Poll: What percentage of game completion do you go for?

Clive Howlitzer

New member
Jan 27, 2011
I love the idea of someone going into a game thinking "Alright, I am going to do 62% completion, no more, no less!"

Honestly, the amount of completion I go for? The answer is always the same. Until it stops being fun.

Danbo Jambo

New member
Sep 26, 2014
votemarvel said:
Danbo Jambo said:
I never really care, I just want to enjoy the game.

For me it's all about retaining my interest, the longer a game does that the better I think it is, but that's really all about substance rather than percentages.

I can't remember the last time I reached 100% on a game, most seem to be so full of dull filler now I can never be arsed.
You Sir have read my mind.

A brilliant post that echoes exactly what I was about to type.
Thanks. Great minds mate *cheers*


New member
Jan 11, 2011
I selected 90%
If I enjoy a game, I can usually get around 80% complete. Then I'll read up on what trophies are feasible for me to achieve, and get them on my next play through.
I'm not really "driven" by the trophy, but it's something that shows the effort you put into a game.
As for trophies creating "in-game" rewards: I'm kind of on the fence. the trophy itself is already useless, so having a useless outfit or weapon for the game would just be another thing that doesn't do anything.
Having an OP weapon, or unlocking content could be interesting. I'd have to see it first hand to judge. But I'm not a fan of "premium content" in general.

Scarim Coral

Jumped the ship
Oct 29, 2010
Somewhere 50% -75% for me.

Pokemon Alpha Sapphire- Stop playing the game after beating the story (bet the elite 4 and champ). I haven't bother with the sidestories that came after the story nor have I tried the mirage spot thing either (I suppose at this point I am bored with the franchise). Also I stop "catch them all" ever since Diamond which I did "catch them all" per say (well enough to get the certificant) in Diamond.

Borderlands 2 and The PreSequel. I beat storymode and did all of the sidequest and DLC (in normal mode). While I do played it again on hard mode but I am far less motivated to complete it and stop when I hit the level 45-50 mark despite the max level is 60 (unless you bought the DLC) which at that point, levelling 10 more become a REAL grind.

At the moment I am playing Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate and I have a strong feeling I will not complete it 100% due to it having High and G Rank after you beat the story.


Elite Member
Dec 21, 2010
I will generally just play a game for the game, I will look at the trophy list for the game and if it looks like it is platinum-able then I will usually try to get the plat. Though, that depends on how much I enjoy the game, if the game is a chore to play or has a stupidly huge amount of collectables to get to get the plat then I won't bother and basically play for the story or just stop playing depending on how I feel about the game.

I never used to be that bothered about trophies and then a friend started getting competitive about them, saying that I hadn't completed the game because I hadn't got the plat for it, which to me seemed stupid nut it pushed me to go for it. I'm not that bothered now to be fair, though I did play Terminator: Salvation because I heard it was an easy plat. While the game only took me a couple of hours to complete, the game was such a ball ache to play that I actually felt like I earned that trophy. So I guess I do care about trophies to some degree.

Also, if a game has multiplayer trophies then I won't even bother trying to platinum it because I don't have the time, patience or skill necessary to get them all, especially if one of them is "Get to level 60 in Multiplayer" and the multiplayer is awful like in 2013 Tomb Raider, that shit can fuck off. Unless they are token trophies like in Uncharted 3 where you only have to play the 2 different multiplayer modes once, then I will dabble with it once and then forget all about it.


New member
Oct 13, 2012
I am probably as the results suggests one of the few people who stops playing after completing the main story. This is because i find that most games have sidequests that are nothing but filler. I could spend that time playing another game instead of wasting my time with filler sidequests.Also i feel more than not sidequests detracts from the main story and dilute the core experience.However there are a few rare games here and there that do have some fun sidequests which also affect the story so i do some of them. But mostly its just the main storyline.No sidequests and certainly never achievements or trophies.


New member
Dec 26, 2014
Thanks, everyone, the results can be found on the blog, which is linked here.
=> http://soregaming.blogspot.be/


What am I doing here?
Jun 3, 2014
100% baby. You don't flip through a four hundred page book, reading the beginning, the interesting plot points and the ending. You read the whole thing! I don't like doing anything halfway, and I always aim to get 100% in games all the time. There's even these achievements that are impossible nowadays because the game is dead such as, win 25 ranked matches in an RTS. I grab a friend, we sync ourselves so we're guaranteed a game, and take turns killing eachother in stupid ways. Though there are some achievements I will never get or try to get. Like the one year achievement for GMOD. (Have a year of gametime. 8760 hours of gametime. I don't even have a game I've played for 1000 hours. I don't know if this is serious or not.)


New member
Jul 29, 2010
It all depends how much I'm enjoying it, and how much of it feels like pointless busywork. Far Cry 3 I think I went more for 90%, but since I started playing Far Cry 4 I'm only gonna unlock the weapons that interest me and get on with it. I mean it's a great game and all, but I done enough of that kind of thing already.

However if it's a more unique kind of game, and a lot of thought and effort has gone into each and every locale and it's meaning or relevance to the game or characters, then I'm more inclined to see more, such as in Skyrim.

