Most certainly there are a fair number of young people who start out as gaming enthusiasts who go on to become technologists. Some continue on to become inventors and when they do they start as a small company.
Just in case you didn't know all large companies start as small companies. In order to grow into a larger company, to hire additional people, do research, and perhaps bring out products they must receive compensation for their inventions.
The problem is that existing large companies often play school yard bullies and steal from the newer smaller companies.
When that happens the smaller company has to find someone to partner with to survive, someone who can help them extract fair compensation.
Companies like Microsoft and the rest of the Coalition for Patent Fairness are in my opinion much like organized crime. They are parasites on society at large. While some of us invent and in the process create jobs and tax base Piracy Coalition members steal, makes lots of money with our inventions, and produce a great deal of innovative public relations hype. While these companies cannot produce the inventions which they need to keep their customers happy they are very good a conning those customers into being accessories to blatant theft, to being accomplices of larceny on the grandest of scales.
Rather than resenting others' invention successes all of you should be striving to walk in their footsteps. Such a path is the greatest and most rewarding game of all!
Ronald J. Riley,
Speaking only on my own behalf.
President - - RJR at
Executive Director - - RJR at
Senior Fellow -
President - Alliance for American Innovation
Caretaker of Intellectual Property Creators on behalf of deceased founder Paul Heckel
Washington, DC
Direct (202) 318-1595 - 9 am to 9 pm EST.