid (and embarrassing for me when people I'm with can't go a sentence without saying 'fuck' or 'shit' or what-have ("I don't know him that well, I just met him on the bus...)).
Swearing is an annoying device in most people's hands, sure, but there's a reason the words still exist. They're a valid part of our vocabulary.
One thing that confuses me is just why people are so offended by them. It's not as if I'm making a personal attack against someone when I swear. Weird reactions..


New member
Apr 9, 2010
Yosharian said:
InfiniteSingularity said:
"Swearing is bad" is an opinion. And I know this is true because I disagree with it; hence, it is an opinion and not fact. You cannot make and enforce a law which is based on an OPINION - that is bias. That is unbalanced, and that is unjust.
That's flawed logic. Just because you disagree with something does not make it an opinion or fact. E.g. in the 16th century, people disagreed with the assertion that the world was round, for various reasons. However, this is a fact.

It's actually quite complex to define what should and should not be a law. I don't think you can do it using sweeping generalisations.
If there is a dispute with morality or ethics, then neither side is fact, and both are opinions.


New member
Aug 18, 2008
Just moved out of Victoria.

Very glad. I swear like a sailor...

I'm a government worker, we swear all the time in the office...



Amiable Curmudgen
Nov 12, 2010
Capt. Crankypants said:
Wow, I appear to be one of a minority of people who don't think this is a bad idea. Besides, not really new info guys, Police have had this ability for quite a while, and I agree with it. It fits into the rest of the public nuisance laws, is it that bad? Others like it include begging, urinating in public, noise pollution, etc. If you're swearing to a degree that is unacceptable to the public/people around you, then yes, you should be asked to stop. If you ignore the warning, (and why would you?) then why shouldn't you be fined?

Basically, go ahead, swear, it's natural and fine, but stop complaining about your right to free speech being invaded, and have a little respect for the people around you.
Alas, like you, I am one of the few who don't think this law is a bad idea. It amazes me how quickly one can become a pariah for expecting a minimum level of societal standards. I've been to beaches where a bunch of guys were being jerks and had an expectation of entitlement when it came to being abusive. That's the kind of situation nuisance laws like this one are drafted to correct - not a casual or sudden use of the word.

But the key here is common sense and balance. I'm also against authorities who abuse the spirit of a law for their own personal validation.

Let me ask the others: Why is my perceived right not to be exposed to excessive foul language any less important than your perceived right to hurl obscenities at will?

Omega Pirate

New member
Sep 20, 2010
The instant I saw the title I thought of Demolition Man. That movie had little machines everywhere that when you swear it instantly prints off a ticket for you. If I remember correctly Stallone shamed one of them to bits.

OT: Really, fines for swearing? Anyone who has ever played an MMORPG with a censor will know that people will just start using different words to express their anger.


Jun 29, 2008
Great, the world is turning into "Demolition Man". What's next? Three fucking shells?


New member
Jul 21, 2010
Tbh, I don't think it's right to fine on swearing. If someone's being abusive/obnoxious then something ought to be done, foul language or no.

I think trying to purge people from swearing in public is a pointless endeavour. Other words will just pop up in their stead, and then there'll be an endless cycle of reinventing. Might as well stick with the same words and just be less sensitive about them.


I have a green hat! Why?!
Jul 14, 2010
Mr.K. said:
Well I guess Yahtzee's reviews will get quite expensive :D
Should probably point out that Yahtzee is in Queensland. Other end of the continent, mate.

But, yeah, its a stupid law. But im not worried for two reasons. One, I don't go to Victoria at all anyway. Two, there is such a thing as discretion. Just because you CAN fine someone, doesn't mean it WILL happen.


New member
Jan 17, 2008
I live in Victoria...
This does not benefit me in the slightest.
Well, looks like it's time to start avoiding outside...
Oh wait, I DO!