I love playing driving games, I used to finish Gran Turismo's up to 97% completion but since they went the route of microtransactions/grinding I've since stopped. Most of the driving games I go for 100% unless it seems really repetitive.


Senior Member
Jan 28, 2011
I always go for sidequests and main missions, and i'll usually go for collectables as long as they are marked on the map (Batman Arkham Riddler Trophies)/scarce enough to bother following a guide (Deus Ex: Human Revolution Doctorate Achievement).

Other than the stated above, if it's uninteresting stuff i have to go completely out of my way for, i'll tend to ignore it (ex. Batman Arkham Challenges)

verdant monkai

New member
Oct 30, 2011
I let the credits roll.

Why would I wan't to spend hours unlocking "hidden rooms" and unlocking arbitrary weapons, when I could have another adventure in a different game?

Basically I own a shit load of games not all of which I've played, so I always have a new game on the go.


Elite Member
Sep 19, 2008
I am in the "Don't care" -Group here.

I will play the game how i please. Maybe once, maybe twice or so. Usually i don't waste time looking up Achievements and such - When they happen, they happen. As long as i can't get anything for them they are worthless.

If i get perks for them (Getting a damage-boost if i killed 50 dudes with headshots or something i MIGHT change play-style)


King of the Celery people
Jan 18, 2012
Didn't vote. Mine goes from 10-100%, depending on the game.

>Do you feel disappointed/angry (either with the game or yourself) when you can't complete a side-objective (it's too difficult)?

>Do you feel disappointed/angry when an achievement or trophy does not tick? (does not complete even though conditions are met)
woopty fucking doo.

>And if it should reward you with a reward/item/weapon ingame?
Sure, because the lady of the lake just appears out of nowhere and give me the trophy of pointlessness, and my character is called The Cheat.

>Do you backtrack if you feel you have missed certain content?
Yes, because why not.

>Do you feel disappointed/angry when a game locks you out of the main storyline untill a certain number of sidequests are completed?
No, I mainly roam around anyway.

>Do you feel you got your money's worth if you do not 100% a game?
I am 7000 hours into SimCity 4, and 1100 hours into Skyrim, which have no such thing as "100% a game".


Elite Member
May 13, 2010
I play to finish the story, and most sidequests if they are actually tied to the plot. I despise fetch quests and easter egg hunting quests/achievements with a holy fury that will dwarf the sun. If you work them into the story, fine, if they're just their because Reasons, then your achievement can go die in a fire.

An example of a good Easter Egg quest (IMO) was in inFamous, and inFamous 2, finding the blast shards. Yeah, it was a form of busy work but there were tangible benefits for doing so. You got more exp, you got an increased power pool to use your powers, and they gave you an in game tool to help you locate them more easily (the mini-map pulse thing that would highlight nearby ones so you could home in on them). I still never bothered to get all of them, but having there be an actual benefit to investing the time, and having it make sense in the context of the story, went a looong way towards making me engage in it.


New member
Aug 22, 2009
For the poll, I picked none of the above. I do not aim for a certain level of completion, I play the game for as long as I am having fun. If the fun runs out before the story does, I stop.

SoreWristed said:
- Do you feel disappointed/angry (either with the game or yourself) when you can't complete a side-objective (it's too difficult)?
If a part of the game is too difficult, I usually find I am not enjoying playing it and either ignore the section or give up on the game.

- Do you feel disappointed/angry when an achievement or trophy does not tick? (does not complete even though conditions are met)
I wouldn't know, I have never attempted to complete a specific achievement (except in Team Fortress 2, where I could get a specific item I wanted. the scenario mentioned did not come up).

- And if it should reward you with a reward/item/weapon ingame?
See above.

- Do you backtrack if you feel you have missed certain content?
Sometimes. If I think it is something I would enjoy or the story would feel incomplete without it, then yes. I have probably missed a lot of content in games that did not make me care enough to seek it out.

- Do you feel disappointed/angry when a game locks you out of the main storyline untill a certain number of sidequests are completed?
If it doesn't make sense to me, then yes. For example, if it is framed along the lines of "Oh no! The dragon is destroying the town! Heeeeeelp Uuus!! Oh wait, only level 10 and above." then I will probably abandon the game entirely.

- Do you feel you got your money's worth if you do not 100% a game?
I don't think I have ever "100%ed" a game. There is usually too much pointless and uninteresting faffing about involved. So yes, if I enjoyed a game for a good amount of time, I feel I got my moneys worth.


New member
Aug 31, 2009
I aim between 50 and 75 i guess. But thats entirely dependent on the game. I went out of my way to 100% Mark of the Ninja (including buying the special edition to allow me access the the last few achievements), but it's a manageable size. I finished Just Cause 2 for the first time not too long ago, clocking in at 25% completion, and I never want to touch it again.


New member
Apr 6, 2009
None. I'll play it for as long as I'm having fun.
Probably spent 200+ hours in FO:NV and Skyrim despite never even reaching halfway through the main plotline.
Don't play consoles, so I rarely see any games that have a completion percentage counter.