Poll: You are an evil overlord! Which army of mooks do you employ?


New member
Mar 2, 2009
If there was a way to control them, I would go with Zombies.

They are the only ones that seems to be able to overrun a modern army, and the army literally grows stronger with each kill.

Angelous Wang

Lord of I Don't Care
Oct 18, 2011
saintpinhead said:
It works up until the start fighting with each other, they would be worse of than the orcs. When they "synchronize" it would be much worse. Also have you ever tried to boss around a group of pissed of teens/women before. I do not think that will be ending pretty. Last, just because you have an army of them doesn't make them ruthless killers. The koopas have a better chance, at least they are trained. Poorly but still trained.
I have a pepper extract covered dildos and girl-on-girl make up session plan to deal with the in-fighting problem. Sex works as an a awesome physical and psychological punishment if you are imaginative enough. And you know once you've done it once there is fear and women gossip best.

Plus you know there will be some raping, flaying, dissecting and cannibalism of unsuitable candidates during the recruitment process which the rest have to watch (and/or even take part in), to instil a good amount of fear of my limitless imaginative cruelty at the start of their "employment" for my malevolent self.

I take indoctrination very seriously.

Also I am an Evil Genius, I don't personally hand out orders, I sit in my lair and I give orders to alpha female types who hand out orders to the masses who they mange. And of course I treat the alpha females special so they are invested in keeping their positions, which of course will only be possible if they keep their underlings under control.

And we have a kill your ex-boyfriend recruitment scheme to get them over that first murder and show them how easy it is.

In short I have enough evil and manipulative plans to cover all these little problems. Plus evil scientists working on mind control tech.


New member
Jul 14, 2010
I would use none of the above. If it was up to me I would use the Winter Court of the Unseelie Fae from the Dresden Files. They are cold, calculating, and scarier then hell.


New member
Aug 29, 2011
Not zombies, but undead in general. I like skeletons more, they stink a bit less.
Also ghosts are always welcome and so are the undead dragons!


New member
May 1, 2012
My usual answer is clones. not clones of me but genetically constructed drones that follow me like bees follow their queen.
lots and lots of muscle packed guys, probably oiled and in loincloth who follow my every word without being able or wanting to resist...

cant trust damn robots after all...


New member
May 24, 2009
None of those; I want a horde of Redwall vermin. All those rats, weasels, ferrets, and foxes would make for the most adorable conquering army ever.

Smiley Face

New member
Jan 17, 2012
Alcamonic said:
I would personally go with a massive Jaffa army, but I will require a pyramidship (guns not necessary, just for cool-factor and "I AM YOUR GOD"-factor).
Basically I would walk around with my anti-bullet shield and yell "JAFFA! KREE!" and point in various different directions, possibly for them to do my dishes,cleaning and kill soldiers all with the same phrase. Marvelous!

They do however seriously lack jokes.
Oh my god, yes! You sir, have picked the right answer, which through cunning and guile, evidently wasn't on the poll. Jaffa Kree indeed.

Had I to choose one from the poll... not sure. I might pick the Stormtroopers and give them competent drill instructors and commanders, which would solve most of their problems - even just good commanders, really, since their weakness really seems to be with defense, they'd be good with a blitzkrieg. Hm... just thinking about all that has me itching to play Battlefront...

The runner up would be the Martians. If I was aware of the whole... was it bacteria or water that killed them? Anyways, countermeasures could be employed - and I would find out about it, since the first moves I would make with them would be to use them for intimidation and blackmail - not necessarily for conquest, because frankly, I don't want to ruin Earth by replacing it with all that red gunk - we'd set up base in... Russia, maybe?


New member
Mar 12, 2012
These poll options do not meet my needs. Your first choice has, of course, go to be Ninjas, but if they're not available then Agent Smiths should do the job nicely.


New member
Nov 18, 2009
The Cybermen present in the recent Clara episode in the amusement park. The instantly upgrading, time warping, no-nonsense OP bastards.


New member
Apr 20, 2009
OF the presented options? I'm going to have to go with the Urak-hai.

You never said I couldn't give them assault rifles.

The Event

New member
Aug 16, 2012
Imperial Stormtroopers.

Because everyone would underestimate them and incorrectly think them to be incompetent fools who can't shoot straight.

The Tantive IV - taken with only 3 casualties.
The escape from the Death Star - Vader & Tarkin wanted them to escape
They destroyed all but 3 of the rebel fighters that attacked the Death Star
Echo Base - taken with the loss of only 2 ATATs
And they were doing pretty well on Endor until Chewbacca turned their own tech against them.

The only people that the Galactic Empire can't defeat are the ones protected by hero armour.


New member
May 20, 2009
My army of cyborg samurai commandos, riding fire breathing, eight legged robot horses that shoot lasers from their eyes and fire mini nukes from their asses.


New member
Oct 14, 2009
My near infinite hordes of ruthless orcs shall lay waste to any army foolish enough to stop me.


New member
Nov 18, 2009
I'd probably go with the Minion army of the Overlord series. Sure I'd be little more than a pawn for an elder minion, certain to find someone to replace me once I get killed, the heroes thinking my death equates to their victory, thus giving him enough time to Find A Way, as it were, but going around killing, burning, and looting with a small army of brown, red, green, and blue goblin things is pretty good fun.

Alternatively, a swarm of giant, burning, tarantula-clown-wasps that explode on contact with their targets. The stingers, fangs, and seltzer bottles would all be just for show, I would have a colossal swarm of fiery, flying bombs around me at all times. This way, when the hero is pointing his weapon at me while I'm bleeding on the ground (Bad guys never win and all that, a rule I will respect) and asking if I have any last words, I can say "Yes. SWARM, TO ME!!" And blow us both to hell.


New member
Sep 18, 2010
saintpinhead said:
loc978 said:
Definitely stormtroopers... but only because they have the best equipment by far. Then I'd revamp their training regimen. I'm sure they've got the old pre-imperial training documents laying around somewhere. I'd take a bit of that and a bit of what I know to make them less a fear-dependent police force, more a military again.

Do I get the space-naval vessels that they're stationed on too?
Develop a airborne virus to only target their genes, that way if they step foot on out planet and breath our air they are dead. Next we will contaminate all of our water supply with this as well.
...so I don't get the ships, then? Because I was totally including the Death Star in that. Can't set foot on a planet? Fine, blow it up.