President Obama Links Videogames to Unhealthy Kids


New member
May 9, 2009
He has a point I'll give him that, but does he honestly think he'll get this entire generation of youths to drop the video game controllers and go outside for more than a day? I wouldn't think so, no. But I would say he shouldn't give up and I'm just glad he hasn't linked all video games to be evil like some journalists and certain media I could care to mention, thats right, I'm coming after YOU Glenn Beck of CNN...


New member
May 25, 2009
Underacheivment, really, I'm a big videogamer and yet I'm one of the smartest students in my entire class. I think ratinaly, I get high grades (except in language arts, but I dont care that a form can fit meaning or that I need to write 3rd person instead of 1st) and I acually understand why many people do things, including why us gamers play videogames. Videogames are a way to leave reality and expeirnce a fantacy, or a action experience that we may create without worrying about conciquences. The bad part about that is that many people can blur the reality of videogames and reality and not think befor they act because they can get so used to it. But videogames are not directly connected to underacheivment (as I said I'm very smart) or being overweight, it just depends how much time you invest in them, all you have to do is eat a little less and go for a bike ride on those sunny days and you've got yourself an easy way to stay in shape while still experiencing the thrill of killing and opponent or completing that quest. But in many ways videogames have acually helped me, they have shown me to not get extreamly excited about something so that I don't get dissapointed when it all goes wrong and this has led me to back up my thoughts and think about what is really a better choice wether it be buying annother game or annything els.

Sewer Rat

New member
Sep 14, 2008
Kwil said:
link670 said:
While he makes a fair point, telivision in general holds just about as much blame, stop singling out the gamers *goes back behind anti-politician bunker*
Not these days it doesn't. Traditional media (TV, Magazines, Newspapers) are losing the battle for viewership, especially among young people. Had you said "the internet", you would have been more correct.
My point is that they are singling out video games when there are so many other factors.


Cynical bastard
Dec 9, 2008
Video games don't make you unhealthy or bad in school... playing video games TOO MUCH does

Same with the whole 'meat is unhealthy for you' BS from those pretentious veggie/vegan idiots. No it's not, OVER EATING on meat is what's unhealthy.

Most of this stuff isn't unhealthy unless you overdo it. Geez.. NO common sense whatsoever

A random person

New member
Apr 20, 2009
Ginnipe said:
Underacheivment, really, I'm a big videogamer and yet I'm one of the smartest students in my entire class. I think ratinaly, I get high grades (except in language arts, but I dont care that a form can fit meaning or that I need to write 3rd person instead of 1st) and I acually understand why many people do things, including why us gamers play videogames.
Are you me?


New member
Mar 10, 2008
There is definately some truth to what Obama is saying, though that more applies to general things rather than video games in specific, which he did not single out.

Some of you are making a bigger deal than you really should be, the phrase "video games" gets tossed around in discussion more than we think and it usually just means entertainment in general.

Extremes in anything can be bad for ones health. Limiting video game time for your kids, such as using parental controls and such, can keep them in moderation. I mean, isn't that what we want parents to do? Actively engage in what their kids are doing and making sure they're not glued to it 24/7?


New member
May 25, 2009
pantsoffdanceoff said:
SirSchmoopy said:
Just as much as television or facebook/twitter. I understand his point but the idea of going outside and playing hopscotch just isn't as cool as playing EA's HOP SCOTCH CHAMPION 09.
I agree when I play sports in the "outside" game this water comes out of my skin and makes me smell bad, AND I have to stand up. I'd rather just play the game indoors, whilst sitting down.
And really, a Wii is NOT EXCERSIZE, if you get wet(AKA sweat) then take a shower. Anything that is on the Wii, no matter what it is is not excersize. Go play outside and play a real game, that is an easy way to stay healthy and still have a good experience. Plus compettativeness builds chairactor, if your not good try out different possitions. My coach told me to be on offence which I liked, but my athsma got in the way of me meeting my full potntial, so I switched myself to defence and now no one gets by me.


New member
Oct 22, 2008
What he says is probably true.

More importantly, however, why is this any of the president's business?


New member
Mar 10, 2008
link670 said:
My point is that they are singling out video games when there are so many other factors.
But...he's not.

"It means quitting smoking, going in for that mammogram or colon cancer screening. It means going for a run or hitting the gym, and raising our children to step away from the video games and spend more time playing outside."
Do you have any idea how often the phrase "video games" gets tossed around, and not in the controversial ones? It's just a broad phrase for "entertainment" really. How many times have you heard your parents tell you "Stop playing your video games and do something!" or whatever similar? Same idea here, video games aren't exactly the most productive things a kid could do is it?

"C'mon, move your ass a bit! Stop playing with your computer games!" is what my dad always says when he wants to antagonize me to get off the damn computer. It's just in general terms, it's not singling it out. More people need to read the damn article and use some comprehention skills.


New member
Jun 2, 2009
yeah to much gaming is bad for you but going outside and doing stuff is exhausting
so its easier to stay in and do something that you enjoy.


New member
Jun 8, 2009
Meh, i love being outdoors- especially adventure sports- but if its a rainy day then turning on the xbox and sittin down chattin with mates can be heaven.But considering i live in Britain then no wonder most of the population is fat! It never rains... It pours!


New member
Oct 18, 2008
As much as I love my 3 plastic smiles boxes, I have to admit, the man has a point. I think that the internet and the telly are just as much to blame though, check out the onion article from today (now THERE is a credible news source to quote...) which claims the people spend 90% of their waking hours staring at "glowing rectangles"... (and yes, I know that the onion is a parody news site, I get it, just in case my earlier parenthetical sarcasm was missed, but I don't think I can really argue with their numbers... maybe they are a bit high... but not all that far off the mark...)

Anyway, I think if Barak had said "video games, the internet and television", then everyone would have just said "well duh!" so he left a bit out so we'd all have something to talk about online instead of enjoying this beautiful day... HA!


New member
Jan 8, 2009
Meh, just sounds like what any doctor would say. Go outside everyone once in a while. He isn't attacking videos games by saying get rid of them, just cut back a little.