Poll: Would you date/sleep with a person that has a Physical handicap ?


New member
Mar 22, 2008
So straight foward question, would you date or sleep with (sex duh! ) a person that has a physical handicap ? Like, a blind person, a Deaf person, a mute, a person who's legs don't function, or a person missing a limb, etc... Only physical Handicapes apply ( therefore mental handicap does not count ) and in this hypothetcal situation,you have to have met the person after they got their handicap (therefore dating the person before he lost a leg , and continuing afterwards doesn't count ).


Soviet Heavy said:
OP, how about offering your own opinion? What's the point in asking other people's opinions if you don't offer your own? It tends to make these kind of threads look like you are fishing for hits. Ask a controversial issue and then watch the responses roll in.

Even if you aren't going to indulge in the conversation, at least give a reason as to why you would ask in the first place.
Okay , since you asked nicely , i will give you my opinion on this matter,tell you where i got this idea from AND tell you why i didn't write my opinion right of the bat ( starting from the latter).

Incomming wall of text, read if you care about my opinion, just don't attack me over it afterwards.You have been warned.

The reason i didn't put my opinion , is because i know my opinion is going to make me look like a selfish, shallow douchebag and some people would attack me instead of answering the thread, making other people decide to change their answer to not be attacked by other people like that ( iv'e seen this happen , people always like to be accpeted by other even on the internet , Sociology 101 ).

Where i got this idea , well today at work ( i work in retail ) , i saw a guy in a wheelchair ( he had both legs , they just don't function i guess )and he was being accompanied , by a very beautiful lady, and instinctively i thought that it had to be his sister or friend. The guy in question was quite good looking too ,but because he was in a wheelchair i didn't cross my mind that it could be his girlfriend.Which ended up being the case , since i saw her bend down and kiss him ( yes i was watching her, no it wasn't creepy ).And i asked myself how did a guy in a wheelchair get such a beautiful lady to date him.

And before you people tell me , i know that's a terrible thought to have, disabled people are people too, and are deserving of love and affection and should not be shuned. FINE that's all good i'm a terrible person and i know it.But it made me curious about how many people would actually date and/or sleep with a person with a physical handicap.

As for my opinion that i have forshadowed in the wall of text above is no . I could not do it . Maybe i'm a worst person for it because my reasons are VERY selfish but so be it I'm being honest. I could not see myself dating a person with a physical handicap,the stares i would get would kill me , knowing that i would have to constantly do extra things to help that person would annoy me, hell able women annoy me every so often , therefore i could see a disable person annoying me a hell of a lot more.Knowing i would have to do just a bit more than with their able counterpart, turns me off from the idea. Not to mention that a person missing a limb would creep me out if we were ever having sex.

I don't think less of handicaped people, but i for one would not be able to handle dating one. Although every person should be loved, and have companionship if they want it , and i am happy for any and all disable people that have found that.That being said, if i was to ever become disable/handicapped , while in a relationship, i would break it off immediatly. I would not want to put that stress/ hardship on another person. No matter how much i loved that person , i would not want to give them added grief/trouble because of me. If we break up, the other person will get over it with time and move and and be happy. If we don't i would feel like a burden on that person, and i refuse to be a burden on anybody.


Leaf on the wind
Feb 20, 2011
Well, I already have dated a Dwarf. So I guess I would yeah...

Edit: To provide a more detailed answer to your question, I would never rule it out. However, it would depend on 2 things.

Firstly, how important is this person to me? I'm not going to act like a saint when I'm anything but, so I won't pretend that the idea of dating a Dwarf was one that just came to me naturally. Of course I had my insecurities at first, but it didn't take long for those to stop being important. It didn't matter that physically she was small when as far as personalities go she was the biggest person in the room. Being around her made me a better person and it wasn't long before she meant a hell of a lot to me, so I found a way to get over myself and I'm glad I did, because if I hadn't I would have missed out on something really special.

Secondly, how much extra responsibility does this place on my shoulders? As far as handicaps/disabilities/disfigurements/whatever the hell you want to call them's go, Dwarfism actually doesn't require that big an adjustment. At the end of the day, I was still her boyfriend, never her carer. Again. I'd like to reiterate that so long as the person in question was worth it I'd now be prepared to give almost anything a try, but I acknowledge that, relatively speaking, dating a Dwarf isn't even in the same league as dating someone who would require round the clock care or something. So I can't really judge anyone who has been presented with that choice.


New member
Apr 28, 2010
That's like asking "Would you eat a pasta?" Is it tasty? What kind of pasta? What kind of suace? Is it warm or cold? There are a lot of factors.

And yeah I guess it they were attractive and I think they are an interesting and good person.


New member
May 13, 2010
Probally. Maybe not a mute, I don't think I could've handled that. But more or less, yeah, I think I would.


New member
Jan 23, 2010
That would depend on what it was, how severe,could I cope etc. Obviously I can't know for sure unless it happens though.


New member
Dec 8, 2010
Not something I've ever thought about, and even if I had I wouldnt share it- Ive got a horrible feeling that this thread is gonna explode at some point.


New member
Jan 6, 2011
Depends on the context; the condition, it's severity, how it would affect the relationship, though in most cases I reckon I would, yes.


New member
Nov 27, 2009
Well I wouldn't *not* sleep with someone because of a physical handicap. Though I'd still have to develop the relationship, which could be tricky with a deaf/blind/mute person, but I wouldn't not try just because of the handicap.

Keith Reedy

New member
Jan 10, 2011
NightmareLuna said:
Depends on the handicap but generally... Fuck no, I find that disgusting, kinda like how I find extremly thin or fat women/men revolting.
Come on now no need to be so harsh, thats almost insulting. A simple no it makes me uncomfortable would have sufficed man.

Me personally, if I cared about them and found them to be a good person who I liked the handicap wouldn't be a deal breaker.


New member
May 14, 2010
Since my girlfriend is disabled it would be rather weird if I did have a problem with. It would also be pretty weird seeing as I'm disabled myself.


New member
Jul 29, 2011
More than likely yes.

Physical issues I have no problem with if I get on well with the lass.